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Sleeping Bag Tracker 1.0.3

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About Sleeping Bag Tracker

Simple plugin which tracks sleeping bags being assigned to players outwith the current players team. 

New in this version:

  • Clans Integration: Sleeping bag notifications are now suppressed when players assign bags to fellow clan members.

Core Features:

  • Teaming Control: Prevent unauthorized alliances in Rust with a plugin that sends alerts when players assign sleeping bags or beds to those not on their team.
  • Discord Integration: Receive instant notifications on Discord via a webhook
  • Player Identification: Each alert includes direct links to the involved players' Steam profiles and Battlemetrics information, allowing for easy identification and background checks.
  • Location Tracking: The plugin also provides teleport coordinates, helping admins locate the exact in-game spot of the assigned item.
  • Time-Stamped Records: All notifications are time-stamped, ensuring that admins have a chronological record of teaming incidents.
  • Battlemetrics Link: Each report is provided with battlemetrics link for both the bag assigner and assignee of the bag for further investigation 


  "Log To Console": true,
  "Log To Discord": false,
  "Discord Webhook URL": "https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks",


rogder dodger's Collection

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