using Newtonsoft.Json; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Net; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Rust; using UnityEngine; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Policy; using System.Text; #pragma warning disable SYSLIB0014 namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("RustGPT", "Goo_", "1.7.7")] [Description("Players can use OpenAI's ChatGPT from the game chat, incudes ChatGPT color commentary for deaths.")] public class RustGPT : RustPlugin { #region Declarations private const string PluginVersion = "1.7.7"; private readonly Version _version = new Version(PluginVersion); private string ApiKey => _config.OpenAI_Api_Key.ApiKey; private string ApiUrl => _config.OutboundAPIUrl.ApiUrl; private Regex _questionRegex { get; set; } private PluginConfig _config { get; set; } private Dictionary _lastUsageTime = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary _uriCache = new Dictionary(); #endregion #region Overrides private void Init() { // Register permissions permission.RegisterPermission("RustGPT.use", this); permission.RegisterPermission("RustGPT.admin", this); // Test OpenAI configuration TestOpenAIConfiguration(); ShowPluginStatusToAdmins(); cmd.AddChatCommand("models", this, nameof(ModelsCommand)); } private void TestOpenAIConfiguration() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ApiKey) || ApiKey == "your-api-key-here") { PrintError("API key is not configured. Please set a valid API key in the config file."); NotifyAdminsOfApiKeyRequirement(); return; } // Test API connection with current model ListAvailableModels(ApiKey, modelIds => { bool modelExists = modelIds.Contains(_config.AIResponseParameters.Model); if (!modelExists) { PrintWarning($"Current model '{_config.AIResponseParameters.Model}' is not available."); GetSuggestedModel(suggestedModel => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(suggestedModel)) { string oldModel = _config.AIResponseParameters.Model; _config.AIResponseParameters.Model = suggestedModel; Config.WriteObject(_config, true); Puts($"Updated to suggested model: {suggestedModel}"); NotifyAdminsOfModelUpdate(oldModel, suggestedModel); } else { PrintError("Failed to get suggested model. Please check your configuration."); } }); } else { Puts($"OpenAI configuration test successful. Using model: {_config.AIResponseParameters.Model}"); } }); } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { Puts("Creating a new configuration file."); _config = new PluginConfig { PluginVersion = PluginVersion, ChatSettings = new ChatMessageConfig() }; Config.WriteObject(_config, true); } protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); try { _config = Config.ReadObject(); // Initialize ChatSettings if it's null (for older configs) if (_config.ChatSettings == null) { _config.ChatSettings = new ChatMessageConfig(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Puts($"Error deserializing config: {ex.Message}"); LoadDefaultConfig(); return; } if (_config == null || _config.OpenAI_Api_Key.ApiKey == "your-api-key-here") { NotifyAdminsOfApiKeyRequirement(); } // Migrate config if version mismatch if (_config.PluginVersion != PluginVersion) { MigrateConfig(_config); } // Compile question regex _questionRegex = new Regex(_config.QuestionPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); } #endregion #region User_Chat private void OnPlayerChat(BasePlayer player, string user_chat_question) { // Check if user message matches our configured pattern and if they have permission if (_questionRegex.IsMatch(user_chat_question) && permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "RustGPT.use")) { if (!HasCooldownElapsed(player)) { return; } // Validate API key if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ApiKey) || ApiKey == "your-api-key-here" || !ApiKey.StartsWith("sk-")) { player.ChatMessage("The API key is not properly configured. Please contact an administrator."); return; } // Clean up user question string cleaned_chat_question = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_config.QuestionPattern) ? user_chat_question.Replace(_config.QuestionPattern, "").Trim() : user_chat_question; // Combine system role + user server details string system_prompt = $"{_config.AIPromptParameters.SystemRole}\n{_config.AIPromptParameters.UserServerDetails}"; try { // Send to OpenAI RustGPTHook(ApiKey, new { model = _config.AIResponseParameters.Model, messages = new[] { new { role = "developer", content = new[] { new { type = "text", text = system_prompt } } }, new { role = "user", content = new[] { new { type = "text", text = cleaned_chat_question } } } }, temperature = _config.AIResponseParameters.Temperature, max_tokens = _config.AIResponseParameters.MaxTokens, presence_penalty = _config.AIResponseParameters.PresencePenalty, frequency_penalty = _config.AIResponseParameters.FrequencyPenalty }, ApiUrl, response => { try { if (response == null) { player.ChatMessage("Received no response from AI. Please try again."); PrintError("Received null response from API"); return; } if (response["error"] != null) { player.ChatMessage("An error occurred. Please try again later."); PrintError($"OpenAI API Error: {response["error"]["message"]}"); return; } if (response["choices"] == null || !response["choices"].HasValues) { player.ChatMessage("Received invalid response. Please try again."); PrintError("No choices in response"); return; } string customPrefix = $"{_config.ResponsePrefix}"; string GPT_Chat_Reply = response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"].ToString().Trim(); string formattedReply = $"{GPT_Chat_Reply}"; string toChat = $"{customPrefix} {formattedReply}"; if (_config.OptionalPlugins.UseDiscordWebhookChat) { var discordPayload = $"**{player}** \n> {cleaned_chat_question}.\n**{_config.ResponsePrefix}** \n> {GPT_Chat_Reply}"; SendDiscordMessage(discordPayload); } if (_config.BroadcastResponse) { Server.Broadcast(toChat); } else { SendChatMessageInChunks(player, toChat, 450); } } catch (Exception ex) { player.ChatMessage("Error processing AI response. Please try again."); PrintError($"Error processing API response: {ex.Message}"); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { player.ChatMessage("Error sending message to AI. Please try again."); PrintError($"Error sending chat message to OpenAI: {ex.Message}"); } } else if (_questionRegex.IsMatch(user_chat_question)) { // They matched !gpt but don't have permission PrintError($"{player.displayName} does not have permission to use RustGPT."); } } private void SendChatMessageInChunks(BasePlayer player, string message, int chunkSize) { // Standardize chunk size to 450 for better reliability const int STANDARD_CHUNK_SIZE = 450; string formatStart = $""; string formatEnd = ""; // Split message into chunks at sentence boundaries List chunks = SplitIntoSmartChunks(message, STANDARD_CHUNK_SIZE); // Send first chunk immediately if (chunks.Count > 0) { player.ChatMessage(chunks[0]); } // Schedule remaining chunks with delay if (chunks.Count > 1) { timer.Once(0.5f, () => SendRemainingChunks(player, chunks.Skip(1).ToList(), formatStart, formatEnd, 0)); } } private List SplitIntoSmartChunks(string text, int maxChunkSize) { List chunks = new List(); string[] sentences = text.Split(new[] { ". ", "! ", "? ", ".\n", "!\n", "?\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); StringBuilder currentChunk = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string sentence in sentences) { string sentenceWithPunctuation = sentence.TrimEnd() + ". "; // If adding this sentence would exceed the chunk size if (currentChunk.Length + sentenceWithPunctuation.Length > maxChunkSize) { // If the current chunk is not empty, add it to chunks if (currentChunk.Length > 0) { chunks.Add(currentChunk.ToString().TrimEnd()); currentChunk.Clear(); } // If the sentence itself is longer than maxChunkSize, split it at word boundaries if (sentenceWithPunctuation.Length > maxChunkSize) { string[] words = sentenceWithPunctuation.Split(' '); StringBuilder wordChunk = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string word in words) { if (wordChunk.Length + word.Length + 1 > maxChunkSize) { chunks.Add(wordChunk.ToString().TrimEnd()); wordChunk.Clear(); } wordChunk.Append(word).Append(" "); } if (wordChunk.Length > 0) { currentChunk.Append(wordChunk); } } else { currentChunk.Append(sentenceWithPunctuation); } } else { currentChunk.Append(sentenceWithPunctuation); } } // Add any remaining text if (currentChunk.Length > 0) { chunks.Add(currentChunk.ToString().TrimEnd()); } return chunks; } private void SendRemainingChunks(BasePlayer player, List chunks, string formatStart, string formatEnd, int currentIndex) { if (currentIndex >= chunks.Count || !player.IsConnected) return; // Send current chunk with formatting player.ChatMessage($"{formatStart}{chunks[currentIndex]}{formatEnd}"); // Schedule next chunk if there are more if (currentIndex + 1 < chunks.Count) { timer.Once(0.5f, () => SendRemainingChunks(player, chunks, formatStart, formatEnd, currentIndex + 1)); } } #endregion #region Death_Commentary private void OnEntityDeath(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo info) { if (!