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Everything posted by Krayon

  1. Krayon

    Installation Issues

    Didn't receive a email for the message, sorry for the late reply. I see it's already been refunded but yeah whole bundle
  2. Krayon

    Installation Issues

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  3. Krayon

    Custom Maps

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  4. Krayon

    Custom Maps

    Resolved in DMs
  5. Krayon

    Map Voting

    Apologies for the late reply. For faster support in the future contact me directly through Discord. 1) This has now been resolved with update v1.1.4 2) I will not be adding any more features, I might make a V2 of this in the future. @newp@Snaplatack
  6. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  7. If you don't know how to install NPM or node then I recommend just refunding it as It would take way too long to guide you through NPM and node. And I provide support regarding Map-Voting not NPM and node. I assume you know how to use them when you buy Map Voting. Googling how to do it will serve you better if you still want to go through with it.
  8. Krayon

    Wont accept normal maps

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  9. Krayon

    Wont accept normal maps

    I don't remember how you exactly need to format it but it says in the command description. Type out the command and then look slightly above the typed out command. You either need to provide a seed and size or the map ID. Example: 4250/1006742266,4250/1491362194
  10. Krayon

    Download invalid

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  11. Krayon

    Download invalid

    Yeah it's a bit buggy, lmk if you have any other issues.
  12. Krayon

    Unable to use custom maps

    Changed Fixed In to 1.1.3
  13. Krayon

    Unable to use custom maps

    Was resolved with newest update
  14. Krayon

    Unable to use custom maps

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  15. Krayon

    Map Voting

    You can manually choose maps and then manually input them with the maps option under /start-voting.
  16. Krayon

    Map Voting

    Custom map support is now added.
  17. Krayon

    Unable to use custom maps

    Please share the link so I can test
  18. Krayon

    Map Voting

    Apologies on not seeing your message here, don't really login unless I have a notification through email. I've had other things come up after that vacation and currently do not have any plans to add it, I'll try to find some time where I can focus on this for a bit. Apologies again.
  19. Krayon

    Map Voting

    If you somehow get the custom maps into a rustmaps share link it should work but should be able to add rustmaps custom map support quite easily Going on vacation for a week or so. Will be done after that.
  20. Krayon

    Map Voting

    RustMaps provides the map image, could make it so you can add a custom image if the map is not on RustMaps and could make it so you have more votes if you have a specific role. Maybe will add these once I have time, not right now.
  21. Krayon

    Map Voting

    Currently does not have any custom map support but I could add Custom map support as long as the map is on RustMaps
  22. Version 1.1.4


    Map Voting is a Discord Bot that mainly utilizes RustMaps to get Map Information and then feeds it to the end user so they can vote on which map they would like on the server(s). Server Owners can easily setup map voting with easy to use commands. Map Voting Features - Start Map Voting Maps are added manually with either their seed/size or their Map ID (Custom Maps work!) or they can be added through a RustMaps share link. The end of a map voting session is set by the server owner on command initialization Channel of the map voting is also set during command initialization After command is used, you will be able to view the maps that have been added - Stop Map Voting Map Voting can be stopped at any time with a command - View Votes After map voting has been stopped, you will be able to view all votes until another one is started as shown in images - Presence Ability to change the bot's status, activity name and activity type with a simple command - Customization Yes and No reactions can be customized to be any Unicode emoji or any Guild emoji (bot has to be in the guild the emoji is from) You can customize the Embed Color, Author Name, Author Icon URL, Author URL Information If you have ANY questions just hop in the Discord and send me a DM. Join the Discord for Support - https://discord.gg/YbkvZWs3a4 (All suggestions are welcome for new features or changes) Setup 1 - Install Node and NPM (Node v16.17.1 & NPM v8.15.0) HIGHLY recommend installing Node v16 or else I'm pretty sure you will encounter issues 2 - Unzip Map-Voting.zip 3 - Open a terminal under the Map-Voting folder and execute the command: npm install 4 - Open config.json and fill in all the required information RustMaps API_Key (https://rustmaps.com/user/profile -> Api Key Button -> Copy) Discord BOT Token (https://discord.com/developers/applications -> Applications -> New Application -> Bot -> Create New Bot -> Reset Token) Guild ID (Enable Developer mode in Discord (https://beebom.com/how-enable-disable-developer-mode-discord/) and then right click on the Guild you will be using the bot in and click "Copy ID") 5 - Run the Bot (Recommend using PM2 for this) Configuration File { "RustMaps": { "API_Key": "" }, "Discord": { "BOT_Token": "", "Guild_ID": "", "Reactions": { "YES_Reaction": "", "NO_Reaction": "" }, "Embed": { "Color_In_HEX": "006B3C", "Author": { "Name": "Map Voting", "IconURL": "", "URL": "" } } } }
  23. Version 1.0.1


