About Remote MLRS
The Remote MLRS plugin allows your players to remotely launch MLRS rockets without having to go to an RT with the MLRS station.
An RF remote is used to fire the rockets.
The plugin uses a permission system where you can configure the number of rockets per launch and the cooldown for reuse.
You can also set a skin ID for the remote and configure loot crate drops.
The plugin supports IQWipeBlock and WipeBlock.
Additionally, it can be configured to allow rocket launches even if there’s no MLRS station on the server map.
Three language files are included by default (ENG, RU, UK).
I also recommend checking the demo: DEMO
"Allow Launch Without MLRS In Map": false,
"Ignore Wipe Block": true,
"Rf Transmitter Skin ID": 0,
"Enable Rf Transmitter Drops": true,
"Container Drop Settings": {
"crate_elite": {
"Drop Chance (%)": 100.0,
"Enable Drops For This Container": true
"crate_normal": {
"Drop Chance (%)": 50.0,
"Enable Drops For This Container": true
"Permission Groups": {
"remotemlrs.launcher.basic": {
"Cooldown Between Uses (seconds)": 60.0,
"Maximum Rockets Per Launch": 6
"remotemlrs.launcher.advanced": {
"Cooldown Between Uses (seconds)": 30.0,
"Maximum Rockets Per Launch": 12
"remotemlrs.launcher.elite": {
"Cooldown Between Uses (seconds)": 10.0,
"Maximum Rockets Per Launch": 24