_config.OptionalPlugins.UseDeathComment || entity == null || info == null) return; BasePlayer victim = entity.ToPlayer(); BasePlayer attacker = info?.InitiatorPlayer; // Only proceed if we have both a valid victim and attacker, and neither is an NPC if (victim == null || victim is NPCPlayer || attacker == null || attacker is NPCPlayer) return; try { string attackerName = StripRichText(attacker.displayName ?? "Unknown"); string victimName = StripRichText(victim.displayName ?? "Unknown"); string weaponName = GetWeaponDisplayName(attacker) ?? "unknown weapon"; string hitBone = GetHitBone(info) ?? "body"; string deathMessage = $"{attackerName} killed {victimName} with a {weaponName} in the {hitBone}"; if (_config.DeathNoteSettings.ShowSimpleKillFeed) { string killMessageColor = _config.DeathNoteSettings.KillMessageColor; int killMessageFontSize = _config.DeathNoteSettings.KillMessageFontSize; string formattedMessagePart = $"{deathMessage}"; Server.Broadcast(formattedMessagePart); } if (_config.OptionalPlugins.UseDiscordWebhookChat) { SendDiscordMessage(deathMessage); } // Send to OpenAI for color commentary SendDeathMessageToOpenAI(deathMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { PrintError($"Error processing death event: {ex.Message}"); } } private string StripRichText(string text) { return Regex.Replace(text, "<.*?>", String.Empty); } private string GetHitBone(HitInfo info) { try { if (info?.HitEntity == null || !(info.HitEntity is BaseCombatEntity)) return "body"; BaseCombatEntity hitEntity = info.HitEntity as BaseCombatEntity; if (hitEntity?.skeletonProperties == null) return "body"; SkeletonProperties.BoneProperty boneProperty = hitEntity.skeletonProperties.FindBone(info.HitBone); return boneProperty?.name?.english ?? "body"; } catch (Exception ex) { PrintError($"Error getting hit bone: {ex.Message}"); return "body"; } } private string GetWeaponDisplayName(BasePlayer attacker) { try { if (attacker?.GetActiveItem()?.info != null) { return attacker.GetActiveItem().info.displayName.translated; } } catch (Exception ex) { PrintError($"Error getting weapon name: {ex.Message}"); } return "unknown weapon"; } private void SendDeathMessageToOpenAI(string deathMessage) { // Skip if API key is invalid or empty if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ApiKey) || ApiKey == "your-api-key-here" || !ApiKey.StartsWith("sk-")) { if (_config.OptionalPlugins.UseDeathComment) { PrintWarning("Death commentary is enabled but OpenAI API key is invalid or not set. Death commentary will be disabled."); _config.OptionalPlugins.UseDeathComment = false; Config.WriteObject(_config, true); } return; } // Combine system role + rude kill commentary prompt string systemPromptForDeath = $"{_config.OptionalPlugins.DeathCommentaryPrompt}"; try { RustGPTHook(ApiKey, new { model = _config.AIResponseParameters.Model, messages = new[] { new { role = "developer", content = new[] { new { type = "text", text = systemPromptForDeath } } }, new { role = "user", content = new[] { new { type = "text", text = deathMessage } } } }, temperature = _config.AIResponseParameters.Temperature, max_tokens = _config.AIResponseParameters.MaxTokens, presence_penalty = _config.AIResponseParameters.PresencePenalty, frequency_penalty = _config.AIResponseParameters.FrequencyPenalty }, ApiUrl, response => { try { if (response == null) { PrintError("Received null response from API"); return; } if (response["error"] != null) { PrintError($"OpenAI API Error: {response["error"]["message"]}"); return; } if (response["choices"] == null || !response["choices"].HasValues) { PrintError("No choices in response"); return; } string GPT_Chat_Reply = response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"].ToString().Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GPT_Chat_Reply)) { BroadcastDeathNote(GPT_Chat_Reply); } } catch (Exception ex) { PrintError($"Error processing API response: {ex.Message}"); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { PrintError($"Error sending death message to OpenAI: {ex.Message}"); } } private void BroadcastDeathNote(string message) { string killMessageColor = _config.DeathNoteSettings.KillMessageColor; int killMessageFontSize = _config.DeathNoteSettings.KillMessageFontSize; var messageParts = SplitIntoSmartChunks(message, 450); if (!messageParts.Any()) { return; } foreach (var messagePart in messageParts) { string formattedMessagePart = $"{messagePart}"; Server.Broadcast(formattedMessagePart); } } #endregion #region Hook [HookMethod("RustGPTHook")] public void RustGPTHook(string apiKey, object payload, string endpoint, Action callback) { if (payload == null) { PrintError($"Payload is empty!"); } var webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json"); webClient.Headers.Add("Authorization", $"Bearer {apiKey}"); webClient.UploadStringCompleted += (sender, e) => { if (e.Error != null) { PrintError(e.Error.Message); PrintError($"There was an issue with the API request. Check your API key and API Url. If problem persists, check your usage at OpenAI.", e.Error); return; } callback(JObject.Parse(e.Result)); }; var url = string.IsNullOrEmpty(endpoint) ? ApiUrl : endpoint; var uri = (Uri)null; if (!_uriCache.TryGetValue(url, out uri)) { _uriCache.Add(url, uri = new Uri(url)); } webClient.UploadStringAsync(uri, "POST", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload)); } [HookMethod("GetSuggestedModel")] public void GetSuggestedModel(Action callback) { var webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json"); webClient.DownloadStringCompleted += (sender, e) => { if (e.Error != null) { PrintError($"Error fetching suggested model: {e.Error.Message}"); return; } try { callback(e.Result.Trim()); } catch (Exception ex) { PrintError($"Error processing suggested model response: {ex.Message}"); } }; try { var uri = new Uri(""); webClient.DownloadStringAsync(uri); } catch (Exception ex) { PrintError($"Error initiating suggested model request: {ex.Message}"); } } [HookMethod("ListAvailableModels")] public void ListAvailableModels(string apiKey, Action> callback) { using (var webClient = new WebClient()) { webClient.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json"); webClient.Headers.Add("Authorization", $"Bearer {apiKey}"); string url = ""; try { string response = webClient.DownloadString(url); if (response == null) { Puts("Something went wrong retrieving the model list."); return; } JObject jsonResponse = JObject.Parse(response); JToken models; if (jsonResponse.TryGetValue("data", out models) && models is JArray modelsArray) { List modelIds = new List(); foreach (JObject model in modelsArray) { string modelId = model["id"].ToString(); if (modelId.StartsWith("gpt", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { modelIds.Add(modelId); } } callback(modelIds); } else { PrintError($"Failed to fetch the list of available models."); } } catch (WebException ex) { PrintError($"Error: {ex.Status} - {ex.Message}\n" + $"[RustGPT] If your API key is correctly entered in your configuration file you may have an invalid API key\n" + $"[RustGPT] Make sure your API key is valid: \n" + $"[RustGPT] config/RustGPT.json - OpenAI API Key: {apiKey}\n"); } } } private void ModelsCommand(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "RustGPT.admin")) { player.ChatMessage("You don't have permission to use this command."); return; } ListAvailableModels(ApiKey, (modelList) => { if (modelList == null || modelList.Count == 0) { player.ChatMessage("No models available or failed to retrieve models."); return; } string models = string.Join("\n ", modelList.ToArray()); player.ChatMessage($"Available Models:\n {models}"); if (_config.OptionalPlugins.UseDiscordWebhookChat) { SendDiscordMessage(models); } }); } [HookMethod("CheckOpenAIModel")] public void CheckOpenAIModel(string apiKey, string model, Func callback) { ListAvailableModels(apiKey, modelIds => { bool modelExists = modelIds.Contains(model); if (!modelExists) { // If model doesn't exist, get suggested model GetSuggestedModel(suggestedModel => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(suggestedModel)) { string oldModel = _config.AIResponseParameters.Model; _config.AIResponseParameters.Model = suggestedModel; Config.WriteObject(_config, true); Puts($"Updated to suggested model: {suggestedModel}"); NotifyAdminsOfModelUpdate(oldModel, suggestedModel); } }); } callback(modelExists); }); } private void NotifyAdminsOfModelUpdate(string oldModel, string newModel) { foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "RustGPT.admin")) { player.ChatMessage($"[RustGPT] Model updated from '{oldModel}' to '{newModel}' based on API availability."); } } } #endregion #region Helpers private void ShowPluginStatusToAdmins() { foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "RustGPT.admin")) { string statusMessage = "RustGPT Plugin is active.