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GroupTemp 1.5.1

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About GroupTemp

grouptemp Plugin Usage Instructions

📜 Overview of 'grouptemp' Plugin

The 'grouptemp' plugin is a user-friendly tool that allows you to assign temporary group permissions to players with just one command.

⚙️ Command Structure

Command Format:

/addgrouptemp <player_or_steamid> <oxide.group> <time>

Example Commands:

Assign VIP group for 30 days to a player:

/addgrouptemp l0rd VIP 30d

Assign VIP group for 1 hour to a player using Steam ID:

/addgrouptemp 76561198012345678 VIP 1h

Assign VIP group for 1 minute:

/addgrouptemp lol VIP 1m

Assign VIP group for 10 seconds:

/addgrouptemp lol VIP 10s

Assign VIP group for 30 days, 2 hours, 3 minutes, and 1 second:

/addgrouptemp l0rd VIP 30d2h3m1s

🖥️ Console Usage

The command can also be executed via the console using the same format:

addgrouptemp <player_or_steamid> <oxide.group> <time>

⏳ User Interface (UI)

A UI element will display the remaining time for the temporary group above the TC upkeep.

You can set at least 6 different groups for the same player.

🔑 Permissions Required

To run the command in chat, you need the following permission:

grouptemp.adminuse: This permission is necessary for executing the command.

Note: The UI does not require any permissions to function.

💾 Data Persistence

The plugin can save data effectively. If a player already has a time value for a group, the new duration will be added to the existing time, ensuring that the total remaining time is updated.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance with the 'grouptemp' plugin!

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