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Personal Horse 2.0.6

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About Personal Horse

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Personal Horse is a plugin that lets players summon a rideable horse anywhere with a whole range of customizable options ranging from breed rarity, to damage taken, to anti-theft, to equipment, and more.

There are also extra safeguards built in like preventing horses from being summoned inside Monuments or if they're not properly on the ground, and so on.



• Lets players summon a rideable horse anywhere in the world

• Server owners can customize the rarity of which horse breeds players or even groups of players can get when summoned, as well as cooldowns for use

• VIP Ready with permissions for groups of players that have access to advanced features

• Anti-exploit safeguards built-in like preventing horses from being summoned in monuments or in the air, and more

• Anti-Theft System w/ option for Teammate bypass

• Increase or decrease how much damage Horses can take per permission group

• Specify which equipment Horses spawn with (Like Saddlebags or Horseshoe, etc) per permission group

• Configurable number of Horses individual players can spawn per permission group

• Customizable


Depends On

IMR Tools Package: https://codefling.com/tools/imr-tools-package

Always make sure you have the IMR Tools Package installed first when running any plugins by IMR Games. 



- Make sure you have the IMR Tools Package installed, as explained above.

- Put this plugin in your oxide plugins folder.

- It will generate a config and lang file.

- Customize and enjoy!



Other than the default permission for being able to summon a horse in general, all other permissions for this plugin are customizable in the config! You can have as little or as many permissions/permission groups as you like by simply adding them to the config. The only requirement is that the beginning of the permission use the plugin name which is imrgpersonalhorse. Below are two permission examples included with the default config.

imrgpersonalhorse.use - Permission required to summon a horse with the default settings. Even if a player has other permissions, they still need this permission to summon a horse at all. 

imrgpersonalhorse.vip2 - Second default VIP permission group which allows advanced features like horse damage reduction, anti-theft, 3 max horses, almost no cooldown for summoning, and more.

imrgpersonalhorse.vip1 - First default VIP permission which gives access to some advanced features as above, just a little less. 



  "Command Name": "myhorse", //Configurable command that players will use to summon their horse.
  "Despawn Command Name": "despawnhorse", //Configurable command that players will use to despawn their most recent summoned horse.
  "Use Team System For Anti-Theft Mechanic": true, //If true, teammates can mount your Horse, if false, no one but you can.
  "Default Settings": { 
    "Cooldown Minutes": 60.0, //Cooldown in minutes between horse summoning. A value of -1.0 disables the cooldown entirely!
    "Max Horses": 2, //Max number of horses players can have by default.
    "Damage Taken Multiplier": 0.5, //How much less or extra damage Horses take. For example, If set to 0.5, they will take half damage. If set to 1.5, they will take +50% damage.
    "Anti-Theft": true, //If true, no one can mount your Horse besides you or (optionally, configured above), your Teammates. If false, anyone can mount your Horse.
    "Horse Equipment": [], //List of Equipment that will spawn equipped to a Horse by default when it is summoned.
    "Horse Breed Chance": { //Rarity table for summoning specific horse breeds. The higher the number, the more commonly it will be summoned. For example, a 1000 rarity value would be 100 times more common than a 10 rarity value.
      "Appalosa": 10,
      "Bay": 10,
      "Buckskin": 10,
      "Chestnut": 10,
      "Dapple Grey": 10,
      "Piebald": 10,
      "Pinto": 10,
      "Red Roan": 10,
      "White Thoroughbred": 10,
      "Black Thoroughbred": 10
  "Permission Setting Overwrites": { //Create any number of permission groups with configurable permission name, cooldown, and horse breed rarity values. Create a group for admins, vips, special events, and much more! Keep in mind that any custom permission created must start with the imrgpersonalhorse prefix so for example: imrgpersonalhorse.vip1, imrgpersonalhorse.vip2, imrgpersonalhorse.events, etc.
    "imrgpersonalhorse.vip2": {
      "Cooldown Minutes": 0.01,
      "Max Horses": 3,
      "Damage Taken Multiplier": 0.75,
      "Anti-Theft": true,
      "Horse Equipment": [
          "shortname": "horse.shoes.advanced",
          "amount": 1.0
          "shortname": "horse.armor.roadsign",
          "amount": 1.0
      "Horse Breed Chance": {
        "Appalosa": 0,
        "Bay": 0,
        "Buckskin": 0,
        "Chestnut": 0,
        "Dapple Grey": 0,
        "Piebald": 0,
        "Pinto": 0,
        "Red Roan": 0,
        "White Thoroughbred": 10,
        "Black Thoroughbred": 10
    "imrgpersonalhorse.vip1": {
      "Cooldown Minutes": 30.0,
      "Max Horses": 2,
      "Damage Taken Multiplier": 0.9,
      "Anti-Theft": true,
      "Horse Equipment": [
          "shortname": "horse.shoes.basic",
          "amount": 1.0
      "Horse Breed Chance": {
        "Appalosa": 10,
        "Bay": 10,
        "Buckskin": 10,
        "Chestnut": 10,
        "Dapple Grey": 10,
        "Piebald": 10,
        "Pinto": 10,
        "Red Roan": 10,
        "White Thoroughbred": 30,
        "Black Thoroughbred": 30
  "Topology Blacklist": "Monument" //Topology where horses can't be summoned. The default config here is Monument, which applies to all Monuments in the game, so if you leave this as it is, players won't be able to summon horses at any Monuments, which is good for preventing all kinds of exploitation. You can also set this to whatever Topology you like if you prefer.


  "Permission": "You don't have permission to do this", //Message players receive if they don't have the permission to summon horses at all.
  "TerrainHeight": "Can't spawn horse so far away from terrain", //Message players receive if they are not on valid terrain to summon a horse.
  "Topology": "Can't spawn horse so close to a monument", //Message players receive if they are trying to summon a horse inside a blacklisted topology.
  "HorseSpawned": "Horse Spawned", //Message players receive when they successfully summon a horse.
  "Cooldown": "This command is on cooldown, please wait {0}" //Message players receive if their horse summon command is still on cooldown.
  "Despawn_NoHorses": "You have no horse you can despawn", //Message players receive when they attempt to despawn a horse but have none spawned.
  "Despawn_Despawned": "Despawned the last horse you spawned", //Message players receive when they despawn a horse.
  "MaxLimit": "You have reached your maximum amount of horses, despawn some to spawn more", //Message players receive when they try to summon a horse but have reached their maximum.
  "AntiTheft": "You don't have permission to use this personal horse" //Message players receive when attempting to mount a horse that doesn't belong to them when the Anti-Theft mechanic is activated. If the team bypass is set, they won't get this message.

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