\n"; statusMessage += "Using model: " + _config.AIResponseParameters.Model + "\n"; if (_config.OptionalPlugins.UseDiscordWebhookChat) { statusMessage += "Discord Messages: Enabled\n"; } else { statusMessage += "Discord Messages: Disabled\n"; } if (_config.OptionalPlugins.UseDeathComment) { statusMessage += "Death Notes: Enabled\n"; } else { statusMessage += "Death Notes: Disabled\n"; } player.ChatMessage(statusMessage); } } } private bool HasCooldownElapsed(BasePlayer player) { float lastUsageTime; if (_lastUsageTime.TryGetValue(player.UserIDString, out lastUsageTime)) { float elapsedTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - lastUsageTime; if (elapsedTime < _config.CooldownInSeconds) { float timeLeft = _config.CooldownInSeconds - elapsedTime; player.ChatMessage($"You must wait {timeLeft:F0} seconds before asking another question."); return false; } } _lastUsageTime[player.UserIDString] = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; return true; } private void NotifyAdminsOfApiKeyRequirement() { foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "RustGPT.admin")) { player.ChatMessage("The RustGPT API key is not set in the configuration file."); } } } private void SendDiscordMessage(string message) { string goMessage = $"`{ConVar.Server.hostname}`\n{message}\n"; using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient()) { webClient.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType] = "application/json"; var payload = new { content = goMessage }; var serializedPayload = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload); webClient.UploadString(_config.OptionalPlugins.DiscordWebhookChatUrl, "POST", serializedPayload); } } #endregion #region Config private class OpenAI_Api_KeyConfig { [JsonProperty("OpenAI API Key")] public string ApiKey { get; set; } public OpenAI_Api_KeyConfig() { ApiKey = "your-api-key-here"; } } private class OutboundAPIUrlConfig { [JsonProperty("API URL")] public string ApiUrl { get; set; } public OutboundAPIUrlConfig() { ApiUrl = ""; } } private class AIPromptParametersConfig { [JsonProperty("System role")] public string SystemRole { get; set; } [JsonProperty("User Server Details")] public string UserServerDetails { get; set; } public AIPromptParametersConfig() { SystemRole = "You are a helpful assistant on Rust game server called Rust.Haus Testing Server."; UserServerDetails = "Server wipes Thursdays at 2pm CST. Blueprints are wiped on forced wipes only. Gather rate is 5X. Available commands with /info. Admin is Goo. Discord:"; } } private class AIResponseParametersConfig { [JsonProperty("Model")] public string Model { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Temperature")] public double Temperature { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Max Tokens")] public int MaxTokens { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Presence Penalty")] public double PresencePenalty { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Frequency Penalty")] public double FrequencyPenalty { get; set; } public AIResponseParametersConfig() { Model = "gpt-4o-mini"; Temperature = 0.9; MaxTokens = 1000; // Increased from 200 to allow longer responses PresencePenalty = 0.6; FrequencyPenalty = 0.2; } } private class OptionalPluginsConfig { [JsonProperty("Turn on GPT Powered Death Notes")] public bool UseDeathComment { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Kill GPT Prompt")] public string DeathCommentaryPrompt { get; set; } [JsonProperty("DiscordMessages Webhook URL")] public string DiscordWebhookChatUrl { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Broadcast RustGPT Messages to Discord?")] public bool UseDiscordWebhookChat { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Steam API Key")] public string SteamApiKey { get; set; } public OptionalPluginsConfig() { UseDiscordWebhookChat = false; DiscordWebhookChatUrl = ""; UseDeathComment = true; DeathCommentaryPrompt = "You are an extremely rude color commentator on the hottest new deathmatch show of the future. You use profanity and make fun of the people involved."; SteamApiKey = "get-your-steam-api-key-here("; } } private class DeathNoteConfig { [JsonProperty("Kill Message Color")] public string KillMessageColor { get; set; } = "#ADD8E6"; [JsonProperty("Kill Message Font Size")] public int KillMessageFontSize { get; set; } = 12; [JsonProperty("Show