it seems like people dont receive the "thank you" message & the plugin won't show in the global chat that somebody voted.
EasyVote config:
"Settings": {
"Enable logging => oxide/logs/EasyVote (true / false)": "true",
"Globally announcment in chat when player voted (true / false)": "true",
"Prefix": "<color=#00fff7>[EasyVote]</color>",
"Send thank you message to player who voted (true / false)": "true",
"Vote rewards cumulative (true / false)": "false"
Web request callback raised an exception (IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.)
at Oxide.Plugins.EasyVote.GaveRewards (BasePlayer player, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] rewardValue) [0x0002a] in :0
at Oxide.Plugins.EasyVote.RewardHandler (BasePlayer player, System.String serverName) [0x00230] in :0
at Oxide.Plugins.EasyVote.ClaimReward (System.Int32 code, System.String response, BasePlayer player, System.String url, System.String serverName) [0x0012e] in :0
at Oxide.Plugins.EasyVote+c__AnonStorey3.<>m__0 (System.Int32 code, System.String response) [0x0002e] in :0
at Oxide.Core.Libraries.WebRequests+WebRequest.b__42_0 () [0x00034] in :0
Is there anything else I have to configure? Or is it because of betterchat maybe?