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About thepeachyviking

  • Birthday February 26

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    I can't live without this plugin. Best money I ever spent! This plugin is light weight. So it does not stress the server. The dev is always on top of getting it updated. The Config is optimized right out the gate so it can be as "SIMPLE" as plug and play. But super easy to modify to your liking. This plugin is a most have for all modded servers.
  1. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.1
  2. Just incase. I also updated the file with the new launcher. I saw a post saying someone was able to fix it by simply loading and saving the file in the new editor. Try that as well as what I listed above.
  3. @luckyohducky Sorry for the delay. When I first loaded the map in my editor. It did not load trainyard. However. After updating my editor. It loaded just fine. Would you be willing to check that you are running the most up to date rust edit DLL listed as one of my dependency's? Then make sure all oxide files are up to date and then let me know if it worked?
  4. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  5. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Not a Bug
  6. Was able to fix. Looks like the map link was corrupt.
  7. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to 1.0
  8. Resolved.
  9. I make a lot of maps. Most of them have arctic. However. I only hand pick ones that I think are the best quality. So either I've been rather unlucky or I forgot to put it in the description.
  10. Version 1.1


    This map was fully tested and functional. My maps are also designed for performance. Our Maps are fun and fast! The Map has a KOTH Island Monument as its main feature, Encourages PVP and other fun mechanics. There are Custom Rivers around it for lots of base building. I also made it so ore nodes spawn more frequent along beaches and in the snow area. There are a lot of flat areas both on and off the rivers. These flat areas are great for the raidable bases plugin. I also added some extra loot spawns for a better balanced feel. Please refer to the images above. This map also has a merged Outpost/Bandit using the generic rust edit open source prefab. Map Details: Map Size 2500 Vanilla Monuments: Large Oil Small Oil Underwater Labs Outpost (With Bandit attachments) Launch site Water Treatment Giant Excavator Dome 2 Harbors Abandoned Military Base Missle Silo HQM Quarry Sulfur Quarry Train Tunnels 2 Fishing Villages Gas Station Supermarket FYI's Please note a few things about this map. Their are no above ground rails, ziplines/power polls. These have been removed for performance purposes. Map is password protected. Password is included in the README file. FUN TALK! LET'S DO IT AGAIN!!!
  11. Version 1.1


    Rusty Avalon maps are fully tested and functional maps on our live 3X server. Rusty Avalon maps are also designed for performance. Our Maps are fun and fast! The Map has a great buildable lake as its main feature, Encourages building clan bases to build next to each other. I also made it so ore nodes spawn more frequent along beaches and in the snow area. There are a lot of flat areas both on and off the lake. These flat areas are great for the raidable bases plugin. Most maps are designed on live stream where the community comes to contribute their ideas for a fun, fair and balanced experience. If you want to join in on these experiences. Social links are included in purchase if interested. Required Dependencies Rust Edit Extension Map Details: Map Size 2500 Vanilla Monuments: Large Oil Small Oil Underwater Labs Outpost Bandit Camp Launch site Military Tunnels Power Plant Trainyard Giant Excavator Dome Harbor Abandoned Military Base HQM Quarry Train Tunnels Fishing Village Large Fishing Village Gas Station Supermarket Lighthouse (x2) FYI's Please note a few things about this map. Their are no above ground rails, ziplines/power polls. These have been removed for performance purposes. After purchase. If you want minor tweaks done. Please feel free to message me. FUN TALK! LET'S DO IT AGAIN!!!
  12. They are completely empty trying to farm free charcoal. However. I did try and put ores in them and I got the same result. They would just turn off.
  13. Have them running and then restart the server. I also have "Enable Charcoal Creation in Electric Furnace" set to true
  14. I saw in the discussions of people bringing this up. From what I can see. I think you said it would be fixed in the next patch on the 4th. I am using the new version that was released on the 12th 2.1.9. I am still having this issue. Was this patched or is it still coming? Thanks, and love you ShayBae


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