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Rust GPT 1.7.7

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Posted (edited)

OK apparently I am a moron, because suddenly I am no longer having paragraphs.

Now the fun project of finishing the migration of all my changes to the new version lol


Edited by Tbird412

Posted (edited)

Hello, how you doing? Perfect Plugin, thank you for letting us have it!
I have a question: I've updated to the new version but the message that you dont have perms has gone, any ideias? I tryed to do it a clean install but didnt happen too

Have a great day!

Edited: I found the problem, i got a downgrade istead xD I know why you did it now, no problem, i have backups anyway. Hope you find a way for the fix! Good luck

Edited by DeltaEremita


@Covfefe can you start a support thread so I can better help you?


Posted (edited)

Hello, I don't know what happen, but after the new update, Gpt is not answer anymore, the cooldown message show up, and when we reload, the version etc show up, but when we ask something, nothing happens, any idea?


This show up on console:

[RustGPT] The remote server returned an error: (429) Too Many Requests.
[RustGPT] There was an issue with the API request. Check your API key and API Url. If problem persists, check your usage at OpenAI.

I did put credits, but even dought, nothing changed

I did created a new api key, but that didn't help too

Edited 2:

The problem is that I need to wait a little after the payment, everything working fine now


Edited by DeltaEremita


Is there a way to make it ignore commands from team chat and only reply to global chat?



how do i get it to only respond to question marks?

i can't compile with just "?"


"Question Pattern": "?",


Could not initialize plugin 'RustGPT v1.7.6' (ArgumentException: parsing "?" - Quantifier {x,y} following nothing.) at System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser.ScanRegex () [0x0029a] in :0 at System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser.Parse (System.String re, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions op) [0x00036] in :0 at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex..ctor (System.String pattern, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions options, System.TimeSpan matchTimeout, System.Boolean addToCache) [0x00097] in :0 at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex..ctor (System.String pattern, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions options) [0x00000] in :0 at Oxide.Plugins.RustGPT.LoadConfig () [0x00097] in <53c635e0c60f4122a281afecd3a1151f>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.HandleAddedToManager (Oxide.Core.Plugins.PluginManager manager) [0x0000f] in :0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.HandleAddedToManager (Oxide.Core.Plugins.PluginManager manager) [0x00000] in :0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.HandleAddedToManager (Oxide.Core.Plugins.PluginManager manager) [0x00000] in <795304323ac74a298b8ed190a1dfa739>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.RustPlugin.HandleAddedToManager (Oxide.Core.Plugins.PluginManager manager) [0x0028e] in <9bca18641a87469b8930d041f1c86847>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.PluginManager.AddPlugin (Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin plugin) [0x00027] in :0 at Oxide.Core.OxideMod.PluginLoaded (Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin plugin) [0x00035] in :0




nevermind, i got chatgpt to tell me it's 




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I've regsitered and verified my openai account, generated an openai key, I replace the key in the config.

I type !gpt followed by a question in chat and nothing happens? plugins working cause if i try again too quick i activate the cooldown. Do we need to pay the openai website for it to function or something?



15 minutes ago, Butters said:

I've regsitered and verified my openai account, generated an openai key, I replace the key in the config.

I type !gpt followed by a question in chat and nothing happens? plugins working cause if i try again too quick i activate the cooldown. Do we need to pay the openai website for it to function or something?

yeah added $10 to my openai account and works all good now



On 2/16/2024 at 12:43 PM, Tbird412 said:

2) I had to do a LOT of code tweaking.  In it's default form (downloaded from here) it was not showing any kills.  I forgot what the original criteria were (I have already customized my kill criteria) and I am not here to insult the author of any plugin so I am choosing my words carefully but I think the issue I had found was something like a "if victim is NOT an npc and killer is NOT an npc" or something I honestly don't remember what it was in original form.  But I altered mine some and it is showing all the deaths fine now.  Just cannot stop it from the giant paragraph.

