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Everything posted by ProjektEU

  1. ProjektEU

    Convoy chinok

    There is no loot after shooting down a Chinook and I wanted to ask how I can realistically complete this event? If I shoot at the heli, the convoy flies away.
  2. ProjektEU

    Outpost ATM

    Good day, I would like to ask if you are going to do something about this or at least send it to sleep.
  3. ProjektEU

    add skin

    After the new update, what you saw is now working.
  4. ProjektEU

    Outpost ATM

    Good day, is there any way to solve this problem? Thank you.
  5. ProjektEU


    21:33:50 Unloaded plugin Skill Tree v1.6.3 by imthenewguy 21:33:50 Unloaded plugin Skill Tree v1.6.3 by imthenewguy 21:33:50 [Skill Tree] Automatically Harmony patched 'MetalDetectorSource.CreateFlag_Patch1' method. (Item_SplitItem_Patch) 21:33:50 [Skill Tree] Automatically Harmony patched 'MetalDetectorSource.CreateFlag_Patch1' method. (Item_SplitItem_Patch) 21:33:50 [Skill Tree] Automatically Harmony patched 'BaseDiggableEntity.OnFullyDug_Patch1' method. (OnFullyDug_Patch) 21:33:50 [Skill Tree] Automatically Harmony patched 'BaseDiggableEntity.OnFullyDug_Patch1' method. (OnFullyDug_Patch) 21:33:50 [Skill Tree] Automatically Harmony patched 'BaseFishingRod.Server_RequestCast_Patch1' method. (FishingRod_Cast_Patch) 21:33:50 [Skill Tree] Automatically Harmony patched 'BaseFishingRod.Server_RequestCast_Patch1' method. (FishingRod_Cast_Patch) 21:33:50 [Skill Tree] Automatically Harmony patched 'Recycler.StopRecycling_Patch1' method. (StopRecycling_Patch) 21:33:50 [Skill Tree] Automatically Harmony patched 'Recycler.StopRecycling_Patch1' method. (StopRecycling_Patch) 21:33:50 [Skill Tree] Automatically Harmony patched 'BasePlayer.RadiationProtection_Patch1' method. (RadiationProtection_Patch) 21:33:50 [Skill Tree] Automatically Harmony patched 'BasePlayer.RadiationProtection_Patch1' method. Good day, out of nowhere, sometimes the plugin turns off and on and it gives this error, then some error spams my console, I don't know what the problem could be
  6. ProjektEU


    so I'm sorry for bothering you
  7. ProjektEU


    I uploaded the Winds Temporary permission and it works
  8. ProjektEU


    Hello, I don't want to show the status in the game after the oxide update. Do you know what the problem could be? I have the current plugin.
  9. ProjektEU

    add skin

    good day I can't add skins help /addskin
  10. ProjektEU

    Skill Tree

    I've figured it out, thanks for your advice and help
  11. ProjektEU

    Skill Tree

    If I have a VIP time, it should work, right?
  12. ProjektEU

    Skill Tree

    I already figured out how to do it for each level category. I also wanted to ask if I wanted a player to get VIP for a while after level 75, where should I write the command so that the plugin can write it to the console? I don't know how to write it there or enable it.
  13. ProjektEU

    Skill Tree

    "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": { "say <color=#ffae00>{name}</color> reached level <color=#4cff03>100</color>!": "You have reached a milestone level!", "say <color=#ffae00>{name}</color> reached level <color=#4cff03>16</color>!": "You have reached a milestone level!" he doesn't want to show it
  14. ProjektEU

    Outpost ATM

    "Display Name": "ATM", "Skin": 2551771822, "Spawn Settings": { "Monuments": { "compound": { "Enabled": true, "Position": { "x": -3.5, "y": 1.15, "z": 2.7 }, "Rotation": -90.0, "Display Name": "ATM", "Deposit Fee": 0.0, "Withdraw Fee": 0.0 }, "bandit": { "Enabled": true, "Position": { "x": 34.2, "y": 2.35, "z": -24.7 }, "Rotation": 135.0, "Display Name": "ATM", "Deposit Fee": 10.0, "Withdraw Fee": 10.0 } }, "Settings for ATMs from MonumentAddons": { Only bandit camp
  15. ProjektEU

    Skill Tree

    List of rewards the player receives based on level": { "100", "25", "50", "75" : { and here I write 25 50 75
  16. ProjektEU

    Skill Tree

    so this way when someone reaches level 100 they will write it and if I make the same text and instead of 100 I put 25 50 75 will it show that level?
  17. ProjektEU

    Skill Tree

    }, "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": [ "say <color=#ff0000>{name}</color> reached prestige.", "say <color=#ff0000>{name} reached level 100 </color>!" ]
  18. ProjektEU

    Skill Tree

    Good day, I would like to ask where I can set it so that when a player reaches the desired level, it will write in the chat that the player's name has reached such a level.
  19. ProjektEU

    Outpost ATM

    but in the config it is not set to ATM on the outpost and then I don't know how to solve the distribution of the money so that it doesn't disappear
  20. ProjektEU

    Outpost ATM

    and the ATM is in the outpost and bandit camp but in the config there is only a bandit but not an outpost ATM
  21. ProjektEU

    Outpost ATM

    no mistake, it's spelled correctly
  22. ProjektEU

    Outpost ATM

    I would be happy to solve the problem soon, thank you.
  23. ProjektEU

    Outpost ATM

    Good day, I would like to ask how the rust note is, if I divide it, for example, 100 and 100 and combine it, it doesn't give me 200 but 100, or if I divide the stack, it's like a rust note mizi, I would like to ask how it can be set up or if it's not a bug, thank you
  24. ProjektEU

    Outpost ATM

    Good day, I would like to ask how I can set a fee at the outpost on the ATM, the only thing I found is bandit camp, thank you
  25. ProjektEU

    Skill Tree

    so I uploaded version 1.6.1 to the server and still nothing, so I don't know where the problem is


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