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VehicleController 1.0.beta

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About VehicleController


(DOES NOT SUPPORT OXIDE SERVERS) This plugin is designed to control almost all aspects of every player driven vehicle plus more! 



This plugin is in an early beta version, there may be bugs yet to be discovered, please consider this when deciding whether to purchase this plugin! Any bugs should be reported to me through discord or the support tab. I will make fixing any bugs my highest priority! Also note I will be accepting 3 server owners as beta testers for this plugin, beta testers will receive a free copy of the plugin and will retain this license so long as they actively participate in the beta testing period. During this time beta testers are expected to actively monitor potential bugs and report them immediately, not doing so will potentially void your license. To opt into the Beta test please

  • message Schmenkins on discord or open a support request
  • Wishlist the plugin
  • Once accepted you will be granted a free copy!



  • Sam Site Targeting Values for each type of Sam Targetable vehicle (Helicopters, Parachutes, MLRS)
  • Entity Fuel System Settings for each type of vehicle! (Trains, Cars, Snowmobiles, Bikes, Modular Cars, Helicopters) 
    • Enable/Disable using for for each type of entity
    • Edit the amount of fuel entities spawn with from vendors
    • Balloons Fuel Per Sec
  • Entity Decay Setting for each type of vehicle (Trains, Cars, Snowmobiles, Bikes, Modular Cars, Helicopters)
    • Enable or disable decay for specific types of vehicles
    • Edit decay properties for specific types of vehicles
  • Entity Damage Settings for each type of vehicle (Trains, Cars, Snowmobiles, Bikes, Modular Cars, Helicopters)
    • Enabled or disabled damage for specific types of vehicles
    • Enable or disable collision damage for specific types of vehicles
  • Specific Air Vehicle Settings
    • Edit inertia tensors of each helicopter (makes them more maneuverable) 
    • Edit lift fraction for each helicopter (makes them ascend quicker)
    • Enable/Disable HAB Armor
    • Parachute Settings
      • Enable or disable repacking
      • Enable or disable dismount on collision
      • Enable or disable equipping parachutes mid air
      • Enable or disable landing animations
      • Edit the condition loss per use of the parachute
  • Specific Ground Vehicle Settings
    • Edit population settings for bikes and modular cars
    • Edit whether bikes hurt occupants on impact
    • Edit whether snowmobiles are all terrain or only allow passengers
    • Edit whether cars are lockable or their min/max start health
  • Specific Boat Settings
    • Edit tugs max velocity
    • Edit whether tug lights are turned off
    • Edit tug water drag
    • Enable or disable tugs drifting to shore
    • Edit seconds until shore drift or seconds between shore drift
    • Edit max tug population
  • Specific Submarine Settings
    • Edit the minutes on oxygen on board
  • Specific Train Settings
    • Edit the max train car population
    • Edit the numbers of wagons per engine
    • Edit decay minutes
    • Edit max speed of engines
    • Edit engine forces



Thank you to Mabel, part of the no fuel system uses his code.




