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Cewkie Map - The Wilds "one grid" 1k custom map 1.0.0

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About Cewkie Map - The Wilds "one grid" 1k custom map

Cewkie Map - The wilds one grid 

A highly detailed Custom 1k map , including all biomes , custom dense vegetation, custom rock areas, formations, rivers ,custom monuments, even bandit camp is custom, 0 generation. I really tried to push how much you can fit in a 1k so there is no pinching prefabs at around 13k , i wanted you to be able to disappear or feel like you could disappear in this map and not feel miniature, the monuments are  focused on what you need for pvp with meds, food, a way to fix transport and loot. The map itself also offers food around rivers and there are fresh water lakes.

- monuments -

1 x abandoned supermarket

1x lighthouse 

1x slick ricks garage

1x abandoned trailer shelter 

1x fanboat

1x phils pharma


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