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KillRewards 1.0.3

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About KillRewards

Now players can be rewarded for killing other players, with their kill streak resetting upon death. You can configure rewards for specific kill count, granting any item for any number of kills. The reward cycle is infinite; For example if rewards set for 2,4 and 6, the player will receive the 2-kill reward again upon reaching 8 kills.



Rust Kits

How to set up?

Step 1:

download both of Rust kits and Kill Rewards.

Step 2:

give permission "kits.admin" to an authorized person who will create kits that will be given to players as rewards

Step 3:

Create a kit. Use command /kit.

Example kit you can find on 1 image.




Permission MUST BE kits.admin so nobody could just write "/kit med1" and get it. I would also recommend to hide it with checkbox "Is HIdden"

You can create any name for this kit, in example it is med1.


Step 4:

Go to KillRewards config (killrewards.json).

Here is an example:

  "kill - reward list": {
    "2": "med1"
  "save kill streak after die": false,
  "Enable Reward message": true,
  "Enable message about losing kills if possible": true,
  "Save kill streak after disconnect": false

kill - rewards list - is the list where key is amount of kills(in this example its "2") and kit name(in this case "med1".

Save kill streak after die - if its false, player will lose kills after death. if its true than player wont lose kills after death.

Enable Rewards message - enable or disable message about receiving kit

Enable message about losing kills if possible - the name speaks for itself

Step 5:

After you are done with creating kits and adding them to config, give players the permission "killrewards.use"


Step 6:

You are all set.



Discord: as_notchu

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