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About Supply Crate

A new supply signal which spawns a hackable crate instead of a supply drop from a ch47.



  • A new item which can be thrown like a supply signal
  • Different types of crate arrival settings
  • Make a ch47 drop the crate at the players position
  • Crate loot configuration
  • Crate signal spawn configuration



supplycrate.use - Allows the player to throw the signal
supplycrate.admin - Allows the player to access the admin commands

Be careful of where you grant the admin permission. If you grant it to the wrong group/person they can give themselves the crate signal.



The main command can be configured.


/sc help - Sends a help message.

/sc give {name} - Gives a player the signal.

/sc giveall - Gives all current players in the server a supply signal.



You can use any of these containers to spawn the signal:

dm ammo
dm c4
dm construction resources
dm construction tools
dm food
dm medical
dm res
dm tier1 lootbox
dm tier2 lootbox
dm tier3 lootbox



This file can be edited in the Oxide Lang > en folder. 

  "Error.InvalidSignal": "Supply crate signal invalid!",
  "Error.InvalidSyntax": "Invalid syntax!",
  "Error.UnableToFindPlayer": "{0}, was not found!",
  "Info.AdminHelp": "Commands: \n \n - /{0} help \n - /{0} give \n - /{0} giveall",
  "Info.OnCall": "{0}, has called in a supply crate!",
  "Warning.NoPermission": "You don't have the permissions to use this command!",
  "Warning.NoPermissionForSignal": "You don't have the permsission to use this item!",
  "Info.Refunded": "Your crate signal has been refunded!",
  "Info.Ch47CalledIn": "{0}, Ch47 is delivering a supply drop!",
  "Warning.ToMuchCh47": "There are to much Ch47's. Please wait!",
  "Info.GivenCrateSignal": "You have given {0} a supply crate signal",
  "Info.GivenSelfCrateSignal": "You have given yourself a supply crate signal",
  "Info.GaveAllSignal": "{0} gave everyone a supply crate signal",
  "st_ordinal": "st",
  "nd_ordinal": "nd",
  "rd_ordinal": "rd",
  "th_ordinal": "th"



This file can be edited in the Oxide > Config folder.

  "Signal Settings": {
    "Crate signal name": "Crate Signal",
    "Skin ID": 2852289900
  "General Settings": {
    "Crate unlock time": 900,
    "Crate despawn time": 7200,
    "Crate auto countdown": true,
    "Create a sphere/dome": false,
    "Make a beep sound when a crate is coming in": false,
    "Make a beep sound to everyone": false
  "Chat Settings": {
    "Chat prefix": "Supply Crate »",
    "Chat prefix colour": "#FF6A13",
    "Broadcast a message when someone calls in a crate": true
  "Commands": {
    "Supply crate command": "sc"
  "Crate Arrival Settings": {
    "CH47 Settings": {
      "Use ch47": false,
      "Max ch47's at once": 5,
      "Max X distance to spawn": 500,
      "Max Y distance to spawn": 500,
      "Max Z distance to spawn": 500,
      "Effects to play on crate spawn": [
      "Effects to play on crate land": [
    "Spawn Crate Settings": {
      "Spawn crate above player": true,
      "Meters above the player to spawn the crate": 20,
      "Crate drag": 1,
      "Effects to play on crate spawn": [
      "Effects to play on crate land": [
  "Loot Management Settings": {
    "Crate Siganl Spawn Settings": {
      "Spawn crate signals randomly": true,
      "Containers": {
        "heli_crate": {
          "Min Amount": 1,
          "Max Amount": 1,
          "Spawn Chance": 5
        "crate_elite": {
          "Min Amount": 1,
          "Max Amount": 1,
          "Spawn Chance": 5
        "crate_tools": {
          "Min Amount": 1,
          "Max Amount": 1,
          "Spawn Chance": 5
    "Crate Loot Table": {
      "Use custom loot table": false,
      "Loot table": {
        "Min amount of items inside the crate": 6,
        "Max amount of items inside the crate": 12,
        "Randomize max slots": false,
        "Item List": [
            "Item Name": "",
            "Item Shortname": "lmg.m249",
            "Item Skin ID": 0,
            "Item Min Amount": 1,
            "Item Max Amount": 1
            "Item Name": "",
            "Item Shortname": "rifle.ak",
            "Item Skin ID": 0,
            "Item Min Amount": 1,
            "Item Max Amount": 1
            "Item Name": "",
            "Item Shortname": "rifle.lr300",
            "Item Skin ID": 0,
            "Item Min Amount": 1,
            "Item Max Amount": 1


Configuration Explanation:

Signal Settings:

     Crate signal name: The name of the crate signal.

     Skin ID: The icon of the crate signal.


General Settings:

     Crate unlock time: The seconds it takes to completely finish hacking the crate.

     Crate despawn time: The seconds it takes to despawn the crate.

     Crate auto countdown: When the crate is dropped auto hack it.

     Make a beep sound when a crate is coming in: A beep sound which notifies the user that they dropped the crate/it is incoming.

     Make a beep sound to everyone: Makes the beep sound to everyone when someone drops a crate. "Make a beep sound when a crate is coming in" MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS TO WORK.


Chat Settings:

     Chat prefix: The chat prefix to indicate to the player what plugin it is.

     Chat prefix colour: The colour of the chat prefix.

     Broadcast a message when someone calls in a crate: The message which is messaged to everyone when someone spawns in a crate.



     Supply crate command: The main command of the plugin.


Crate Arrival Settings (Ch47 Settings):

     Use ch47: Use the ch47 for crate delivery instead of spawning it on top of a player.

     Max ch47's at once: Max ch47s on the map at any given time. If a player tries to throw a signal past the set amount it will not allow them.

     Max X distance to spawn: The max X distance the ch47 can spawn.

     Max Y distance to spawn: The max Y distance the ch47 can spawn.

     Max Z distance to spawn: The max Z distance the ch47 can spawn.

     Effects to play on crate spawn: The effects which will be played on spawn of the crate.

     Effects to play on crate land: The effects which will be played on land of the crate.


Crate Arrival Settings (Spawn Crate Settings):

     Spawn crate above player: Spawn the crate above the player

     Meters above the player to spawn the crate: The Y distance the crate will spawn on top of the player

     Crate drag: How fast/slow the crate drops. Lower the number the faster it is the higher the slower

     Effects to play on crate spawn: The effects which will be played on spawn of the crate.

     Effects to play on crate land: The effects which will be played on land of the crate.


Loot Management (Crate Signal Spawn Settings):

     Spawn crate signals randomly: Allow the signal to spawn randomly in the set containers below

     Containers: Sub menu: (Keep in mind you can set the name of the container you would like it to spawn in "crate_elite".)

          Min Amount: The minimum amount of crate signal to spawn.

          Max Amount: The maximum amount of crate signal to spawn.

          Spawn Chance: The spawn chance of the crate signal 0 - 100.


Loot Management (Crate Loot Table):

     Use custom loot table: 

     Loot Table: Sub menu:

          Min amount of items inside the crate: The minimum amount of slots the crate will have

          Max amount of items inside the crate: The maximum amount of slots the crate will have

          Randomize max slots: Randomize the slot amount between min and max amount.


Loot Management (Item List):

          Item Name: The name of the item 

          Item Shortname: The shortname of the item

          Item Skin ID: The skin id (icon) of the item

          Item Min Amount: The minimum amount of the item to spawn

          Item Max Amount: The maximum amount of the item to spawn

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