......... ok yeah I just re-downloaded the original to see.  But yes, this line is stopping it from doing death notes if there is an NPC involved (victim or killer).  Most servers that run any sort of death notes are PVE because on PVP servers those types of plugins can be frowned upon....

if (victim != null && !(victim is NPCPlayer) && attacker != null && !(attacker is NPCPlayer))

I too am having this issue of only suicides making death messages appear? Everything else works perfectly. 

What did we need to do to that 'if (victim != null && !(victim is NPCPlayer) && attacker != null && !(attacker is NPCPlayer))' line to solve it?

  • Like 1


i tried to get chatgpt to fix the "mystery attacker" when players get killed by an animal 



when a player gets killed by an animal, the response says "mystery attacker" fix it so it will say the name of the animal instead of "mystery attacker"

ChatGPT said:


I can help you modify the script so that it displays the name of the animal instead of "mystery attacker" when a player gets killed by an animal. I'll take a look at the script and make the necessary changes. Let me start by reading the contents of the file.

The script appears to be part of a plugin for the game Rust, which includes features for interacting with OpenAI's ChatGPT and handling game events like player deaths.

To ensure I modify the correct part of the script, I need to find where the script handles player deaths, particularly the section where it identifies the "mystery attacker" and changes the message to include the specific animal.

Let me search for relevant code sections related to player deaths and attacker identification.

The script includes a section for handling death commentary, and it identifies the attacker during a player's death. There's a check for whether the entity is an animal (entity is BaseAnimalNPC), which might be where the "mystery attacker" issue originates.

I'll modify the script so that when the entity is an animal, it will display the animal's name instead of "mystery attacker." I'll now proceed with this change.

I have modified the script so that when a player is killed by an animal, the name of the animal will be displayed instead of "mystery attacker." You can download the modified script using the link below:

Download Modified_RustGPT.cs


You said:

It's still saying mystery attacker when someone dies to an animal

ChatGPT said:


It seems that there may be another part of the code handling the death messages where the "mystery attacker" is still being used. I'll check the code again to find where else this might be occurring and fix it so that the correct animal name is displayed.

Let me take another look at the script.

It seems like I can’t do more advanced data analysis right now. Please try again later.

However, based on the image you provided, it looks like the issue might be related to a different section of the script that handles the commentary or messages related to the kill. I suggest checking the parts of the code where death commentary or custom messages are generated to ensure that they reference the correct attacker name, particularly for animals.

If you still have the script available, you might want to look for any instances where "mystery attacker" or similar phrases are used and replace them with the logic that checks for the animal's name. If you'd like, I can guide you through where to look or what specific changes to make.



So after following some of the comments in this discussion, I was able to modify RustGPT to report all player-only deaths, regardless of how, in a GPT-Powered Death Message. My next issue was that I had a plugin called BetterNpc installed, and RustGPT was reporting those Npc deaths to chat. After some more modifications, and help from ChatGPT itself, I was able to get the two plugins to work together and now RustGPT does not report any of those "BetterNpc" deaths either. Hoorah, victory! See below for some snips of my code so you can also modify both plugins and have BetterNpc and RustGPT collaborate together, so they do not spam your in-game chat with Death Messages from Npc Deaths! ❤️

*Bold text is my added modified lines of code with //explanation of use*

BetterNpc.cs modification -

if (IsEvent) DeadNpc.Add(new DeadScientistNpc { Preset = preset, TimeToSpawn = 0 });
                    DeadNpc.Add(new DeadScientistNpc { Preset = preset, TimeToSpawn = (int)UnityEngine.Random.Range(preset.Config.MinTime, preset.Config.MaxTime) });
                    if (DeadNpc.Count == 1) InvokeRepeating(ChangeDeadNpcTime, 1f, 1f);
                Interface.CallHook("OnBetterNpcDeath", npc);  //Notify other Plugins (Like RustGPT) that this NPC was managed by BetterNpc
                BasePlayer attacker = npc.lastAttacker as BasePlayer;
                if (attacker.IsPlayer()) _ins.SendBalance(attacker.userID, preset.Economic);
                _ins.NextTick(() =>
                    if (preset.TypeLootTable == 1 || preset.TypeLootTable == 4 || preset.TypeLootTable == 5)

