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Rogue 1.1.1

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About Rogue

Rogue adds a bounty on a players head based on certain illegal actions.


Rogue points are basically the amount of time until rogue is over. Rogue points will decrease by 1 every second.


rogue.use - Allows a player to go rogue via the command

rogue.bypass - Allows a player to bypass rogue kill, steal and pick events.


/rogue - Activates rogue


Rogue Activators

  • Pick - When a player picks a hackable crate (pick meaning skip the crate timer) 
  • Kill - Once a player kills someone
  • Command - On command execution (/rogue)
  • Steal - When a player steals from another player's container


Steal Containers

Within the configuration you will need to specify the shortname of a container that will make the player go rogue.



  "General Settings": {
    "Rogue command": "rogue",
    "Admin command": "adminrogue",
    "Use permission": "rogue.use",
    "Bypass permission": "rogue.bypass",
    "Admin permission": "rogue.admin"
  "Chat Settings": {
    "Chat icon (Steam ID)": 0,
    "Chat prefix": "ROGUE:",
    "Chat prefix colour": "#fcc253"
  "Rogue Settings": {
    "Rogue Picking": {
      "Enable hackable crate picking": true,
      "Rogue points on first pick": 180,
      "Extra rogue points on additional picks": 180,
      "Send a message to the rogue player when they pick a crate": false
    "Rogue Steal": {
      "Go rogue if player steals loot": true,
      "Rogue steal activation list": [
      "Rogue points on first steal": 240,
      "Extra rogue points on additional steals": 300,
      "Send a message to the rogue player when they steal": false
    "Rogue Kill": {
      "Go rogue if a player kills someone": false,
      "Rogue points on first kill": 300,
      "Extra rogue points on additional kills": 300,
      "Send a message to the rogue player when they kill another player": false,
      "Go rogue if a player kills a NPC": false,
      "Rogue points on first NPC kill": 30,
      "Extra rogue points on additional npc kills": 10,
      "Send a message to the rogue player when they kills a NPC": false,
      "NPC names to be considered as rogue": [
        "Supreme NPC",
        "some other npc"
    "Rogue Command": {
      "Go rogue if player types the command": true,
      "Rogue points on first command": 60,
      "Send a message to the rogue player when they execute the command": false
    "Rogue Raid": {
      "Go rogue if player raids a base": false,
      "X number of raids to go rogue": 3,
      "Min number of foundations to be considered as a raid": 10,
      "Min number of walls to be considered as a raid": 10,
      "Percentage of base to be considered as a completed raid (The greater the percentage the more the player will need to raid/loot boxes)": 82.5,
      "Destroying main tool cupboard results in raid completion": true,
      "Rogue points on raid": 600,
      "Extra rogue points on additional raids": 900
    "Override TruePVE": true
  "Reward Settings": {
    "Enable server rewards": false,
    "Server rewards to give on rogue end": "{rogueAlive}",
    "Enable economics": false,
    "Economics to give on rogue end": "{rogueAlive}",
    "Loot increase percentage": 0



  "Info.AdminHelp": "\n /{0} start (NAME) (ROGUE POINTS - optional) - Makes the specified player rogue \n /{0} stop (NAME) - Stops the players current rogue status",
  "Info.AddedExtraPoints": "You have added more rogue points to {0}.",
  "Info.MadePlayerRogue": "You have made {0} rogue.",
  "Info.StoppedPlayerRogue": "You have stopped {0} from being rogue.",
  "Info.RogueStarted": "Rogue player detected... KILL them!",
  "Info.RogueStartCommand": "You are now rogue due to running the command.",
  "Info.RogueStartSteal": "You have stole another player's loot, you have gone rogue.",
  "Info.RogueStartKill": "You just killed another player, you have gone rogue.",
  "Info.RogueStartPick": "You have gone rogue by picking this hackable crate.",
  "Info.RogueStartRaid": "You have raided a base, you have gone rogue!",
  "Info.RogueEnd": "A rogue player has disappeared...",
  "Info.ObtainedPoints": "You have obtained {0} rogue points",
  "Info.RoguePlayerKilled": "{0}, rogue player has been killed",
  "Info.HasBypassPermission": "You have the bypass permission, you are protected from going rogue.",
  "Warning.InvalidName": "This player cannot be found.",
  "Warning.AlreadyRogue": "Rogue execution failed... You cannot extend rogue time with the command.",
  "Error.PlayerIsNotRogue": "This player is not rogue.",
  "Error.NoCommand": "This command cannot be found.",
  "Error.NoPermission": "You have no permission to execute this command."


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