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Everything posted by SPooCK

  1. Yep, I was fighting against him posting that, but I guess I lost the battle, so when a similar product is out for free the price of mine had to go down... I know people who wanted to invest for their servers to be unique, feel let down, but I couldn't stop Umod for approving it as he had not ripped off mine plugin, but just re-wrote it on his own based on his vision. I do believe this is ruining both mine and server owners business, but it was out of my control. If he takes down the Umod pluging, my price will go up again. Although he doesn't have all the feature I offer, hopefully that gives you some peace of mind.
  2. Most of your questions are answered in the description and within the provided config. I would please ask people to value mine and their time by reading the description before asking questions. To keep it short, the only feature that is missing from your question is the time limit you spoke of, and everything else is configurable in regards of, suicide/teleport (chat/console commands), and the item can be set up to be purchasable from a shop with console command, which is completely usable in RP and Non RP servers. Adding time period or option for the person to escape is being taken in consideration, and will probably surface as a feature when I get some free time. Thank You!
  3. Thank you for letting me know, the issue is now solved.
  4. SPooCK


    Are you constantly Raycasting whats infront of the player view, as you spoke of point sphere? If so, that could be taxing on server performance.
  5. Changes to the plugin from your questions: 3. Yes - You can now lock players through the console 4. Yes - The support for Kits was not needed, the customsation for clothes added in the plugin 5 . Yes - You have configurable option to change that 6. No - I do not plan to add this for now because of exploit issues and functionality Thanks.
  6. Well pretty much most of your questions are answered in the config, however I'll asnwer them here and include addition info for future clients. Yes - Configurable option to block any console command Yes - Players cannot move, use items or mount anything No - You cannot do that from the console Maybe - Yes I can add support for kits No - On player death players are uncuffed No - You cannot cuff offline players I'll look over and consider all your request and may add them soon into the plugin. Thanks.
  7. Version 1.2.14


    Lock Up the nasty players! Admins or players with permissions will have the ability to spawn handcuffs and use them to lock up victims or npc's while also giving them the ability to escort or loot their target. This system was heavily inspired by the Rustoria/OTV developers. Usage Equip the handcuff item in your belt and make sure it's selected, go near a player/npc and hold E button. Current Futures Include (check the config bellow as well) Support for permissions Handcuff item type, skin & stack are changeble Handcuffed player can be looted Handcuffed player can be escorted - By Foot - In Vehicle Ground/Air/Water - Dragged behind the Vehicle with adjustable distance NPCs can be handcuffed as well (all the above apply) Adjustable on handcuff time Option to cancel on spotted Option to escort the player floating or stick to ground Inventory slots can be locked on handcuffed Handcuff message changable Adjustable access to locked player Adjustable lock/cuff protection Configurable blocked Chat & Console commands for handcuffed players Handcuff item stack can be made unlimited Option to unlock player on warden death Option to keep victim locked on death Option to change victim clothes on handcuff More futures may be taken in consideration after they are suggested and discussed. Commands [Chat & Console] cuff _all|PlayerName|SteamID - Lock the target through a Server Console or F1 Console command (Admin Only) (Chat: /hcuffs | Console hcuffs) ~ ~ /hcuffs _self Amount - Give yourself handcuffs (Chat only) ~ /hcuffs PlayerName|SteamID Amount - Give the target player handcuffs ~ /hcuffs _all Amount - Give everyone in the server handcuffs (Admin Only) /lock - Lock|Unlock yourself :: Example Command for Server Rewards: hcuffs $player.id 1 API Check if target is Restrained Restrain Player - For self-restrain use player as attacker Unrestrain Player - save = Saves the player into the data, usually used when player disconnect - ride = Additional checks for players inside a vehicle Default Config Config is pretty much self explementary.
  8. You can find one here:


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