thanks for the quick reply,
its an online server with fluid ram - actual 11GB, population is below 20. first I thought it was the missing ImageLibrary for staticlootable. but that did not fix it.
I had deactivated Zombies, with no effect.
Ich have the feeling, that the updates yesterday messed up a lot..... our test 3 days before where all successfull.
other plugins are
Adminhammer, Autodoors, Automated Workcarts, Backpacks, Better Scarecrows, Bradley guards, Building Block gui, Car Turrets, Clans, clan-team, Convoy, Copy Paste, CustomAutokits, Dangerous Treasures, Furnace Stopper, Guarded Crate, GuiAnnouncements, InfoPanel, Kits, LockMaster, No Green, Npcspawn, Plagued NPCs, Player Administration, Player Challenges, Quarry locks, Remover tool, Server Info, Sign artist, Simple Killfeed, Stacksize controller, Staticlootables, TC Extender, Timed Execute, True PVE, Vehicle Decay Protection, Vehicle deployed locks, Zlevels