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Ember Simple Vote Module 1.0.1

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About Ember Simple Vote Module

This module adds a Voting page to the Ember application.

You can configure up to 4 servers and have your visitors vote on 5 different voting sites:

  • rust-servers.net
  • bestservers.com
  • top-games.net
  • top-serveurs.net
  • trackyserver.com


This module doesn't use API. It can't verify the votes, it just gives you the ability to add a vote page to Ember.

For checking votes you can use one of these plugins: 

  • Voter Rewards

  • Easy Vote

How to install:

Copy the "ember-simple-vote-module" directory to the folder called "modules" in your Ember web directory.  



You can configure the module by editing the VoteController.php file in "Controllers\VoteController.php"

The settings are commented, so you can't find info about each parameter.

Things that you can configure:


'title' => 'Vote', // Replace if you want to rename page title. This doesn't change page url or button name. Only the title in web browser.
'claimcommand' => '/claim',  // Replace by your rust server claim command.



This is an example with the first server:


			// SERVER #1
			'ServerName1' => 'NEW HAVEN x3', // Replace by the first server name.
			'ServerBannerImg1' => 'https://i0.wp.com/www.thexboxhub.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/rust-console-edition-header.jpg',  // Replace by your server banner url.
			'EnableRustServers1' => 'ON', //  Replace 'OFF' by 'ON' to enable vote button for Rust-Server.net.
			'RustServersID1' => '167267',  // Replace by your Rust-Server.net ID. Help -> https://prnt.sc/A1gz3i0Tdnxr
			'EnableBestServers1' => 'OFF', //  Replace 'OFF' by 'ON' to enable vote button for BestServers.net.
			'BestServersID1' => '1922',  // Replace by your BestServers.net ID. Help -> https://prnt.sc/FRtt47wLvhon
			'EnableTopGames1' => 'OFF', //  Replace 'OFF' by 'ON' to enable vote button for Top-Games.net .
			'TopGamesID1' => 'new-haven-x3',  // Replace by your Top-Games.net custom url name ex: https://top-games.net/rust/YOUR_CUSTOM_URL_NAME. Help -> https://prnt.sc/D_CkEOJ3MewW
			'EnableTopServeurs1' => 'OFF', //  Replace 'OFF' by 'ON' to enable vote button for Top-Serveurs.net.
			'TopServeursID1' => 'fr-new-haven',  // Replace by your Top-Serveurs.net custom url name ex: https://top-serveurs.net/rust/YOUR_CUSTOM_URL_NAME. Help -> https://prnt.sc/ZwlATTv2zjlE
			'EnableTrackyServer1' => 'OFF', //  Replace 'OFF' by 'ON' to enable vote button for TrackyServer.com.
			'TrackyServerID1' => 'x3-new-haven-1971966',  // Replace by your TrackyServer.com custom url name ex: https://www.trackyserver.com/fr/server/YOUR_CUSTOM_URL_NAME. Help -> https://prnt.sc/wezbi5zNnSQa



Configs is the same for other server, there is just on more option to enable them:

			// SERVER #2
			'EnableServer2' => 'ON',  // Replace 'OFF' by 'ON' if you want to display a second server.


If you modify any other part of the script, it is at your own risk. No support will be given to you.


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