  "Version Number": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 0
  "Message Prefix": "<size=18px><color=#51a3f5>[</color><color=#FFFFFF>V</color><color=#FF0000>C</color><color=#51a3f5>]</color></size>",
  "Sam Site Target Air Vehicle Values": {
    "minicopter.entity": false,
    "attackhelicopter.entity": false,
    "scraptransporthelicopter": false,
    "hotairballoon": false,
    "parachute": false,
    "MLRS Rockets": false
  "Vehicle Entity Fuel System Settings": {
    "Air Vehicle Fuel Settings": {
      "Air Vehicles Use Fuel (Default true)": {
        "minicopter.entity": false,
        "attackhelicopter.entity": false,
        "scraptransporthelicopter": false,
        "hotairballoon": false
      "Amount of Fuel to Spawn with from Vendor": {
        "minicopter.entity": 200,
        "attackhelicopter.entity": 200,
        "scraptransporthelicopter": 100,
        "hotairballoon": 75
      "Balloon Fuel Per Sec (Default .25f)": 0.25
    "Boat Fuel Settings": {
      "Boats Use Fuel (Default true)": {
        "rowboat": false,
        "rhib": false,
        "tugboat": false,
        "submarineSolo.entity": false,
        "submarineduo.entity": false
      "Amount of Fuel to Spawn with (Default 0f)": {
        "rowboat": 0,
        "rhib": 0,
        "tugboat": 0,
        "submarineSolo.entity": 0,
        "submarineduo.entity": 0
    "Ground Vehicle Fuel Settings": {
      "Ground Vehicles Use Fuel (Default true)": {
        "motorbike": false,
        "motorbike_sidecar": false,
        "snowmobile": false,
        "ModularCar": false
      "Amount of Fuel to Spawn with": {
        "motorbike": 0,
        "motorbike_sidecar": 0,
        "snowmobile": 0,
        "ModularCar": 0
    "Train Fuel Settings": {
      "Ground Vehicles Use Fuel (Default true)": {
        "locomotive.entity": false,
        "workcart_aboveground.entity": false,
        "workcart.entity": false,
        "workcart_aboveground2.entity": false
      "Amount of Fuel to Spawn with": {
        "locomotive.entity": 0,
        "workcart_aboveground.entity": 0,
        "workcart.entity": 0,
        "workcart_aboveground2.entity": 0
  "Vehicle Entity Decay Settings": {
    "Air Vehicle Decay Settings": {
      "Air Vehicles Decay": {
        "minicopter.entity": false,
        "attackhelicopter.entity": false,
        "scraptransporthelicopter": false,
        "hotairballoon": false
      "Air Vehicle Outside Decay Minutes": {
        "minicopter.entity": 0.0,
        "attackhelicopter.entity": 0.0,
        "scraptransporthelicopter": 0.0,
        "hotairballoon": 0.0
      "Air Vehicle Inside Decay Minutes": {
        "minicopter.entity": 0.0,
        "attackhelicopter.entity": 0.0,
        "scraptransporthelicopter": 0.0
    "Boat Decay Settings": {
      "Boats Decay Settings": {
        "tugboat": false,
        "rhib": false,
        "rowboat": false,
        "kayak": false,
        "submarineSolo.entity": false,
        "submarineduo.entity": false
      "Boat Outside Decay Settings": {
        "tugboat": 0.0,
        "rhib": 0.0,
        "rowboat": 0.0,
        "submarineSolo.entity": 0.0,
        "submarineduo.entity": 0.0
      "Boat Deep Water Decay Settings": {
        "tugboat": 0.0,
        "rhib": 0.0,
        "rowboat": 0.0,
        "submarineSolo.entity": 0.0,
        "submarineduo.entity": 0.0
      "Boat Decay Start Delay Settings": {
        "tugboat": 0.0,
        "rhib": 0.0,
        "rowboat": 0.0,
        "kayak": 0.0
      "TugBoat Decay Settings": {
        "Tug Decay Minutes (Default 2061)": 0.0,
        "Tug Corpse Seconds (Default 7200)": 0.0
    "Ground Vehicle Decay Settings": {
      "Ground Vehicles Decay Settings": {
        "motorbike": false,
        "motorbike_sidecar": false,
        "pedalbike": false,
        "pedaltrike": false,
        "snowmobile": false,
        "ModularCar": false
      "Ground Vehicles Outside Decay Settings": {
        "motorbike": 0.0,
        "motorbike_sidecar": 0.0,
        "snowmobile": 0.0,
        "ModularCar": 0.0
    "Train Decay Settings": {
      "Trains Decay": {
        "trainwagonb.entity": false,
        "trainwagonc.entity": false,
        "trainwagona.entity": false,
        "traincaboose.entity": false,
        "locomotive.entity": false,
        "workcart.entity": false,
        "workcart_aboveground2.entity": false,
        "workcart_aboveground.entity": false,
        "trainwagonunloadable.entity": false,
        "trainwagonunloadablefuel.entity": false,
        "trainwagonunloadableloot.entity": false
  "Vehicle Entity Damage Settings": {
    "Air Vehicle Damage Properties": {
      "Air Vehicles Take Damage": {
