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Everything posted by Snivel

  1. Snivel


    So I get this when the plugin loads: [BotReSpawn] A bot at articnade has no weapon. Check your kits. I have the nade in belt and when I make kit I'm also holding one. Do I need to have another weapon in belt?
  2. Snivel


    How to get it to throw the nades? Got one nade and one syringe in belt. The bot agros runs towards you then runs away when you move towards it.
  3. Snivel


    Is it possible to have like 20 bot names in a profile that has 5 bots and it picks the names sequentially or randomly?
  4. Snivel


    Try it and let us know. Unless I try it first, lol. It would be funny if they blow themselves up.
  5. Snivel


    Only when the server is starting up. The topic came up in another thread, and will be addressed in the next update. It's harmless. If you reload the plugin after the server is fully booted, you'll notice the error doesn't come up, but it's not necessary to reload.
  6. Snivel


    I think it has to do with the order of things on boot to do with kits/image library, or even steam item definitions not ready when botrespawn calls on something. I also dont see it when I reload the plugin.
    Steanamaroo has been kicking down killer plugins, and working with us even on Umod. I use at least 5 of his plugins. Just the time he spent with me over the last couple of years on various plugins is worth the $40. Thanks
  7. Snivel


    Anyone know what the "type": 0, variable is? What options are there for this variable? Thanks...
  8. WOW! Steen has been hooking us up, busting his ass writing killer plugins! HOW TF can he even do it for free? It takes hella time, with many all nighters WTF? Just cuz you said this, I'm buying the plugin right now. It's facepunch that always fucks shit over anyways. Plugin developers that do it for free end up losing interest when it's just a hobby. Then the plugins die when rust screws us over like up to 12 times a year, lol.
  9. LOL, just tell us what "NPCPlayerApex" has changed to and us freeloaders with NP++ will just ride this plugin out as is. I dont run a public server but like to plink a few bots on my build server. Thanks Steen even if you wont.
  10. Snivel

    SQL Auth Help

    I just solved this for my situation. Because I upgraded my linux mint 19.3 to 20, it also upgrades my mysql 5.7 to 8.xx, thus changing the default authentication method to 'caching_sha2_password' from 'mysql_native_password'. To fix this I added the line under the [mysqld] section of mysqld.cnf : default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password IDK what it is for windows machines but I believe adding it to the my.cnf also works for both. Basically it's whatever file it runs that has the [mysqld] section. So the higher security databases can still use the newer 'caching_sha2_password' method while lower security like ranks data stuff can still login.


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