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Everything posted by COLD2000
The message appears with the command, for example c.grant user %steamid% raidprotection.level.2
Failed to execute OnFrame callback (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at ulong Oxide.Plugins.RaidProtection+ProtectedEntity.get_FounderUserId() in /home/container/carbon/plugins/RaidProtection.cs:line 2968 at bool Oxide.Plugins.RaidProtection+ProtectedEntity.get_HasFounder() in /home/container/carbon/plugins/RaidProtection.cs:line 3017 at List<ProtectedEntity> Oxide.Plugins.RaidProtection+ProtectedCupboardManager.GetCupboardsForFounder(ulong userId)+(ProtectedEntity x) => { } in /home/container/carbon/plugins/RaidProtection.cs:line 2842 at List<ProtectedEntity> System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereEnumerableIterator<Oxide.Plugins.RaidProtection+ProtectedEntity>.ToList() at List<ProtectedEntity> System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<ProtectedEntity>(IEnumerable<ProtectedEntity> source) at List<ProtectedEntity> Oxide.Plugins.RaidProtection+ProtectedCupboardManager.GetCupboardsForFounder(ulong userId) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/RaidProtection.cs:line 2842 at void Oxide.Plugins.RaidProtection.UpdatedPermission(string id)+() => { } in /home/container/carbon/plugins/RaidProtection.cs:line 4352 at void Carbon.Managers.CarbonProcessor.Update() in /home/runner/work/Carbon/Carbon/Carbon.Core/Carbon/src/Processors/CarbonProcessor.cs:line 63
* Failed Plugins (2) Line Stacktrace AutoHover.cs 243:47 Cannot implicitly convert type 'IFuelSystem' to 'EntityFuelSystem'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)
Loaded plugin CraftMenu v1.1.31 by David [155ms] Failed to call internal hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'CraftMenu v1.1.31' [1330569572] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at void Oxide.Plugins.CraftMenu.ImageQueCheck() in /home/container/carbon/plugins/CraftMenu.cs:line 1527 at void Oxide.Plugins.CraftMenu.OnServerInitialized() in /home/container/carbon/plugins/CraftMenu.cs:line 55 at object Oxide.Plugins.CraftMenu.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in CraftMenu.cs/Internal:line 396
If a player is online, it is not recognized that he is online as shown in the picture. Player chantal is online in the example on the picture. We use on the server CARBON in version v1.2024.1088.2616
Hi OK Nein ich habe es heute erst installiert. Der Spieler ist nicht online. Ich habe es an einigen Basen versucht. Immer wenn der Spieler nicht online ist kommt die Meldung mit 0D:0H:0M am Ende also ohne Zeit.
Everyone only sees 0D:0H:0M when a player is offline. Do you have a tip for me as to what the problem could be? All players have the authorization offlineraidprotection.protect + offlineraidprotection.check In the attachment the config from me and the LastOnlineData. Thank you for your effort. LastOnlineData.json OfflineRaidProtection.json
super thanks
Unfortunately, the two skills do not work. Below my config. I do not use uMod-Oxide I use CARBON thanks for the help { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Type": "Cloth", "ID (for None)": 0, "Image": "https://i.ibb.co/6tvGfSP/5fixMch.png", "Title": "Cannabispflücker", "Description": "Es ist für das Sammeln von Stoffen zuständig.\nWenn Sie die Fertigkeit erlernen, erhöht sich die Rate", "Shortname": "", "Stages": { "1": { "Permission (ex: skills.vip)": "", "Cost": 150.0, "Value [metabolism - value, for everyone else %]": 133.0, "Value 2": 0.0, "Commands": [], "Groups": [], "Permissions": [], "Required skill stages": [] }, "2": { "Permission (ex: skills.vip)": "", "Cost": 300.0, "Value [metabolism - value, for everyone else %]": 164.0, "Value 2": 0.0, "Commands": [], "Groups": [], "Permissions": [], "Required skill stages": [] }, "3": { "Permission (ex: skills.vip)": "", "Cost": 600.0, "Value [metabolism - value, for everyone else %]": 200.0, "Value 2": 0.0, "Commands": [], "Groups": [], "Permissions": [], "Required skill stages": [] } } }, ------------------------ { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Type": "Gather", "ID (for None)": 3490432, "Image": "https://i.ibb.co/J26dBz9/D8RsOS3.png", "Title": "Sammler", "Description": "Es ist für das Pflücken von Blaubeeren zuständig.\nWenn Sie die Fertigkeit erlernen, erhöht sich die Rate", "Shortname": "blue.berry|red.berry|white.berry|yellow.berry|green.berry|black.berry", "Stages": { "1": { "Permission (ex: skills.vip)": "", "Cost": 150.0, "Value [metabolism - value, for everyone else %]": 133.0, "Value 2": 0.0, "Commands": [], "Groups": [], "Permissions": [], "Required skill stages": [] }, "2": { "Permission (ex: skills.vip)": "", "Cost": 300.0, "Value [metabolism - value, for everyone else %]": 164.0, "Value 2": 0.0, "Commands": [], "Groups": [], "Permissions": [], "Required skill stages": [] }, "3": { "Permission (ex: skills.vip)": "", "Cost": 600.0, "Value [metabolism - value, for everyone else %]": 200.0, "Value 2": 0.0, "Commands": [], "Groups": [], "Permissions": [], "Required skill stages": [] } } }, Skills.json
Hi is it possible to specify a function with a button. Example ON = chat.say/ammohud toggle ON OFF = chat.say/ammohud toggle OFF How can I specify this in the config? "Command": "chat.say ???", Is it possible with a button? Thanks for your effort have a nice day
Hi, is it possible in the example below that the protection only lasts for 24h or 48h. But without costs? If not, is it possible to include this? { "Rank": 1, "Online protection percentage (0-100)": 50.0, "Offline protection percentage (0-100)": 100.0, "Hourly cost per authorized player": 0.0, "Hourly cost per floor": 0.0, "Hourly base cost": 0.0, "Cost per damage protected": 0.0, "Max protection time (hours)": null, "Delay for offline protection (seconds)": 5, "Delay after taking damage (seconds)": 10, "Damage resets timer when owner is offline": true, "Allow tugboat protection": true, "Founder Limit": null }, Thanks for your effort it has become such a really nice plugin nice work. Please excuse my bad english. Thank you I wish you a nice day.
how can I get to your discord? I can't find it with "mevent"
OK, great, thank you very much, I still have time until the WIPE Also thank you for getting in touch so quickly. <3
I use skills.wipe but unfortunately the permission is not taken back so it is removed. example "Permissions": [ "backpacks.use", "backpacks.gui", "backpacks.size.6" ], Is there a solution that I missed? Thanks for an info
Danke Fehler ist schon behoben neues Update
/home/container/carbon/plugins/OfflineRaidProtection.cs 1. Argument 1: cannot convert from 'System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<ProtoBuf.PlayerNameID>' to 'in System.Collections.Generic.List<ProtoBuf.PlayerNameID>' [CS1503] (50 line 976)
/home/container/carbon/plugins/Skills.cs 1. There is no argument given that corresponds to the required parameter 'isInTutorial' of 'ItemCrafter.GetScaledDuration(ItemBlueprint, float, bool)' [CS7036] (32 line 2895)