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Everything posted by ziptie.entity

  1. Version 1.0.0


    This plugin is an re-write of the free Google Analytics plugin on uMod (https://umod.org/plugins/analytics) that works with GA4. Works with Google Analytics 4 Developer API for use in other plugins Event queueing system to prevent rate-limiting Fast and performant { "Debug": false, // Enables debug logging in the console. "Measurement ID": "", // The measurement ID in your GA dashboard. "API Secret": "", // Your API Secret from your GA dashboard. "Client ID": "My Rust Server", // The server identifier in the events. "Send Data Interval": 3.0, // How often queued events are processed. "Analytics": { "player_join": true, "player_leave": true, "player_pvp_death": true, "player_chat": true, "player_command": true, "report_receive": true, "player_buy_vending": true, "player_kit_redeem": true } // Enable and disable events (you can also add events from other plugins here). If an event isn't in this list, it will be enabled by default } Plugin developers can integrate events into their plugins using our API. API Methods: API_QueueAnalytic(Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string,object>> events, ulong? userId = null) Example of queueing an event: GAPlugin.Call("API_QueueAnalytic", new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, object>>() // A list of events. { { "kit_redeem", // The event name. new Dictionary<string, object>() // Event parameters. { { "kit_name", kitName } } } }, userId // The user ID of a player (optional, should be set for events that involve a player). );
  2. Thanks for the suggestion. At the moment, the poll does show when a player connects.
  3. ziptie.entity


    Version 1.1.0


    Polls is a plugin that allows you to receive feedback from your players via a GUI. When a player joins your server, if a poll is active, they will be presented by a GUI with the poll questions you set in the config. Alternatively, if they don't want to participate in the poll, they can close out of the GUI. Run polls for a specified amount of time. Store poll results in a file. Send poll results to Discord via a webhook. /startpoll <duration> - Start a poll using the settings in the config file. /stoppoll - Stop the active poll and store the results. polls.start - Allows the player to start and stop polls Below is a config for Polls that was used on my own server. { "Chat Options": { "ChatColor": "#3aaa45", "ChatPrefix": "Polls: " }, "Discord Options": { "Send embed to Discord when the poll ends": true, "Webhook URL": "REDACTED" }, "Questions": [ { "Answers (MAX 7)": [ "Procedural", "Barren", "Custom PVP Map" ], "Question": "What map should be used for Central?" }, { "Answers (MAX 7)": [ "Yes", "No" ], "Question": "Should we add more kits?" }, { "Answers (MAX 7)": [ "Yes", "No", "Yes, but only within marked grids" ], "Question": "Should you be allowed to build over water again?" } ], "Debug": false } If you need support, want to find all of my other plugins, or just talk, feel free to join my Discord @ https://discord.gg/4ahpdSBThj


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