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Guess The Number Event 2.3.8

   (0 reviews)
Message added by RustyCMD,

Config Has Changed Again,
Now requires Steam Api Key For The New Leaderboard feature

Where to get a steam api Key?

2 Screenshots

  • 8.9k
  • 101
  • 14.6 kB

About Guess The Number Event

V2 Update

Users Only Have To Type The Number In Chat, No Command Needed

/claim - if user won the previous event

Manual Starting Of The Event: /startevent


Upon Winnning Or Claiming Prizes A Sound WIll Be Played!

Made new config options to give multiple things,
added a /claim prize for when a user guess's the number correctly

The default config looks like this below

  "PrizeCommands": [
    "inventory.give {player.id} wood 100"
  "GuessRangeMin": 0,
  "GuessRangeMax": 10,
  "EventIntervalMinutes": 15,
  "EventDurationMinutes": 10,
  "CorrectGuessSound": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/gold_open.prefab",
  "ClaimPrizeSound": "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/presents/effects/unwrap.prefab",
  "SteamApiKey": "https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey"

Although you can edit it to give multiple things if a user wins the event and uses /claim shown below

  "PrizeCommands": [
    "inventory.give {player.id} wood 100",
    "inventory.give {player.id} wood 100",
    "inventory.give {player.id} wood 100",
    "inventory.give {player.id} wood 100"
  "GuessRangeMin": 0,
  "GuessRangeMax": 10,
  "EventIntervalMinutes": 15,
  "EventDurationMinutes": 10,
  "CorrectGuessSound": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/gold_open.prefab",
  "ClaimPrizeSound": "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/presents/effects/unwrap.prefab",
  "SteamApiKey": "https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey"


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