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About FuZZED

  • Birthday 10/13/2003

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  1. FuZZED

    Crates Event

    Version 0.0.1


    This is a plugin that I made for my server, to bring more PvP into monuments. It will spawn a total of 4 crates inside the monuments that I have setup with offsets, the monuments that are setup are Launch Site, Dome, Water Treatment and Train Yard. Hopeful this will bring more PvP into our server. How It Works: It will generate a random number from 1 - 4, depending on the number it lands on is the monument that will be picked: 1 - Launch Site 2 - Dome 3 - Train Yard 4 - Water Treatment It will then spawn the 4 crates within the offsets I have set. If the plugin is unloaded or the command it called again it will delete the crates before spawning in new ones, so you don't end up with a bunch of crates in one spot. Permissions: In order to use the command you need to have the permission - cratesevent.admin o.grant user [Username / Steam ID] cratesevent.admin o.grant group [Group Name] cratesevent.admin Automation: If you want the event to start on its own on a timer, I would recommend you a plugin to help you do that. uMod - Timed Execute by misticos Go into the TimedExecute.json config and in TimerRepeat add - "startCratesEvent": Timer in seconds For Example: "TimerRepeat": { "startCratesEvent": 300 } This will start the event every 5 minutes.
  2. Version 0.0.2


    This plugin will remove all the puzzle doors on every monument when the server is started. There is no permission, config or data files, just drag and drop the RemoveAllPuzzleDoors.cs into your plugins folder.


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