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CodeRaid 2.0.0

   (1 review)
Message added by RustFlash,

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About CodeRaid


A little event for your players!

The new version of CodeRaid 2.0.0 introduces a revamped and improved gaming experience that has already been well received by the community! The new version replaces the annoying chat spam system of the previous version with a user-friendly user interface (UI) that makes entering, deleting and sending codes much more intuitive.

Thanks to the optimisations, the plugin is not only more visually appealing, but also more practical to use - perfect for dynamic and exciting competitions. The new customisation options and the enthusiastic feedback from players make CodeRaid 2.0.0 a must-have event for everyone!


You can start the CodeRaid event with the following command:

/flashcoderaid - Chat Command
flashcoderaid - Console Command






After you have successfully started the plugin, you can define everything yourself in /oxide/config/CodeRaid.json!

  "PrizeSettings": {
    "Commands to execute": [
      "addgroup {player_id} vip 7d"
    "Items": [
        "amount": 1,
        "displayName": "Well done, here's a rock",
        "shortname": "rock",
        "skinId": 2843316584
  "ProximityThreshold": 100, // Gives help when a player is near the correct code.
  "wrongGuessDamage": 5 // Damage caused by incorrect guessing



You need the free TimedPermission for this plugin if you want to deliver VIP as profit


More Free Plugins:
If you are looking for more useful free plugins, please have a look at my Discord, you only have to choose the Flash role when you join. Support Discord

load, run, enjoy 💝
Pointing Down Dougie Payne GIF by Travis


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