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  1. Version 1.1.1


    Make life easier for the players on your server, this plugin allows you to craft items if there is a vault nearby with the right resources, and you can easily move items from one vault to another. Features: When you want to craft an item and you don't have enough resources but there is a craft store that has enough resources, they will be moved to your crafting inventory Three resource movement modes Basic transfer - By hitting one vault with Hammer and then the other one in transfer all items from the 1st to the 2nd vault. My transfer - transferring items from all available storages in the area (radius in the config) into your inventory and vice versa Advance transfer - move from any available storage within the radius to any other Commands: (You need to hold the hammer in your hands to use it) Press "R" - for open the UI change transfer mode. Press "RMB" - for open the UI transfer menu. Permissions: "inventoryhelper.all" - allow you use full functionality "inventoryhelper.swap" - allows you to swap the contents "inventoryhelper.pull" - allows you to get items from containers when he try to craft something "inventoryhelper.basictransfer" - allows you to transfer items between containers "inventoryhelper.mytransfer" - allows you to trasfer all your items to the container "inventoryhelper.adtransfer" - allows you to transfer items between continaser with UI Config: { "Pull request cooldown": 3.0, "Use UI messages": true, "Use Chat messages": true, "UI message duration": 3.0, "Storage pull|search radius": 18.5 } Lang: { "CH_CPBB": "<color=#ff0a0a>You can't pull resources in Building Block zone.</color>", "CH_PCD": "<color=#ff0a0a>Pull cooldown {0}s</color>", "CH_PMR": "<color=#ff0a0a>Not enough resources for pull:</color>{0}", "CH_PRC": "<color=#beff7f>Resources pulled for {0} craft. ({1} items pulled)</color>", "CH_SS": "<color=#ff0a0a>This is the same storage</color>", "CH_STFA": "<color=#ff0a0a>The storage is too far away</color>", "CH_SSL": "<color=#ffff00>Select a storage location where you want to move items</color>", "CH_SISEMPTY": "<color=#ff0a0a>The storage is empty</color>", "CH_FULLINV": "<color=#ff0a0a>There's not enough room in your inventory</color>", "CH_FULLSTORAGE": "<color=#ff0a0a>There's not enough room in the storage</color>", "CH_TRASFITEMS": "<color=#beff7f>{0} items trasfered from {1} to {2}</color>", "CH_NOTAVALIBLE": "<color=#ff0a0a>The storage isn't avalible</color>", "CH_PERM": "<color=#ff0a0a>You don't have enough permission</color>" } { "CH_CPBB": "<color=#ff0a0a>无法在\"构建基块\"区域中拉取资源。</color>", "CH_PCD": "<color=#ff0a0a>拉动冷却时间 {0}</color>", "CH_PMR": "<color=#ff0a0a>没有足够的资源用于拉取:</color>{0}", "CH_PRC": "<color=#beff7f>为{0}工艺而拉动的资源。({1}项目拉出)</color>", "CH_SS": "<color=#ff0a0a>这是相同的存储</color>", "CH_STFA": "<color=#ff0a0a>存储太远</color>", "CH_SSL": "<color=#ffff00>选择要移动项目的存储位置</color>", "CH_SISEMPTY": "<color=#ff0a0a>存储为空</color>", "CH_FULLINV": "<color=#ff0a0a>库存中没有足够的空间</color>", "CH_FULLSTORAGE": "<color=#ff0a0a>储物空间不足</color>", "CH_TRASFITEMS": "<color=#beff7f>从{1}到{2}的{0}物品</color>", "CH_NOTAVALIBLE": "<color=#ff0a0a>存储不可用</color>", "CH_PERM": "<color=#ff0a0a>您没有足够的权限</color>" } { "CH_CPBB": "<color=#ff0a0a>Вы не можете тянуть ресурсы в зоне Building Block.</color>", "CH_PCD": "<color=#ff0a0a>Вытягивания будет доступно через {0}с</color>", "CH_PMR": "<color=#ff0a0a>Недостаточно ресурсов для вытягивания:</color>{0}", "CH_PRC": "<color=#beff7f>Нужно ресурсов для крафта {0}. ({1} ресурсов)</color>", "CH_SS": "<color=#ff0a0a>Это тоже самое хранилище</color>", "CH_STFA": "<color=#ff0a0a>Хранилище слишком далеко</color>", "CH_SSL": "<color=#ffff00>Выберите хранилище, в которое вы бы хотели переместить ресурсы</color>", "CH_SISEMPTY": "<color=#ff0a0a>Хранилище пустое</color>", "CH_FULLINV": "<color=#ff0a0a>У вас нет места в инвентаре</color>", "CH_FULLSTORAGE": "<color=#ff0a0a>Недостаточно места в хранилище</color>", "CH_TRASFITEMS": "<color=#beff7f>{0} предметов перемещено из {1} в {2}</color>", "CH_NOTAVALIBLE": "<color=#ff0a0a>Хранилище не доступно</color>", "CH_PERM": "<color=#ff0a0a>У вас нет разрешения на выполнения этого действия</color>", }


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