RustGPT.cs -

 private void OnEntityDeath(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo info)
            if (!_config.OptionalPlugins.UseDeathComment || entity == null || info == null) return;

            BasePlayer victim = entity.ToPlayer();
            BasePlayer attacker = info.InitiatorPlayer;
            // Skip processing if the victim is an NPC managed by BetterNPC
            if (victim != null && victim is ScientistNPC)
            // The OnBetterNpcDeath hook should have handled this


*Disclaimer: I have absolutely no knowledge or skill of plugin creation or .cs coding. However, doing this has spawned some desire in me to learn!*

My next task, which will now be simple after figuring this out, is to make it so RustGPT also does not report the deaths of Npcs spawned by the Raidable Bases plugin 🙂



21 hours ago, S0TR said:

So after following some of the comments in this discussion, I was able to modify RustGPT to report all player-only deaths, regardless of how, in a GPT-Powered Death Message. My next issue was that I had a plugin called BetterNpc installed, and RustGPT was reporting those Npc deaths to chat. After some more modifications, and help from ChatGPT itself, I was able to get the two plugins to work together and now RustGPT does not report any of those "BetterNpc" deaths either. Hoorah, victory! See below for some snips of my code so you can also modify both plugins and have BetterNpc and RustGPT collaborate together, so they do not spam your in-game chat with Death Messages from Npc Deaths! ❤️

*Bold text is my added modified lines of code with //explanation of use*

BetterNpc.cs modification -

if (IsEvent) DeadNpc.Add(new DeadScientistNpc { Preset = preset, TimeToSpawn = 0 });
                    DeadNpc.Add(new DeadScientistNpc { Preset = preset, TimeToSpawn = (int)UnityEngine.Random.Range(preset.Config.MinTime, preset.Config.MaxTime) });
                    if (DeadNpc.Count == 1) InvokeRepeating(ChangeDeadNpcTime, 1f, 1f);
                Interface.CallHook("OnBetterNpcDeath", npc);  //Notify other Plugins (Like RustGPT) that this NPC was managed by BetterNpc
                BasePlayer attacker = npc.lastAttacker as BasePlayer;
                if (attacker.IsPlayer()) _ins.SendBalance(attacker.userID, preset.Economic);
                _ins.NextTick(() =>
                    if (preset.TypeLootTable == 1 || preset.TypeLootTable == 4 || preset.TypeLootTable == 5)

RustGPT.cs -

 private void OnEntityDeath(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo info)
            if (!_config.OptionalPlugins.UseDeathComment || entity == null || info == null) return;

            BasePlayer victim = entity.ToPlayer();
            BasePlayer attacker = info.InitiatorPlayer;
            // Skip processing if the victim is an NPC managed by BetterNPC
            if (victim != null && victim is ScientistNPC)
            // The OnBetterNpcDeath hook should have handled this


*Disclaimer: I have absolutely no knowledge or skill of plugin creation or .cs coding. However, doing this has spawned some desire in me to learn!*

My next task, which will now be simple after figuring this out, is to make it so RustGPT also does not report the deaths of NPCs spawned by the Raidable Bases plugin 🙂

To further help my fellow Rust Plugin Enthusiasts, I've successfully implemented the CallHook into Raidable Bases, with RustGPT no longer reporting those NPC deaths, only player deaths BY those NPCs. See below for where I've imputed the new line of code.

public class HumanoidNPC : ScientistNPC
            public new HumanoidBrain Brain;

            public new Translate.Phrase LootPanelTitle => displayName;

            public override string Categorize() => "Humanoid";

            public override bool ShouldDropActiveItem() => false;
            public HumanoidNPC()
             Interface.CallHook("OnHumanoidNpcSpawned", this); // Notify other plugins of NPC spawn

            protected override string OverrideCorpseName() => displayName;

            public override void AttackerInfo(ProtoBuf.PlayerLifeStory.DeathInfo info)
                info.attackerName = displayName;
                info.attackerSteamID = userID;
                info.inflictorName = inventory.containerBelt.GetSlot(0).info.shortname;
                info.attackerDistance = Vector3.Distance(Brain.ServerPosition, Brain.AttackPosition);


