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MyStatistics 4.2.0

   (2 reviews)
Message added by myst1c,

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Can you add a ranking for an economics plugin?

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Can you add a commands list in the description please

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I started working on a new update!

The design will be changed and new features will be added)))

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invite you to my Discord server!

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Posted (edited)

Nice work, neat plugin. Certainly looks better than other similar ones we have used.
I suggest adding an (optional) dark theme too for the gui

Also players love to compare stats with eachother, so it would be very nice to see the option for players to compare or see other players stats on the server. 

one other idea, for PvE servers it would be good to show stats for pve actions, like "events" completed or "animals" killed or funny things like deaths by npc type (and name)  so "animal type" like a chicken or bear  or "npc name" which would display the custom or default npc name

Edited by Malkizid
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Hello, I'm glad you liked the plugin!

I've been thinking for a long time about making a dark theme and a button in the menu to switch themes.

As for people seeing all the statistics of the player, I will also implement it somehow. And I don't know about PVE servers, I've never encountered them, I'll definitely find out what and how, and implement functions for PVE servers.

Thank you for your feedback!

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8 hours ago, Malkizid said:

Отличная работа, аккуратный плагин. Определенно выглядит лучше, чем другие подобные, которые мы использовали.
Я предлагаю добавить (необязательно) темную тему и для графического интерфейса

Также игроки любят сравнивать статистику друг с другом, поэтому было бы очень приятно увидеть возможность для игроков сравнивать или видеть статистику других игроков на сервере.

еще одна идея, для PvE-серверов было бы неплохо показывать статистику действий pve, например, "завершенных событий" или убитых "животных", или забавных вещей, таких как смерти по типу npc (и имени), например, "тип животного", например, курица или медведь, или "имя npc", которое отображало бы пользовательское имя npc или имя по умолчанию

Sorry, but where did you get the plugin if you are not a buyer?

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Posted (edited)

6 hours ago, myst1c said:

Sorry, but where did you get the plugin if you are not a buyer?

I dont have your plugin, I'm interested in it and only discovered it yesterday here on Codefling.
I liked your design and saw the discussion so wanted to share some ideas and some of my thoughts. 

We've used other stats plugins on our server and they are ok  but far too simple or not interesting for PvE servers, I see more potential here with your plugin and would consider getting it  🖖

Edited by Malkizid
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Posted (edited)

On 26.09.2024 at 05:19, Malkizid said:

Хорошая работа, аккуратный плагин. Определённо выглядит лучше, чем другие подобные плагины, которые мы использовали.
Я предлагаю добавить (опционально) тёмную тему для интерфейса

Кроме того, игроки любят сравнивать статистику друг с другом, поэтому было бы очень здорово, если бы у игроков была возможность сравнивать или просматривать статистику других игроков на сервере.

Ещё одна идея: на PvE-серверах было бы неплохо показывать статистику по PvE-действиям, например, по выполненным «событиям» или убитым «животным», или забавные вещи вроде смертей по типу NPC (и имени), например, «тип животного» — курица или медведь — или «имя NPC», которое отображало бы пользовательское имя NPC или имя по умолчанию


I started working on new plugin features and would like to know more about what exactly needs to be added for PVE.

If it's not difficult, I would be very grateful if you would explain to me better what exactly needs to be added for PVE.

Edited by myst1c
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Posted (edited)

On 10/6/2024 at 5:15 PM, myst1c said:


I started working on new plugin features and would like to know more about what exactly needs to be added for PVE.

If it's not difficult, I would be very grateful if you would explain to me better what exactly needs to be added for PVE.

Hi Myst1c, I only saw your messge lastnight.
Sorry for the delay and thank you for asking.