simple kill feed in chat")] public bool ShowSimpleKillFeed { get; set; } = false; } private class ChatMessageConfig { [JsonProperty("Chat Message Color")] public string ChatMessageColor { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Chat Message Font Size")] public int ChatMessageFontSize { get; set; } public ChatMessageConfig() { ChatMessageColor = "#FFFFFF"; ChatMessageFontSize = 12; } } private class PluginConfig { public OpenAI_Api_KeyConfig OpenAI_Api_Key { get; set; } public OutboundAPIUrlConfig OutboundAPIUrl { get; set; } public AIResponseParametersConfig AIResponseParameters { get; set; } public AIPromptParametersConfig AIPromptParameters { get; set; } public OptionalPluginsConfig OptionalPlugins { get; set; } public DeathNoteConfig DeathNoteSettings { get; set; } public ChatMessageConfig ChatSettings { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Response Prefix")] public string ResponsePrefix { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Question Pattern")] public string QuestionPattern { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Response Prefix Color")] public string ResponsePrefixColor { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Broadcast Response to the server")] public bool BroadcastResponse { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Plugin Version")] public string PluginVersion { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Chat cool down in seconds")] public int CooldownInSeconds { get; set; } public PluginConfig() { OpenAI_Api_Key = new OpenAI_Api_KeyConfig(); AIResponseParameters = new AIResponseParametersConfig(); AIPromptParameters = new AIPromptParametersConfig(); OutboundAPIUrl = new OutboundAPIUrlConfig(); OptionalPlugins = new OptionalPluginsConfig(); ResponsePrefix = "[RustGPT]"; QuestionPattern = @"!gpt"; ResponsePrefixColor = "#55AAFF"; BroadcastResponse = false; CooldownInSeconds = 10; DeathNoteSettings = new DeathNoteConfig(); ChatSettings = new ChatMessageConfig(); } } private void MigrateConfig(PluginConfig oldConfig) { Puts($"Updating configuration file to version {PluginVersion}"); var newConfig = new PluginConfig(); // Copy existing settings newConfig.OpenAI_Api_Key = oldConfig.OpenAI_Api_Key; newConfig.OutboundAPIUrl = oldConfig.OutboundAPIUrl; newConfig.ResponsePrefix = oldConfig.ResponsePrefix; newConfig.ResponsePrefixColor = oldConfig.ResponsePrefixColor; newConfig.BroadcastResponse = oldConfig.BroadcastResponse; newConfig.QuestionPattern = oldConfig.QuestionPattern; newConfig.CooldownInSeconds = oldConfig.CooldownInSeconds; newConfig.AIResponseParameters = new AIResponseParametersConfig { Model = oldConfig.AIResponseParameters?.Model ?? "gpt-4o-mini", Temperature = oldConfig.AIResponseParameters?.Temperature ?? 0.9, MaxTokens = oldConfig.AIResponseParameters?.MaxTokens ?? 200, PresencePenalty = oldConfig.AIResponseParameters?.PresencePenalty ?? 0.6, FrequencyPenalty = oldConfig.AIResponseParameters?.FrequencyPenalty ?? 0.2 }; newConfig.AIPromptParameters = new AIPromptParametersConfig { SystemRole = oldConfig.AIPromptParameters?.SystemRole ?? "You are a helpful assistant.", UserServerDetails = oldConfig.AIPromptParameters?.UserServerDetails ?? string.Empty }; newConfig.OptionalPlugins = new OptionalPluginsConfig { DiscordWebhookChatUrl = oldConfig.OptionalPlugins?.DiscordWebhookChatUrl ?? "", UseDiscordWebhookChat = oldConfig.OptionalPlugins?.UseDiscordWebhookChat ?? false, UseDeathComment = oldConfig.OptionalPlugins?.UseDeathComment ?? false, DeathCommentaryPrompt = oldConfig.OptionalPlugins?.DeathCommentaryPrompt ?? "You are an extremely rude color commentator on the hottest new deathmatch show of the future. You use profanity and make fun of the people involved.", SteamApiKey = oldConfig.OptionalPlugins?.SteamApiKey ?? "get-your-steAM-api-key-here(" }; newConfig.DeathNoteSettings = new DeathNoteConfig { KillMessageColor = oldConfig.DeathNoteSettings?.KillMessageColor ?? "#ADD8E6", KillMessageFontSize = oldConfig.DeathNoteSettings?.KillMessageFontSize ?? 12, ShowSimpleKillFeed = oldConfig.DeathNoteSettings?.ShowSimpleKillFeed ?? false }; // Preserve existing ChatSettings or use defaults if not present newConfig.ChatSettings = new ChatMessageConfig { ChatMessageColor = oldConfig.ChatSettings?.ChatMessageColor ?? "#FFFFFF", ChatMessageFontSize = oldConfig.ChatSettings?.ChatMessageFontSize ?? 12 }; newConfig.PluginVersion = PluginVersion; _config = newConfig; Config.WriteObject(_config, true); } #endregion } }