About Item Possession Auto Roles
Intelligent Group Assignment
Automatically group players based on their inventory
Define custom groups with precise item requirements
Reward players for their in-game achievements instantly!
Blazing Fast Performance
Optimized multi-threaded checking
Minimal server impact
Intelligent caching technology
Totally Customizable
Check for specific items
Set quantity thresholds
Create unlimited group definitions
Works with any item in Rust!
Smart Features
Real-time group updates
Configurable check intervals
Detailed debug logging
Lightweight and efficient
Give "Starter" group to players with a rock
Promote to "Veteran" with 30+ kills
"Teleport" a player to loot room if they find an egg
Create endless possibilities!
You can even destroy the item after a specified amount of time
Perfect for:
Group-specific UIs
RPG-style servers
Community progression systems
Skill-based ranking
Encouraging player engagement
Teleportation Systems
Grab Item Possession Auto-Roles NOW and transform your Rust server!
"Groups": [
"GroupId": "Headphones",
"ItemChecks": [
"ItemId": 1675639563,
"CheckQuantity": false,
"RequiredAmount": 1,
"RequiredCategory": null,
"DestroyItems": false,
"DestroyItemsDelay": 300.0,
"CheckSkin": true,
"SkinId": 3408362327
"GroupId": "advanced_user",
"ItemChecks": [
"ItemId": -699558439,
"CheckQuantity": true,
"RequiredAmount": 30,
"RequiredCategory": null,
"DestroyItems": false,
"DestroyItemsDelay": 300.0,
"CheckSkin": false,
"SkinId": 0
"CheckIntervalSeconds": 10.0,
"DebugMode": false,
"MaxUpdatesPerTick": 10,
"MinUpdateInterval": 1.0,
"PlayersPerBatch": 10,
"CacheSize": 1000