alright here are my configs and the server time zone is Singapore
"PVE Enabled": true,
"PVP delay time in seconds(If enabled from ZoneRules)": 0,
"General Rules": {
"Allow Friendly Fire": false,
"Allow Suicide": true,
"Kill Sleepers": false,
"Player Radiation Damage": true
"Player Rules": {
"Player Can Hurt Players": false,
"Player Can Hurt Animals": true,
"Player Can Hurt NPC": true,
"Player Can Damage(Helicopters, Vehicles)": true,
"Player Can Damage Other Player Buildings": false,
"Player Can Damage Own Buildings": false,
"Player Can Damage Own Teammates Building": false,
"Player Can Damage Other Player Twigs": false
"Npc Rules": {
"Npc Can Hurt Players": true,
"Animal Can Hurt Players": true,
"Patrol Heli Can Hurt Player": true,
"Patrol Heli Can Hurt Buildings": true,
"Player SamSite Ignore Players": true,
"Npc SamSite Ignore Players": false,
"Bradley Can Hurt Players": true
"Entity Rules": {
"Walls Entitys Can Hurt Players(Example: High External Wall)": true,
"Barricade Entitys Can Hurt Players(Example: Wooden Barricade)": true,
"MLRS Rocket Can Damage Players or Buildings": false,
"Vehicle Entitys Can Hurt Players(Example: Cars, Mini, ScrapHeli)": true,
"Disable Traps(BearTrap, LandMine, GunTrap, FlameTurret, AutoTurret)": true,
"Enable Vehicle Collsion Damage": true
"Loot Rules": {
"Use Loot Protection": true,
"Admin Can Loot All": true,
"Teams Can Access Loot": true,
"Player can loot other player in PVP Zones": true,
"Anyone can open Player called SupplyDrops": false
"Zone Rules": {
"Use ZoneManager": true,
"Disable PVE Rules In Zones": true,
"Enable PVP Delay from ZoneManager": true
"Notifications": {
"Prefix": "<color=#00ffff>[SimplePVE]</color>: ",
"Chat Avatar": 0,
"Show PVE Icon Overlay": true,
"Show PVE Warning Messages": true,
"PVE Warning Type(Chat/UI/Both)": "Both",
"PVE Warning Chat Message": "PVE enabled on this server, blocking damage.",
"PVE Warning UI Settings": {
"Anchor Min": "0.786 0.722",
"Anchor Max": "0.99 0.815",
"Warning Image URL": ""
"Show Loot Protection Messages": true,
"Loot Protection Type(Chat/UI/Both)": "Both",
"Loot Protection Chat Message": "This entity is protected!",
"Loot Protection UI Settings": {
"Anchor Min": "0.786 0.722",
"Anchor Max": "0.99 0.815",
"Warning Loot UI Image URL": ""
"PVE/PVP Icon UI Settings": {
"Anchor Min": "0.5 0",
"Anchor Max": "0.5 0",
"Offset Min": "190 30",
"Offset Max": "250 60"
"Schedules Setting": {
"UTC Time Difference": 480,
"PVP On Notify Message": "<#F5FF22>Darkness Descends as the Purge Begins PVP Enabled </color>",
"PVE On Notify Message": "<#F5FF22>The Purge Has Ended All PVE Rules Enforced</color>"
"Discord Setting": {
"Enable Discord Notification": true,
"Discord Webhook URL": "",
"Enable Message Before PVP Time Start": true,
"Before PVP Time Start Minutes": 1,
"PVP Message Embed Color(Hexa)": "#990000",
"Before PVP Time Start Message Content": [
" **Attention Hungry Survivors!**",
"PVP purge approaching!",
"In {Minutes} Minutes",
"Prepare yourselves for intense battles! "
"Enable Message Before PVE Time Start": true,
"Before PVE Time Start Minutes": 5,
"PVE Message Embed Color": "#32CD32",
"Before PVE Time Start Message Content": [
" **Attention Rust Survivors!**",
"PVP purge ending soon!",
"In {Minutes} Minutes",
"Make your final moves wisely!",
"Collect your victories and gear up for the next day!"
"Exclude Zone IDs From Rules": [