About Siren
Add some excitement to your Rust server with the Siren plugin! This plugin lets you play a loud siren sound that all players can hear, perfect for creating intense moments in the game.
Key Features:
- Siren Command: Players with the appropriate permissions can activate the siren using a simple console or chat command.
- Customizable Siren Duration: Easily set the duration for how long the siren should play.
- Configurable Sound Path: Change the siren sound to fit the theme of your server by specifying a different sound path.
- Notification System: Enable or disable notifications that alert players when the siren is triggered.
- Permission-Based Usage: Ensure only authorized players can activate the siren using the siren.use permission.
1. Play Siren:
- Console: siren
- Chat: /siren
2. Set Siren Duration:
- Console: siren.setduration <duration>
3. Set Siren Sound Path:
- Console: siren.setsound <soundpath>
4. Set Notification Message:
- Console: siren.setnotification <message>
5. Enable/Disable Notification:
- Console: siren.enablenotification <true|false>
- The plugin’s configuration is highly customizable, allowing you to tailor it to your server’s needs. The default configuration includes:
- Command to trigger the siren: "siren"
- Default siren duration: 15.0 seconds
- Default siren sound path: "assets/prefabs/io/electric/other/alarmsound.prefab"
- Default notification message: "The siren has been triggered!"
- Notifications enabled: true
- Debug mode: false
- Place the Siren plugin in your oxide/plugins directory.
- Start your Rust server to generate the default configuration file.
- Modify the configuration file located at oxide/config/Siren.json to suit your preferences.
- Reload the plugin to apply the new configuration.
- siren.use: Grants permission to use the siren command.