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Everything posted by Goblox
Yes, you can disable TC zones; use the line that says "TC Zone Radius in meters - set zero to disable". If you set that to zero, TC zones are disabled. In fact, I believe this is a (clunky) path to get AgileZones to rebuild TC zones. If you set it to Zero and restart the plugin, I expect it to remove all TC zones, then you could reconfigure your TC zone parameters, set a non-zero TC Radius, restart the plugin, and it should rebuild all TC zones with the changes. ...not that this matters to you; it's just amusing that it only just occurred to me. I may be able to give users a path to be able to specify objects they want zones to be created for -- then, if sputnik creates an entity, we could use that name to generate a zone without setting up an entire integration. Unfortunately, by the time you count reconciliation to clean up possible orphaned zones, this might be slightly more involved than you would guess.
If you are only looking for "monuments" -- the ones that don't go anywhere -- you don't need AgileZones. ZoneManagerAutoZones will get you those (not counting the newest monuments like train tunnels and labs). Agile Zones would add pvp zones for Cargo Ship, Heli crashsite, and Air Drops if you want those. My implementation for moving zones is extremely performant. My main concern would be related to ZoneManager save performance on servers with many hundreds of Tool Cupboards-- I haven't tested it but I'm nervous saves could be slow with large numbers of zones for the way ZoneManager currently saves data.
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It just creates another zone. This works out pretty well because, if you are going to have external TCs or generally expand your base, the zone needs to expand. If you enable Domes then you'll see multiple domes. My biggest problem with that is that currently ZoneManager will notify you for each zone you leave. Which is why the default message is "Leaving a PVP Zone". For me, visible TC domes are a problem on a competitive server; you've got large beacons in the air pointing to a player's base. I'm probably going to turn visible domes off in the default config for Airdrops for the same reason; it makes them pretty easy to find. ...but they do look cool.
I wouldn't be intimidated by config files. To make the whole island PVE, and monuments PVP, you could drop ZoneManager, ZoneManagerAutoZones, and TruePVE onto the server and you're done. It doesn't matter how big the config files are because you don't have to open them or config anything. But my plugin won't do what you want without TruePVE or NextGenPVE. Without a PVE plugin, It will just make ZoneManager Zones. I did add support for ZoneFlags and PVE RuleSets this morning -- if I'm not mistaken, you could get your first idea (pvp everywhere except around player bases) by setting the "TC RuleSet" to "default" instead of "exclude", and then setting the TruePVE "Default RuleSet" to "exclude" instead of default. Sounds like you just need to get with someone to setup your config files... Or dive in and start editing. I think you'll be surprised by how easy it is. Edit the file, run "oxide.reload *" on RCON to reload your plugins, see if you got the result you want. Good luck.
I think I could add support for that under TruePVE without too much effort. This is sort of the opposite of the ask above. You could do it with default configs for ZoneManager, ZoneManagerAutoZones, and TruePVE. .... there will be config files present but you wouldn't have to change anything. Unfortunately AutoZones doesn't currently support a few of the newer monuments.
Originally I set out to manage PVP zones around player Tool Cupboards. I didn't become aware of DynamicPVP until I was looking to release AgileZones and after I had already added moving zones. It appears that Dynamic PVP exclusively handles "events" -- and not TCs? -- which I wasn't aware of when I decided to build out that feature. I suspect the unique selling point AgileZones brings beyond TC Zones is dependability: All zone types are reconciled on server as well as plugin restarts so there should be no orphaned or missing zones even after a crash. The pricing is pretty much based on a trip to McDonalds.
