Version 1.0.0
This plugin is an re-write of the free Google Analytics plugin on uMod ( that works with GA4.
Works with Google Analytics 4
Developer API for use in other plugins
Event queueing system to prevent rate-limiting
Fast and performant
"Debug": false, // Enables debug logging in the console.
"Measurement ID": "", // The measurement ID in your GA dashboard.
"API Secret": "", // Your API Secret from your GA dashboard.
"Client ID": "My Rust Server", // The server identifier in the events.
"Send Data Interval": 3.0, // How often queued events are processed.
"Analytics": {
"player_join": true,
"player_leave": true,
"player_pvp_death": true,
"player_chat": true,
"player_command": true,
"report_receive": true,
"player_buy_vending": true,
"player_kit_redeem": true
} // Enable and disable events (you can also add events from other plugins here). If an event isn't in this list, it will be enabled by default
Plugin developers can integrate events into their plugins using our API.
API Methods:
API_QueueAnalytic(Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string,object>> events, ulong? userId = null)
Example of queueing an event:
new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, object>>() // A list of events.
"kit_redeem", // The event name.
new Dictionary<string, object>() // Event parameters.
{ "kit_name", kitName }
userId // The user ID of a player (optional, should be set for events that involve a player).