About Spawn Bike
1: If the Where is my horse plugin is broken, you can now use the new Spawn Bike plugin instead
2: The plugin supports configuring via CONFIG and LANG
3: This plugin was written with the help of artificial intelligence.
/bike - Spawn Bike
/motorbike - Spawn Motor Bike
/motorbikesidecar - Spawn Motor Bike Side Car
"Spawn": {
"Distance": 3.0,
"DisableDespawnTimer": false,
"VehicleDespawnTimes": {
"bike": 300,
"motorbike": 600,
"motorbike_sidecar": 900
"Restrictions": {
"AllowInsideBuilding": false
"Vehicles": {
"Types": {
"bike": {
"Command": "bike",
"MaxVehicles": 10,
"UnlimitedVehicles": false
"motorbike": {
"Command": "motorbike",
"MaxVehicles": 5,
"UnlimitedVehicles": false
"motorbike_sidecar": {
"Command": "motorbikesidecar",
"MaxVehicles": 3,
"UnlimitedVehicles": false
"ShowRemainingCount": true
"Cooldown": {
"Disabled": false,
"VehicleCooldowns": {
"bike": 30.0,
"motorbike": 45.0,
"motorbike_sidecar": 60.0
"VehicleHealth": {
"EnableCustomHealth": false,
"VehicleHealthValues": {
"bike": 250.0,
"motorbike": 500.0,
"motorbike_sidecar": 750.0
LANG { "NoPermission": "<color=#FF4C4C>Error:</color> You don't have permission to spawn {0}!", "InsideBuilding": "<color=#FF4C4C>Warning:</color> You can't spawn a vehicle inside a building!", "Cooldown": "<color=#FFA500>Wait:</color> Please wait <color=#32CD32>({0})</color> seconds before spawning another {1}!", "MaxVehiclesReached": "<color=#FF4C4C>Limit Reached:</color> You have reached the maximum number of {0} allowed!", "RemainingVehicles": "<color=#32CD32>Remaining {0}:</color> You can spawn ({1}) more!", "DespawnTimer": "<color=#FFD700>Notice:</color> This {0} will despawn in <color=#FF6347>({1})</color> minutes!", "VehicleHealthSet": "<color=#32CD32>Health Set:</color> {0} spawned with ({1}) health points!" }