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Everything posted by Xray

  1. Xray

    XLIB.dll ??

    Refounds ain't possible sorry Mind sharing your configuration for my plugin?
  2. Xray

    XLIB.dll ??

    This ticket system works perfectly well
  3. Xray

    XLIB.dll ??

    XLIB.dll is not needed as of version 3.1.15
  4. Xray

    player gets admin mode

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  5. Xray

    player gets admin mode

    Try setting this to false "Ignore Server Violations (Bans, Kicks Etc) (Recommended to keep true)": false,
  6. Xray

    Auth level

  7. Xray


  8. Xray

    Auth level

    Yes enabling "Revert On Disconnect, Restart, Reload": true, Will revert any "admin mode" the user may have upon user disconnecting, server restarting, plugin reloading
  9. Xray

    Auth level

    When a user in "Admin mode" disconnects the admin rights are revoked only the auth level stays if "Revert On Disconnect, Restart, Reload": false, Is set to false
  10. Xray

    Auth level

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  11. Xray

    Auth level

    In the config file you can specify what auth level to grant the player (1 or 2) Look for this line "Specified Auth Level (1 = moderators, 2 = owners) Must either be 1 or 2 cannot be below or above": 2, The plugin toggles the auth level of the player to 0 when not in "admin mode" so your moderators must be in "admin mode" to have auth level 1 or 2
  12. Xray


    Try upgrading to latest version of "Server Armour" As there have been plugin conflicts in the past.
  13. Xray


    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  14. Xray

    Name changing?

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Not a Bug
  15. Xray

    Name changing?

  16. Xray


    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  17. Xray


    Try enabling If this is set to false upon exiting players will be brought to the height of the map location "Teleport Back Upon Exiting": true
  18. Xray


    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  19. Xray


  20. Xray

    Admin Toggle

    Try this "Autorun Commands Use Forward Slash '/' For Chat-Commands & Leave It Blank For Console-Commands": [ "creative.allUsers", "creative.toggleCreativeModeUser", "creative.freeRepair", "creative.freeBuild", "creative.freePlacement", "creative.unlimitedIO" ],
  21. Xray

    Admin Toggle

    In the config MODES->Mode->OnAdmin You will find "Autorun Commands Use Forward Slash '/' For Chat-Commands & Leave It Blank For Console-Commands" AND "Blocked Commands" Simply add the commands you would like to be auto-executed upon entering admin mode or the player And if you would like to block certain commands either in admin or player mode simply add em (avoid single letter commands at checks based on IF blocked commands CONTAINS)
  22. Xray

    Name changing?

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  23. Xray

    Name changing?

    This plugin was originally developed for oxide... I have tested this on my development server (with oxide) and it works smoothly My suggestion is if Carbon is a must maybe don't use this feature else switch to oxide
  24. Xray


    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Not a Bug
  25. Xray


    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress


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