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Welcome UI Controller 2.0.8

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About Welcome UI Controller

Welcome "UI" controller is a multi-function info panel!

- Supports multiple plugins to be directly integrated. Linked in the optional dependencies! 

- Add permissions to access different pages
- Optionally, you can set a page that has a permission to not show on the button list at all
  or you can set it to show a no permission page (You can make it say whatever you want)
- Change the layout of the buttons
- Add images to each button
- Add multiple commands to access each page

- Edit, add, and delete your info panels and or integrated plugins directly from the editor UI.
- Apply a color theme INSTANTLY to ALL your integrated plugins with one simple click!
- Running a command auto loads you into the correct page on the info panel, even if it's an addon.
- Create infinite tabs for different pages.
- You can do really anything you can think of!

- In game editor for all your UI needs.
  - Add new panels
  - Clone panels
  - Change load orders of panels
  - Change the look in every way of a panel
  - Add an image and or text to ANY panel you want to
  - Easily move the UI with buttons or input numbers within the UI

- When you're reading this, there might be even more themes available!
Theme1.PNG.6d18206f7c98ecc40e1b1cab2a888cb7.PNG Theme2.PNG.bf8ad34b999cd650194454141f5e28da.PNG Theme3.PNG.8e08fcd469d71233fe49d3f716c41da0.PNG

- Images are pictures of the "Original" theme and show some of the optional addons and built in editor.
WCEditor1.PNG.a5e432bb1fd067dccfb4edd2dc0666a9.PNG WCEditor2.PNG.9a5e7a60f4f81d1c6a14656ef0daa889.PNG WCEditor3.PNG.c87d6ed7e8bfd08f6d43c5e279d3f832.PNG 

WCEditor4.PNG.90e610c16323d6969a413e704be69751.PNG Pic1.PNG.cb0904246584280f42e9fc257a43898b.PNG Pic2.PNG.cfdb08a6f377082ed12ce86bbb79150f.PNG 

Pic3.PNG.6282081ef13e6b9d7a919c606bdd0456.PNG Pic4.PNG.dd8158ac97a5139eda83815d6a06717c.PNG Pic5.PNG.bf48355b04592713dfae989d78f69fb4.PNG


ADMIN PERMISSION: welcomecontroller.admin
Editor page: /welcomeedit
Theme Selector: /welcomethemes

Support? Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Message me in my Discord! https://discord.gg/RVePam7pd7


-> bool IsUsingPlugin(string pluginName)

-> void OnWCRequestedUIPanel(BasePlayer player, string panelName, string neededPlugin)
  - This is called when an addon is trying to be accessed for WelcomeController.
  - Make sure you do a simple check that the needed plugin is the plugin you're working in.
  - I recommend making the plugin name that you check for, the name of the CS file.
	- If neededPlugin == yourPlugin, open your UI, attach it to "panelName".


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