Due to the fact that RaidableBases.cs uses the same identifier as BetterNPC.cs for their NPCs, "ScientistNPC", I did not need to add any additional code into RustGPT as it just automatically recognizes the "ScientistNPC" tag. Will be back when I implement this CallHook into both Convoy.cs and NPCRandomRaids.cs in order to the same thing of non-reporting those custom NPC deaths and help out my fellow Script Kitties!  😄


Posted (edited)

On 9/2/2024 at 9:58 PM, S0TR said:

To further help my fellow Rust Plugin Enthusiasts, I've successfully implemented the CallHook into Raidable Bases, with RustGPT no longer reporting those NPC deaths, only player deaths BY those NPCs. See below for where I've imputed the new line of code.

public class HumanoidNPC : ScientistNPC
            public new HumanoidBrain Brain;

            public new Translate.Phrase LootPanelTitle => displayName;

            public override string Categorize() => "Humanoid";

            public override bool ShouldDropActiveItem() => false;
            public HumanoidNPC()
             Interface.CallHook("OnHumanoidNpcSpawned", this); // Notify other plugins of NPC spawn

            protected override string OverrideCorpseName() => displayName;

            public override void AttackerInfo(ProtoBuf.PlayerLifeStory.DeathInfo info)
                info.attackerName = displayName;
                info.attackerSteamID = userID;
                info.inflictorName = inventory.containerBelt.GetSlot(0).info.shortname;
                info.attackerDistance = Vector3.Distance(Brain.ServerPosition, Brain.AttackPosition);


Due to the fact that RaidableBases.cs uses the same identifier as BetterNPC.cs for their NPCs, "ScientistNPC", I did not need to add any additional code into RustGPT as it just automatically recognizes the "ScientistNPC" tag. Will be back when I implement this CallHook into both Convoy.cs and NPCRandomRaids.cs in order to the same thing of non-reporting those custom NPC deaths and help out my fellow Script Kitties!  😄

I've returned again, and after much headache (partly due to not knowing what tf I am doing in regard to Rust Plugin coding, or C# coding in general) I have successfully integrated the different plugins that spawn their own NPCs into RustGPT, and its OnEntityDeath method, so there are no reports for the NPC deaths! My code has changed, and gotten simpler, or more complicated? Not sure what it is, I'm new to this!

Convoy.cs did not need a CallHook or any modification, this plugin also classifies its NPCs with "ScientistNPC", therefore RustGPT automatically recognized the deaths and skipped over generating a Death Message.

RandomRaids.cs, however, was more of a headache than it needed to be. This plugin classifies its NPCs in multiple different ways, and even my GPT couldn't help me figure out how to find and implement the identifier or which identifier to be using for that matter! With the help of my GPT (I made one specifically to help me do Rust Server things), we've came up with an idea. In my RandomRaids.json configuration file, I've named every single NPC the same name (makes sense since they are all technically spawned for the same reason). In my RustGPT.cs, we wrote a check inside the OnEntityDeath method to look for NPCs specifically with that display name in order to skip over a reported Death Message; and it works, thank the heavens it works, or I would have been up until sunrise trying to get this functioning.

Below is my new code for RustGPT. The previous Hooks I wrote inside the other plugins remain the same.


private void OnEntityDeath(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo info)
              if (!_config.OptionalPlugins.UseDeathComment || entity == null || info == null) return;

            BasePlayer victim = entity.ToPlayer();
            BasePlayer attacker = info.InitiatorPlayer;

            // Check if the victim's display name is "Revenge Raider"
            if (victim != null && victim.displayName == "Revenge Raider")
                // Handled if NPC was specifically named "Revenge Raider"

