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Everything posted by UnrealSalty

  1. Update on the issue 1, seems to have happened randomly and after reloading the plugin it fixed itself, this was shown for everyone.
  2. Issue 1: First one being that if a player is playing in a Chinese Simplified language on rust it will not work. view the attachment below. Request / Issue: Also could you please make it where it works with BetterChatTags which hides the chat tags, currently it does not do this and does not hide the gradient message and tag when hiding tags using that plugin.
  3. UnrealSalty

    Fix the errors..

    Failed to call hook 'CanDismountEntity' on plugin 'MyMiniCopter v0.5.4' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.MyMiniCopter.CanDismountEntity (BasePlayer player, BaseMountable mountable) [0x00048] in <c2beecb9d8e14f22b8e762e7dacd9bca>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.MyMiniCopter.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x0060f] in <c2beecb9d8e14f22b8e762e7dacd9bca>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMeth
  4. Hi, I'm in the lookout for a full stack website developer that would be interested in joining our team. High pay will be given to a experienced developer willing to take part in this important role for us. BM LINK: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/rust/10411588
  5. If a sentry turret not an autoturret, a Sentry Turret is nearby and a playe hops in the cctv station it will kill the player and cause the plugin to glitch causing an error in my console. I'm unsure why it's doing this but quite annoying.
  6. Version 1.0.1


    This python discord bot handler will allow you to display bans directly to your discord server, with it's high configurable capabilities, you can configure this to your liking! The product comes with: - A python code that will fetch your Battlemetrics ban and store them to a json file. - The main python ban handler. - Highly configurable config. - Written Guide too assist you understand the configuration. Features • NSFW Blocker / Inappropriate username blocker • Bans Displayer • Configurable Embed • Separate Python File to store all Battlemetrics ban to JSON file • Pterodactyl Integration • Custom Bot Status • Custom Ban REGEX Configuration { "Refresh Rate": 15, "API Tokens": { "BotToken": "", "Battlemetrics": "", "DeepAI": "", "Steam": "" }, "Discord Channels": { "Bans Channel": 0, "Error Webhook": "" }, "Discord Embed": { "Embed Title": "Ban", "Players Profile Picture (TopRight)": true, "Embed Color": "#FF0000", "Regex Ban Reason": "", "Timestamp": true, "Footer": { "Image URL": "", "Text": "" }, "Fields": { "Target": { "Enabled": true, "Display Title": "Target" }, "Expiry": { "Enabled": true, "Display Title": "Expiry" }, "Reason": { "Enabled": true, "Display Title": "Reason" } } }, "Battlemetrics Information": { "OrganizationID": 0 }, "Bans Database Method": { "Check All Bans": true, "[Information All Bans]": "Check all bans can be slow, and can cause small delays but is recommended if you would like to avoid having duplicate bans being sent!", "Page Size": 100, "[Information_PageSize]": "Min: 1, Max:100 | It is recommended you keep this at 100 and you run the transfer codes, to make sure all of your bans are storred!" }, "Bot Information": { "Bot Prefix": "!", "Customization": true, "Status": "dnd", "Custom Status": "{BanCount} Total bans!", "[Information]": "Available status: dnd/online/offline/idle" }, "DeepAI Integration": { "Enabled": false, "Profanitiy List": ["CussWord1", "CussWord2"], "Replaced Profile Picture":"https://imgur.com/yxrwNL4.png" }, "Pterodactyl Integration": { "Enabled": false, "Pterodactyl Node Status Change": "change this part" } } ( A written guide will be in the product files )
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This plugin allows users with permission to loot turrets while they on. Permissions turretloot.use - Allows the player to access the turret whilst it being on or use the command. Commands /lootturret - Allows the player to loot the turret. ( configurable in configuration file ) Config { "Requires Permission": true, "Use Command": true, "Turret Command Disabled if turret is on": true, "IconSteamID (Leave it to blank if you don't want one)": 0 }


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