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Strike System 1.0.0

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About Strike System

StrikeSystem is your ultimate solution for maintaining order and accountability within your Discord server's staff team. Designed specifically for server administrators and moderators, the StrikeSystem automates the strike system, making it easier than ever to track infractions and enforce disciplinary actions fairly.

- Requirements - 

1. Need access to a mysql database.
2. Must have some way to run a Node.js discord bot.


- Setup Guide -

1. Retrieve the .zip file from Codefling.
2. Extract the contents of the folder.
3. Transfer the StrikeSystem files into your bot hosting service provide or if you are self hosting the bot you can skip this.
4. Fill out the config.json file.
5. Your main bot file is index.js so if you are using pterodactyl you will want to put that in the startup page depending on the host.
6. Start the bot.
7. Done!


- Commands -

1. /strike
	Allows people with the correct permissions to strike other members of there behavior and log that information into a mysql database. After 
	striking the user they will get a message from the bot and the bot will send a message to the channel that you setup in the config.json.
2. /get-strike
	Once you sent the all staff role in the config.json that will allow them to use this command without adding the user at the end to check there own strikes. Only people with the correct role will be able to add a user on the end to check other peoples strikes.
3. /remove-strike 
	Users with the correct permissions will be able to delete / remove strikes from users.


- Features -

1. Abulity to strike users.
2. Set every command behind different permissions.
3. Send a log of each command that has been ran.
4. The user that got the strike gets a dm with the strike information.
5. Remove strikes and the embed it sent into the channel.


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- Support -

RustForge is a Discord server dedicated to aiding both novice and seasoned server owners, as well as plugin developers. If you require assistance with any of my plugins or prefabs, I strongly advise joining the server to receive support. RustForge Invite


Vinni P.'s Collection

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