Version 1.0.14
Wanted Trilogy
1. Wanted Trilogy Chapter One 'Pay for Murder': Wanted Plugin
2. Wanted Trilogy Chapter Two "Base Raider": RaidMarker Plugin
3. Wanted Trilogy Chapter Three "Bounty" (In Development, Stay Tuned)
Wanted Plugin Rules:
Players are divided into three levels: Innocent Civilians, Yellow Card Wanted, and Red Card Wanted.
Players with a wanted time of 0 are Innocent Civilians. Those with a wanted time of up to 3 minutes are Yellow Card Wanted, and those with a wanted time greater than 3 minutes are Red Card Wanted.
Harming an Innocent Civilian will add 10 seconds to your wanted time.
Killing an Innocent Civilian will add 6 minutes to your wanted time.
Players who are Red Card Wanted (with a wanted time greater than 3 minutes) will appear on the map, and all players can see them. Players are encouraged to go and execute these wanted players on sight.
Harming or killing a wanted player will not result in any penalties or increase in wanted time; on the contrary, it is encouraged.
Inflicting damage on anyone within your own territory will not result in becoming wanted. Acting as a rooftop sniper and targeting distant enemies from within your own territory will not result in becoming wanted.
ChatCommand And ConsoleCommand(without /)
/ResetWanted SteamID/partial-nickname
Reset the wanted time of the specified player (requires administrator privileges)
Reset the wanted time of all players in the server (requires administrator privileges)
/SetWanted SteamID/partial-nickname WantedSeconds
Set the wanted time of the specified player (requires administrator privileges)
/AddWanted SteamID/partial-nickname WantedSeconds
Add the wanted time of the specified player (requires administrator privileges)
Show all wanted players (requires administrator privileges)
Config File
"Red Wanted Time (Seconds)": 180,
"Kill Penalty Time (Seconds)": 360,
"Harm Penalty Time (Seconds)": 30,
"Allow Broadcast Become A Red Wanted (true/false)": true,
"Allow Broadcast Kill A Red Wanted (true/false)": true,
"Allow Broadcast Kill A Yellow Wanted (true/false)": false,
"The wanted time be reduced after the player is killed, 0 means no reduction (Seconds)": 180,
"Wanted time resets after player dies (true/false)": false,
"Chat Prefix": "[Wanted]:",
"Chat Prefix color": "#00FFFF",
"Chat steamID icon": 0
Language File
"KillGoodMan": "You have been given an additional <color=red>{0}</color> seconds of wanted time for killing an innocent civilian!",
"YellowCardPunishment": "<color=green>{0}</color> has executed a yellow-carded criminal <color=green>{1}</color> on the spot, setting an example for all players!",
"RedCardPunishment": "<color=green>{0}</color> has executed a red-carded criminal <color=green>{1}</color> on the spot, setting an example for all players!",
"HarmPenalty": "You have been given an additional <color=red>{0}</color> seconds of wanted time for harming an innocent civilian!",
"AdminOnlyCommand": "Only administrators can execute this command!",
"WantedTimeReset": "The wanted time for player: {0} has been reset!",
"WantedTimeSet": "Player: {0}'s wanted time has been set to {1} seconds!",
"WantedTimeNotFound": "You need to specify the wanted duration for the player, format as /SetWanted SteamID WantedSeconds",
"PlayerNotFound": "Player: {0} not found!",
"MustSpecifySteamID": "You must specify the SteamID of the player whose wanted time you want to reset!",
"AllPlayersTimeReset": "The wanted time for all players has been reset!",
"RedCardAppeared": "<color=green>{0}</color> is now a red-carded criminal and has appeared on the map, watch out for their location!",
"WantedNotFound": "There are no players currently wanted!",
"WantedLevel": "WANTED",
"RedCard": "RED-WANTED",
"YellowCard": "YELLOW-WANTED",
"GoodMan": "innocent civilians",
"WantedResetAfterDies": "Your bounty has been cleared upon death!",
"WantedReducedAfterKilled": "Due to being killed, your wanted duration has been reduced by {0} seconds!"