        "minicopter.entity": false,
        "attackhelicopter.entity": false,
        "scraptransporthelicopter": false,
        "ch47.entity": false,
        "hotairballoon": false
      "Helis Take Collision Damage": {
        "minicopter.entity": false,
        "attackhelicopter.entity": false,
        "scraptransporthelicopter": false,
        "ch47.entity": false
    "Boat Damage Properties": {
      "Boats Take Damage": {
        "tugboat": false,
        "rhib": false,
        "rowboat": false,
        "kayak": false,
        "submarineSolo.entity": false,
        "submarineduo.entity": false
    "Ground Vehicle Damage Properties": {
      "Ground Vehicles Take Damage": {
        "ModularCar": false,
        "snowmobile": false,
        "motorbike": false,
        "motorbike_sidecar": false,
        "pedalbike": false,
        "pedaltrike": false
      "Ground Vehicles Take Collision Damage": {
        "ModularCar": false,
        "snowmobile": false,
        "motorbike": false,
        "motorbike_sidecar": false,
        "pedalbike": false,
        "pedaltrike": false
    "Train Damage Properties": {
      "Trains Take Damage": {
        "trainwagonb.entity": false,
        "trainwagonc.entity": false,
        "trainwagona.entity": false,
        "traincaboose.entity": false,
        "locomotive.entity": false,
        "workcart.entity": false,
        "workcart_aboveground2.entity": false,
        "workcart_aboveground.entity": false,
        "trainwagonunloadable.entity": false,
        "trainwagonunloadablefuel.entity": false,
        "trainwagonunloadableloot.entity": false
      "Trains Take Collision Damage": {
        "trainwagonb.entity": false,
        "trainwagonc.entity": false,
        "trainwagona.entity": false,
        "traincaboose.entity": false,
        "locomotive.entity": false,
        "workcart.entity": false,
        "workcart_aboveground2.entity": false,
        "workcart_aboveground.entity": false,
        "trainwagonunloadable.entity": false,
        "trainwagonunloadablefuel.entity": false,
        "trainwagonunloadableloot.entity": false
  "Air Vehicle Settings": {
    "Base Helicopter Settings": {
      "Server Ceiling (Default 1000f)": 1000.0,
      "Default Heli Movement Values": {
        "minicopter.entity": {
          "Item1": {
            "x": 407.09,
            "y": 279.58,
            "z": 173.17
          "Item2": 0.25
        "attackhelicopter.entity": {
          "Item1": {
            "x": 9041.75,
            "y": 14866.42,
            "z": 7647.33
          "Item2": 0.25
        "scraptransporthelicopter": {
          "Item1": {
            "x": 19082.0,
            "y": 14356.0,
            "z": 7940.0
          "Item2": 0.25
    "Hot Air Balloon Settings": {
      "Can Equip HAB Armor (Default true)": false,
      "Schedule Turn Off Balloon (Default true)": false,
      "Ceiling (Default 200f)": 200.0
    "Parachute Settings": {
      "Dismount on Collision (Default true)": false,
      "Can Equip Mid Air (Default false)": false,
      "Max Velocity (Default 13.5f)": 13.5,
      "Bypass Repack (Default false)": false,
      "Disable Landing Animations (Default false)": false,
      "Condition Loss Per Use (Default .2f)": 0.2
  "Ground Vehicle Settings": {
    "Bike Settings": {
      "Number of PedalBike Roadside Spawns (Default 1f)": 1.0,
      "Number of PedalBike Monument Spawns (Default 1f)": 1.0,
      "Number of MotorBike Monument Spawns (Default 1f)": 1.0,
      "Bikes Hurt Occupants on Impact (Default true)": false
    "SnowMobile Settings": {
      "Allow Passengers Only (Default false)": false,
      "All Terrain (fun mode) (Default false)": false
    "Modular Car Settings": {
      "Car is Lockable (Default true)": false,
      "Min Start Health (Default 0.15)": 0.15,
      "Max Start Health (Default 0.5)": 0.5,
      "Max Modular Car Population (Default 3)": 6.0
  "Boat Settings": {
    "Tug Settings": {
      "Tug Max Velocity (Default 15f)": 15.0,
      "Toggle Tug Lights (Default true)": false,
      "Tug Water Drag (Default 0.8f)": 0.8,
      "Tugs Drift to shore (Default true)": false,
      "Seconds Until Shore Drift (Default 180f)": 7200,
      "Seconds Between Shore Drift (Default 180f)": 120,
      "Tug Spawn Population (Default f)": 2.0
    "Submarine Settings": {
      "Minutes of Oxygen on Board": 10.0
  "Train Settings": {
    "Train Car Population (Default 2.3)": 2.3,
    "Wagons Per Engine (Default 2)": 2,
    "Decay Minutes (Default 30f)": 30.0,
    "Max Speed (Default 30f)": 12.0,
    "Engine Force (Default 250000f)": 250000.0


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