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Andre Dirker


Cannot use map due to not HDRP train tunnels not complete monuments not setup. Purchased map due to review of Phudgee and thought it was fixed or i could make some changes, but this is not worth it.


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Under-impressed. I was looking for a nice 6000 map, and came across this one. The price was reasonable so I bought it. Its not a bad map, don't get me wrong. Obviously some time was spent separating the biomes, which is kind of nice...  but in the end, it just doesn't flow. It actually feels more like a procgen map as you move around it.... But there are many areas where there are like 4 monuments on top of each other. With such a large area, there shouldn't be a need for this. Bandit camp and Abandoned Cabins are on top of each other. The Ranch, Spermket, and HQM Quarry are all piled on top of each other in such a way that the Ranch makes no sense, because the entrance/exit are butted up against a cliffside.... Theres a custom Casino, that has a tree growing through the bottom of the stairs..... Way more effort was put into the map and terrain, than was the monuments and buildings.... this much is obvious....

The only thing that makes you even realize this is a custom map, other than the split biomes, is the jumbled monuments, and the changes made to existing monuments, like dome, where there's a couple other knocked over domes. The Satellite dish monument, that has additional satellite dishes, and what could be a cool roadside garage, but you cant actually go in it, so its just a building with a truck parked out front.

Am I angry I paid $8 for this map? Not at all. I think the map maker did good on the map, but didn't quite nail it when it came to the buildings and monuments.... That's all I'm saying.... 

I'm happy to throw $8 to this maker in hopes that he comes back with a more amazing map in the future. Because again, the map itself is nice, the terrain, the biomes, the layout, it feels good..... the layout of the monuments and few custom "roadside attractions" just feel bad... 

I wont be using this map in its current state, but look forward to seeing what comes out of this in the future.

Support a map-maker, kick them a couple bucks....

Response from the author:

Thankyou for your honest review.  I am more than happy to take another look into lay-out of this map to ensure a more balanced system of monuments.

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