            // Check if the victim is any ScientistNPC managed by other plugins
            if (victim is ScientistNPC)
            // Handled if NPC was classified as ScientistNPC

            if (victim != null && attacker != null)
                string attackerName = StripRichText(attacker.displayName);
                string victimName = StripRichText(victim.displayName);

                string weaponName = GetWeaponDisplayName(attacker);
                string hitBone = GetHitBone(info);

                string deathMessage = $"{attackerName} killed {victimName} with a {weaponName} in the {hitBone}";



Side Note to all this: I am not sure exactly why Convoy.cs did not need a CallHook integrated into its code for RustGPT to automatically recognize its NPCs and avoid reporting a Death Message, and quite frankly I'm too tired to care and find out. However, this was an incredible amount of fun, and as I install more plugins that handle NPCs, such as my upcoming Armored Train, I'll be sure to always modify the source codes, so they cooperate with RustGPT. In fact, I'm thinking of other plugins that aren't NPC related that I could modify (not necessarily for use with RustGPT) and have even been thinking about plugins of my own creation I can create for the world ❤️ Happy Coding !

Edited by S0TR

Posted (edited)

How long can you make these lines?

  "AIPromptParameters": {
    "System role": "",
    "User Server Details": "",

Our server has 150+ plugins and a lot of info specific to our server.

Does increasing the info in these lines affect the plugin negatively?
Or does it increase the token count per response?

Just trying to wrap my head around this plugin, love it so far though!

Also any chance we could get openwebui integration?

I run a locally hosted LLM and would love to avoid the openai costs by using my local instance.

Does anyone know how to get RustCord to not display the RustGPT in the "sync" channel?

Currently when a question is answered by RUSTGPT it is sent to the sync channel and then sent back again to the server resulting in a global/doubled response. For now I have the RustGPT response getting sent to a separate channel, but I would like it to appear in discord only as well as privately communicated to the player that asked it,

Edited by TheRustingDead


why User Server Details/Prefix dont work? lol 



Hey, I saw you updated the plugin, that's great!
I really love this plugin.

I just want to report one issue I've faced.
When I added it to my servers, I first allowed players to interact with it but then I had to restrict it to only comment about kills.
The reason was that it would react to users talking to the bot in team chat.
So I ended up having players asking the bot via team chat to announce the "wipe is this evening" and Chatgpt was replying publicly that the server was going to be wiped in a few hours.

So there was too much abuse from players talking to it via team chat and ChatGPT replying via public chat.

If there was a way to make the bot reply to team chat requests via team chat, that would be great.
Or an option to ignore requests when they are not in public chat.


Posted (edited)

7 hours ago, RustyB said:

Hey, I saw you updated the plugin, that's great!
I really love this plugin.

I just want to report one issue I've faced.
When I added it to my servers, I first allowed players to interact with it but then I had to restrict it to only comment about kills.
The reason was that it would react to users talking to the bot in team chat.
So I ended up having players asking the bot via team chat to announce the "wipe is this evening" and Chatgpt was replying publicly that the server was going to be wiped in a few hours.

So there was too much abuse from players talking to it via team chat and ChatGPT replying via public chat.

If there was a way to make the bot reply to team chat requests via team chat, that would be great.
Or an option to ignore requests when they are not in public chat.

Can you add this to the support page and ill get on it. https://codefling.com/plugins/rust-gpt?tab=support


Edited by GOO_


So how does the plugin gather its info?

IE if someone were to ask
"when it wipe?"
"what is epic scrap used for?"
"What do i do wtih blood bags?"




On 1/23/2025 at 2:44 PM, Tstew said:

So how does the plugin gather its info?

IE if someone were to ask
"when it wipe?"
"what is epic scrap used for?"
"What do i do wtih blood bags?"


Sorry for the delayed response. I've been debating on how to answer this since I'm about to update the plugin and with the new version the method of giving context to the bot has changed a lot. So, for now with version 1.7.7 you can hard code info in the config in the content areas. However, in a few days this won't matter. I have completely overhauled the plugin. You will be able to generate bots and supply the plugin with data in multiple ways. A lot of info will be automatically retrieved and parsed into the AI's knowledgebase for you. 

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