Version 1.0.0
PLAYERKITS allows your players to redeem pre-made kits of items from a UI. Very easy to use and has most of the latest features for containing all your server free and paid kits.
Easy to set kits
Creation and Editing menu
Auto Kits setup
Setup kits with permissions
Favorite kits options for easy claiming
Create different groups and show them separately
Customize UI colors in the config
/kit or /kits or /kitsmenu - Opens up kits view ui
/kits "KIT NAME" - Get the specific kit faster
/kits autokit - Allows the player to toggle spawning with autokits
/kits help - Show the help menu with all available commands
/kits list - Shows the full list of kits names
/kits reset - Reset all player usage data
playerkits.admin - Required for creating or editing any kit
playerkits.changeautokit - Required for player to toggle spawning kits