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About ZoneRules
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Zone Rules. is a plugin base for RolePlay servers and is use for identifying your town with
a beautiful UI on the side of the screen displaying build rules for town
when they leave it will disappear..
hit. to make the name on the panel a different color uses
`<color=#F59C01>Your text here</color>`
config preview:
{ "DisplayDuration": 10.0, "ZoneMessages": { "zone1": "<color=#cc03d6>Welcome to ServerName Town!</color>\nhere you can add your own text and \nrules \n1.Here \n2.Here \n3.Here", "zone2": "Zone 2 has strict rules. Read them carefully!" } }
preview of one with a Zone id
{ "DisplayDuration": 10.0, "ZoneMessages": { "34929664": "<color=#cc03d6>Welcome to ServerName Town!</color>\nhere you can add your own text and \nrules \n1.Here \n2.Here \n3.Here", "zone2": "Zone 2 has strict rules. Read them carefully!" } }