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VendingPromo 1.0.0

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About VendingPromo

Allow your players to advertise their shops beautifully, instead of spamming the chat


😀 User-Friendly Advertisement System
Allows players to advertise their shops using a clean and visually appealing GUI, preventing chat spamming

👥 Queue System for Ads
Manages a queue for advertisements, ensuring they are shown sequentially and do not overlap

⚙️ Configurable Ad Settings
Offers customizable configuration for ad duration, delay between ads, and pricing strategies (e.g., fixed, per second, or based on the number of online players)

⏰ Timeout Management
Implements timeouts to prevent players from frequently publishing ads, thus reducing spam and maintaining a balanced environment

💵 Scrap-Based Pricing
Utilizes scrap as currency for purchasing ad space, with dynamic pricing options based on advertisement duration and server population

🏦 Refund Mechanism
Provides refunds for queued ads if the ad cannot be displayed, ensuring fair transactions

🥰 Enhanced Player Experience
Displays shop items and owner information in the ad GUI, giving potential buyers a comprehensive view before visiting

➡️ Pagination for Multiple Shops
Enables players to scroll through multiple vending machines with pagination, making it easy to manage and select shops for advertisement

🚨 Fail-Safe Mechanisms
Includes error handling for invalid inputs, such as non-existent shop IDs, and provides user feedback when issues are detected

🖥️ Integration with Rust's UI System
Leverages Rust's CUI framework to display custom panels and elements, aligning with the game's aesthetics and user interface guidelines


  "Core": {
    "Player timeout publish ad in sec": 5.0,
    "Delay between ads in ms": 1000,
    "Default ad duration in ms": 5000,
    "Price type": 2, // 0 - fixed, 1 - per second, 2 - per player per second
    "Price": 100
  "SelectShop": {
    "Title": "Advertise your shop",
    "You have no shops": "You have no shops",
    "Arrow left icon URL": "https://imagedelivery.net/OGoHXxCAuVAAYmNuksOgig/fa36089f-d5ba-44f0-2c85-c26ce4354400/public",
    "Arrow right icon URL": "https://imagedelivery.net/OGoHXxCAuVAAYmNuksOgig/e4bef6f0-842e-406c-4d8c-7795f26b2a00/public",
    "Close button text": "Cancel"
  "AdConfig": {
    "Ad headline": "Checkout this store",
    "Ad background color": "0.06 0.37 0.37 0.95",
    "Ad icon URL": "https://wiki.rustclash.com/img/items180/vending.machine.png",
    "Ad map icon URL": "https://imagedelivery.net/OGoHXxCAuVAAYmNuksOgig/50aa23ad-c969-4a94-6a85-30d39ff43200/Test"
  "PublishAdConfig": {
    "No money message": "You don't have enough scrap",
    "Publish button text": "Advertise",
    "Shop not found message": "Shop not found",
    "Message on success payment": "Ad published for {0} scrap",
    "Message on publish timeout": "You cannot advertise this frequently. {0} seconds remaining",
    "Message on ad added to queue": "Ad added to queue. Queue position: {0}",
    "Price text": "Price: {0} scrap"

Coming in the next release:

  • Various style options for ads
  • Option the allow users to add a personalized message
  • Add option to hide ads for VIP or Premium players
  • Integration with other plugins, such as Economics


Chat commands
/promo - Open select shop UI

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