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About Loyalty Rewards

The Loyalty Rewards plugin is designed to reward players on your Rust server with promotions to different permission groups based on their activity. By tracking the number of active days a player spends on the server, the plugin automatically promotes or demotes them through configurable permission groups. The plugin can be configured to operate based on the server wipe cycle or a custom period, offering server admins flexibility in managing player progression.


  • Automated Promotions and Demotions: Players are automatically promoted or demoted based on their activity over a configurable period.
  • Configurable Promotion Path: Define your own permission groups that players will be promoted through, allowing for a tailored progression system.
  • Wipe Cycle Integration: Option to reset player data and handle promotions and demotions in sync with server wipes.
  • Customizable Requirements: Set specific activity thresholds required for promotions and demotions.
  • Eligibility Requirements: Optionally require players to be in a specific permission group to be eligible for promotions.
  • Manual Overrides: Admin commands to manually promote or demote players.
  • Persistent Data: Player activity and promotion status are saved and persist across server restarts.

Configuration Variables Explanation

  • UseWipeCycle: Determines whether the plugin should reset player data and process promotions/demotions based on the server wipe cycle.
  • Period: The number of days in a period before resetting player data (if not using the wipe cycle).
  • RequiredDays: The number of active days a player must have within the period to be eligible for promotion.
  • DemotionThreshold: The percentage of RequiredDays below which a player is demoted at the end of the period.
  • MinimumPeriod: The minimum number of days after the period starts before demotions can occur.
  • PromoteImmediately: If set to true, players are promoted as soon as they qualify, rather than waiting until the end of the period.
  • PermissionRequired: If set to true, players must be in a specific permission group to be eligible for promotion.
  • RequiredPermissionGroup: The specific permission group players must belong to in order to be eligible for promotion.
  • PromotionGroups: The list of permission groups that players will be promoted through, in order.

Configuration Example

  "UseWipeCycle": true,
  "Period": 30,
  "RequiredDays": 7,
  "DemotionThreshold": 0.5,
  "MinimumPeriod": 2,
  "PromoteImmediately": false,
  "PermissionRequired": false,
  "RequiredPermissionGroup": "linked",
  "PromotionGroups": [


  • loyaltyrewards.admin: Allows use of admin commands to manually promote, demote, and reset the period for players.

Admin Commands

  • /lrpromote <player>: Manually promotes a specified player to the next group.
  • /lrdemote <player>: Manually demotes a specified player to the previous group.
  • /lrresetperiod <withpromotions|withoutpromotions>: Resets the current period. Use withpromotions to process promotions/demotions before resetting, or withoutpromotions to reset without processing.

Player Commands

  • /lrplaytime: Displays your current playtime, promotion eligibility, and demotion risk for the current period or wipe.

Operation Overview

  • Initialization: When the server starts, the plugin loads its configuration and player data, then reconciles player group data with the current server state.
  • Player Activity Tracking: Each time a player connects, their activity is logged, and their eligibility for promotion is checked. If PromoteImmediately is enabled, promotions are processed as soon as players qualify.
  • Periodic Checks: If PromoteImmediately is enbled, the plugin performs a check at midnight every day to determine if any players should be promoted based on their activity.
  • Wipe Cycle Integration: If UseWipeCycle is enabled, the plugin monitors server wipes. When a wipe is detected, the plugin resets the period, processes promotions and demotions as configured, and clears player activity data.
  • Manual Overrides: Admins can use commands to manually adjust player promotions or reset the period, providing flexibility in managing the server.

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