Version 1.1.14
AgileZones will create and remove ZoneManager zones around Player Bases as well as moving points of interest like CargoShip, Supply Drops, Bradley, Tugboats, and Heli-Crash sites. Great care has been taken to ensure the plugin does not impact server performance and that Zones are consistent and correct even after a server-crash. TruePVE (default) and NextGenPVE integration allows you to configure detailed rules for each zone type, e.g., Cargo Ship versus Supply Drops, with Rulesets and ZoneFlags. Add the ZoneManagerAutoZones plugin to generate ZoneManager zones around monuments and you've got a server-enforced hybrid PVP/PVE world. Add the ZoneDomes plugin for optional visible domes. Add the Zone PVx Info plugin to get whether the player is inside a PVP zone on the HUD. Set Entering and Leaving Zone messages to empty quotes ("") to disable them. Demo You should be able to find a demo server by searching modded servers for "AgileZones". Be sure to "Show Empty" servers. Default Configuration { "Enable TruePVE": true, "Enable NextGenPVE": false, "Enable ZoneDomes": true, "Enable ZoneDomes For TCs": false, "Enable ZoneDomes For SupplyDrops": true, "Enable ZoneDomes For Cargo": true, "Enable ZoneDomes For HeliCrash": true, "Enable ZoneDomes For BradleyAPC": true, "Enable ZoneDomes For Tugboats": false, "Visible Domes for Moving Zones Darkness (Default 1)": 1, "Delay creating a zone after placing a TC in seconds": 600.0, "Delay removing a zone after a TC is destroyed": 900.0, "TC Zone Radius in meters - set zero to disable": 50, "TC RuleSet": "exclude", "TC Zone Flags": null, "CargoShip Zone Radius in meters - set zero to disable": 125, "Cargo RuleSet": "exclude", "Cargo Zone Flags": null, "SupplyDrop Zone Radius in meters - set zero to disable": 50, "SupplyDrop RuleSet": "exclude", "Supply Drop Zone Flags": null, "Apc Zone Radius in meters - set zero to disable": 50, "Apc RuleSet": "exclude", "Apc Zone Flags": null, "HeliCrash Zone Radius in meters - set zero to disable": 50, "Heli RuleSet": "exclude", "Heli Zone Flags": null, "Tugboats Zone Radius in meters - set zero to disable": 50, "Tugboats RuleSet": "exclude", "Tugboats Zone Flags": null, "Entering Zone Message": "WARNING: You are now entering a PVP Zone", "Leaving Zone Message": "Leaving a PVP Zone", "Zone Tag (Adds this string to zone names)": "_PVP" } I recommend changing ZoneDomes Darkness to 1 (down from 5 by default) as well. Installation: Just Drop the .cs file into the oxide/plugins directory/folder. AgileZones can be installed on existing servers as easily as a fresh wipe, at any time. Existing Bases, SupplyDrops, CargoShips, Bradley, even Heli Crashsites will be handled and have zones created, no restart required. A config file will be generated in oxide/config where you can modify the default configuration. Use the admin only chat command "/ReloadTCs" to apply config changes to already created zones. Don't forget that config changes are not automatically loaded. You can "Oxide.Reload AgileZones" to load new config without restarting the server, and then use the /ReloadTCs chat command to apply those changes to existing zones. Future: This started as a 2 hour proof of concept for player-added PVP zones around TCs and ended up featuring-creeping it's way into weeks of work. There are still some things I'd like to add, but I wanted to get it out there, I hope this is a huge improvement for hybrid PVP servers. TODO: For now, you must modify the oxide/config/AgileZones.json file and reload the plugin. RCON Command: oxide.reload AgileZones ZoneManager doesn't handle overlapping zones very well; you'll receive a notification for each zone you leave which might be confusing when you are still inside a PVP zone. I'd like to improve on this and some other issues with ZoneManager. I didn't realize the ZoneManager license allowed for branching; I wouldn't have jumped through some of the hoops had I known. You can improve on this by setting Entering and Leaving zone messages to empty quotes (""), and installing the Zone PVx Info plugin which will put a UI element on the HUD instead.$15.00- 61 comments
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I've got a plugin (AgileZones) that I submitted last week at $15-- it's waiting on validation -- that creates ZoneManger zones around player TCs. It also creates moving PVP zones around CargoShip, Supply Drops, and Heli Crash-sites. It is intended for use with TruePVE or NextGenPVE, such that these are PVP zones around TCs, but I guess could configure the zones to do anything ZoneManager supports -- By default, it's just standard Rust rules within the zones, so raiding is allowed. ZoneManagerAutoZones will create your static zones around Monuments. Sphere shaped zones aren't a great match for Train Tunnels... and ZoneManagerAutoZones is missing some of the new monuments. I'll address these if AgileZones sells a few copies. I also plan to fixup the way ZoneManager handles overlapping zones. If you search for "AgileZones" in modded servers, you can try it out. Hopefully Codefling approves it? I'm not sure how long it usually takes.