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Corpse Location 2.3.5

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About Corpse Location

  By use of the /where command players can see how far away and in which grid their last corpse is.



  • corpselocation.use -- Allows player to use the /where chat command
  • corpselocation.tp -- Allows player to teleport to their own corpse with /where tp
  • corpselocation.vip -- Combined with corpselocation.tp gives the player a separate tp limit
  • corpselocation.admin -- Allows player to teleport to any corpse with /tpcorpse NAME/ID

Chat Commands

  • /where -- Show how far away and in which grid player's corpse is
  • /where tp -- Teleport to your own corpse
  • /return -- Return to the original location you teleported from
  • /tpcorpse NAME/ID -- Teleport to the corpse of a player, using either their display name or steam id.


Default values:

"Show grid location": true,
"Track a corpse's location for x seconds": 30,
"Allow teleporting to own corpse x times per day (0 for unlimited)": 5,
"Allow teleporting to own corpse x times per day (0 for unlimited), for VIPs": 10,
"Allow returning to original location after teleporting": false,
"Countdown until teleporting to own corpse (0 for instant tp)": 5.0,
"Block teleports into Zone Manager's tp blocked zones": true,
"Block teleports from Zone Manager's tp blocked zones": true,
"Block teleports into building blocked areas": false,
"Reset players' remaining teleports at this time (HH:mm:ss format)": "00:00:00"


Whenever I die I am always in the unknown, why?

There is currently an issue where on initialization sometimes all deaths are registered as in the unknown. If that happens, reload the plugin.

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