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ServerSync 0.0.8

   (2 reviews)
Message added by BippyMiester,


This product is now at the beginning of the End of Life process.

What is the End of Life Process?
We will continue to support this product for the next 30 days from the date listed below. After that all support requests will be denied. We have also disabled purchases so that no one can buy the file from here on out.

You can receive a free copy of this product AFTER the End of Life process + another 30 days. You will have 3 days to claim this free copy, which is still under the same license agreement. You can do so by creating a ticket in my Discord Server. (Click on the big image at the top of the description tab) After those 3 days, this file will cease to exist in all forms, including Github.

Start Date of EoL Process: 1/13/2025

End Date of EoL Process: 2/13/2025 @ 11:59PM EST

Start of Free Copy Giveaway: 3/13/2025 @ 12:01AM EST

End of Free Copy Giveaway: 3/16/2025 @ 11:59PM EST

1 Screenshot

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About ServerSync



This plugin takes server synchronization to the next level! You can sync your permissions and groups from a master server, without having to worry about players not getting ranks or permissions on another server in your network.


The plugin needs to have one master server. Only enable the "Set Server As Master" option in the config file for one of your servers. Once the server is set as master, any changes made on that master server will be uploaded/removed from the database. This is useful so that if you're running a Tip4Serv or Tebex store, you only have to execute that command on one server and not all of them.

Highly suggest that you enable all the sync settings, however in some edge cases, you should disable the "Sync on Server Quit/Stop" if you have a massive amount of permissions and groups and users. Currently working on this functionality right now and improving performance.

This plugin will only support a MySQL database.


  • ss.servercheck - Checks the status of the master/slave mode
  • ss.uploadgroups - Uploads all groups and group permissions into the database. This also uploads the title, rank, and parent of the groups.
  • ss.uploadplayers - Uploads all players and player permissions into the database.
  • ss.uploadall - Uploads groups and players
  • ss.downloadgroups - Downloads all groups and group permissions from the database. This also downloads the title, rank, and parent of the groups.
  • ss.downloadplayers - Downloads all players and player permissions into the database.
  • ss.downloadall - Downloads all groups and players
  • ss.wipedata - Clears the database of all data
  • ss.wipedata <table> - Wipes the specific table's data. The allowed values are:
    • serversync_groups
    • serversync_group_permissions
    • serversync_players
    • serversync_player_groups
    • serversync_player_permissions



  "Debug Settings": {
    "Debug Enabled?": "false",
    "Enable Verbose Debugging? (READ DOCUMENTATION FIRST!)": "false"
  "Plugin Settings": {
    "Enable logging => logs/PermissionSync (true / false)": "true",
    "Chat Prefix": "<color=#e67e22>[PermissionSync]</color> ",
    "Set this server as the MASTER server? (Only One Server Should Be Set As MASTER)": "true"
  "Sync Settings": {
    "Enable Automatic Sync?": "true",
    "Sync on Server Start?": "true",
    "Sync on Server Quit/Stop?": "true",
    "Sync Groups?": "true",
    "Sync Group Permissions?": "true",
    "Sync Players?": "true",
    "Sync Player Groups?": "true",
    "Sync Player Permissions?": "true"
  "MySQL Settings": {
    "IP Address": "",
    "Port": "3306",
    "Database Name": "DatabaseName",
    "Username": "username",
    "Password": "password"


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