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Base Fixer 3.0.2

   (1 review)

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  • 10.06 kB

About Base Fixer

Base fixer is a rust plugin that allows you to repair your entire base from one spot, it aims to be a lightweight and performant plugin. It is very simple to configure to your server needs and it feels as though it was a feature within Rust itself.


- Ability to be enabled by default.
- Will repair entire bases entities included (External tcs not included).
- Players must have the exact number of resources to completely fix everything (Components included).
- Repairing bases doesn't impact the performance of your server in any way.
- A very lightweight plugin that doesn't take up much space only ~8kB.


basefixer.use		<- Required for players to use the plugin.
basefixer.NoPlayerTax	<- Players with this permission don't use resources.


/br	<- Toggles Base Fixer


bool 	EnabledByDefault	<- Makes it so when players join Base Fixer is on by default.
int 	EntitiesPerSecond	<- Defines how many entities will be repaired at once (Higher number more resource intensive).
float 	DamageRepairCooldown	<- The cooldown it should take before repairing after an entity has been damaged.
int 	RepairCostMultiplier	<- Multiplying the cost of resources needed to repair the base.



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