A few suggestions for stats to track on PvE Server:

Animal Kills, (bear, wolf, Shark, Chicken etc,)  maybe you have this already?
Scientist Kills / Npc Kills / Bot Kills
Economics (player RP $ amount) how much money / points in economics player has
(I see you already track Economics as an option instead of points. Maybe this can be a separate thing to track?)
Events Completed / Events won  (example : Convoy, Harbor Event, ArmoredTrain, PatrolHeli Kills, APC Kills)
Crates Looted (specifically high value crates, like Hackable Crate / Timed Crate)
Player deaths (not PvP deaths) maybe this is already there
Raidable Bases completed (RaidableBases already has built in leaderboard but maybe your plugin can listen or track that)
RustRewards is often used could listen to api and track that?
Bosses Killed would be very nice (specific BossMonster Npcs, could also count as event completed)
SkillTree . player experience level, highest level players (also has built in leaderboard, your plugin could track this?)
Maybe can track CustomItems ? example EpicLoot , amount of EpicLoot gained or EpicScrap gained
One last idea could be amount of Rockets fired (all rocket types) or amount of C4 used and things like this.
Amount of shots missed or amount of headshots 
(maybe use built in tracking data from combatlog, for player hits to an entity or npc or other player)
and something funny, to show what killed a player using the built in mechanics
so it would show if players were killed by a chicken and how many times or if players were killed by Cargoship or run over by a vehicle etc.

I'm not 100% sure what's already in your plugin and what is possible
So there's some more ideas  - I hope you like them or can do some of them!

Best regards,


Edited by Malkizid
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Posted (edited)

@myst1c I see now in the screenshots provided that server / event messages can be displayed.  I have one Question for you - is there a language file with your plugin, for example can these event messages be edited in the language file?

Edited by Malkizid
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14 minutes ago, Malkizid said:

@myst1c Теперь я вижу на предоставленных скриншотах, что сообщения сервера / события могут отображаться. У меня есть к вам один вопрос: есть ли в вашем плагине языковой файл, например, можно ли редактировать эти сообщения в языковом файле?

Hello, yes, of course there is.

Thank you for describing exactly what needs to be added for the convenience of PVE servers.

I have already started working on a global update, the functionality will be increased.

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Posted (edited)

Hello, its possible to restrict the player to search other players stats? i dont want the player to track others... also how the timeplayed is stored? unix?

Edited by ffriozi
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1 hour ago, ffriozi said:

Здравствуйте, можно ли запретить игроку просматривать статистику других игроков? Я не хочу, чтобы игрок отслеживал других... А как хранится время игры? В Unix?

Hello, yes it is possible, everything is correct Unix time.

There is a parameter in the configuration that disables the ability to view statistics.


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Posted (edited)

On 11/2/2024 at 5:22 AM, myst1c said:

Hello, yes it is possible, everything is correct Unix time.

There is a parameter in the configuration that disables the ability to view statistics.


Thank you for the reply; I'm researching before purchasing this plugin. I currently use the PlaytimeTracker plugin (https://umod.org/plugins/playtime-tracker) to get the total in-game playtime of players, and I wouldn't want to lose this data.

I'm willing to create a tool to "convert" all the playtimes from the old plugin to this plugin, could you give me an example of how the player information is saved in the data file?

I'm really interested in this plugin, but I need this information to avoid future issues.

Also... Is it possible to restrict so that the player only sees their own information? I understand there is an option to not SEARCH for other players, but is there an option to show only their own stats without displaying the overall ranking? My community has this specific rule where it was decided that players cannot know the status of others. This would be more for players to know only their own stats, nothing more. example only showing this:

Thanks !


Edited by ffriozi


7 hours ago, ffriozi said:

Спасибо за ответ; я изучаю информацию перед покупкой этого плагина. В настоящее время я использую плагин PlaytimeTracker (https://umod.org/plugins/playtime-tracker) для получения общего игрового времени игроков и не хотел бы потерять эти данные.

Я хочу создать инструмент для «преобразования» всех временных отрезков из старого плагина в этот. Не могли бы вы привести пример того, как информация о проигрывателе сохраняется в файле данных?

Меня действительно интересует этот плагин, но мне нужна эта информация, чтобы избежать проблем в будущем.

Кроме того... Можно ли ограничить доступ так, чтобы игрок видел только свою информацию? Я понимаю, что есть возможность не искать других игроков, но есть ли возможность показывать только свою статистику, не отображая общий рейтинг? В моём сообществе есть особое правило, согласно которому игроки не могут знать статус других игроков. Это нужно для того, чтобы игроки знали только свою статистику, и ничего больше. Пример:



Hello, in the screenshot you can see what it looks like to save time in a data file.
I can remove the top players, but then you will only have this one card open.image.png.b8452b554a325967f4744012c6bca571.png

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