    Discord RCON works by utilizing the RCON Protocol, removing the need for any plugins on the server(s). Easily view the FPS, Entity Count, Player Count on your server(s). View the plethora of logs quickly & easily and execute Commands or Actions with a few quick movements. Discord RCON Features - Overall overview of your servers (Player Count, Uptime, Entity Count, FPS) - Easily Stop or Restart your servers - Send RCON Commands - Mute & Unmute Players (Utilizes BetterChatMute or the Native Rust Mute system) - All Actions can have permissions set under the configuration so only specific Roles or Users can use them - Mute System which allows you to automatically mute any players through specified settings Can provide mute length, reason, include team-chat Easily setup filters with Regex and other methods - Plethora of Logs (Connections, Kills, Suspicious Players, F7 Reports, F1 Spawning, Server & RCON ONLINE/OFFLINE, Global/Team CHAT) Suspicious Player Logs can detect VAC Bans, Temporary Rust Bans or Private Profiles All other Logs sent through RCON can also be logged easily and Ignored as needed through the config (Regex, Includes, Equals) All Logs can have different Embed Colors and different channels they send the logs to - Set your bots status on Discord to whatever you like using custom variables Variables hold values for Player Count, Max Player Count, Joining Players, Queued Players, Server Count & More - Have as many servers as you like, there is no limit. - Almost everything is customizable, almost everything can be turned off or on. Information If you have ANY questions just hop in the Discord and send me a DM. Join the Discord for Support - https://discord.gg/YbkvZWs3a4 (All suggestions are welcome for new features or changes) Setup 1 - Install Node and NPM (Node v16.17.1 & NPM v8.15.0) You don't have to install the versions I was using but it would most likely make it easier for you 2 - Unzip Discord-RCON.zip 3 - Open a terminal under the Discord-RCON folder and execute the command: npm install 4 - Open config.json and fill in all the required information ERROR_WEBHOOK_URL is not required but recommended incase errors occur DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN (https://discord.com/developers/applications) - Applications -> New Application -> Bot -> Create New Bot -> Token (Reset if not shown instantly) STEAM_API_KEY (https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey) RUSTBANNED_API_KEY (https://rustbanned.com/api-eac-ban/) - Only needed if using the Suspicious Player Logs TEMP_BAN & VAC_BAN AMOUNT_OF_CONNECTIONS_TO_QUEUE_BEFORE_QUERYING_RUSTBANNED - Recommended to set this higher than 1 (MAX 50,000 QUERIES A DAY) Servers IP, PORT (RCON_PORT), RCON_PASSWORD Enable and Disable the logs and systems you need, make sure to fill in all the information if setting them to enabled IGNORE_MESSAGES_THAT_INCLUDE under SERVER_LOGS means to IGNORE ALL Messages that include the string of characters you insert IGNORE_MESSAGES_THAT_EQUAL under SERVER_LOGS means to IGNORE ALL Messages that equal the string of characters you insert IGNORE_MESSAGES_THAT_MATCH_REGEX under SERVER_LOGS takes in a Regex and if it matches then the Message will not be sent WORD_EQUALS under AUTOMATIC_MUTE_SYSTEM means if a Message has a FULL word in it that matches the one set then it will Mute the Player MESSAGE_INCLUDES under AUTOMATIC_MUTE_SYSTEM means if a Message includes that string of letters AT ALL then it will Mute the Player MESSAGE_REGEX_MATCH under AUTOMATIC_MUTE_SYSTEM takes in a Regex and if it matches then it will Mute the Player 5 - Run the Bot (Recommend using PM2 for this) Configuration File { "ERROR_WEBHOOK_URL": "", "DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN": "", "STEAM_API_KEY": "", "RUSTBANNED_API_KEY": "", "AMOUNT_OF_CONNECTIONS_TO_QUEUE_BEFORE_QUERYING_RUSTBANNED": 1, "DISCORD": { "INFORMATION1": "STATUS_TYPE CAN BE online, idle, invisible or dnd", "INFORMATION2": "STATUS_MESSAGE CAN HAVE SPECIAL VARIABLES", "INFORMATION3": "STATUS_ACTIVITY CAN BE playing, streaming, listening or watching", "VARIABLES1": "{GLOBAL_PLAYERS} {GLOBAL_MAX_PLAYERS} {GLOBAL_JOINING} {GLOBAL_QUEUED} {GLOBAL_JOINING_AND_QUEUED}", "VARIABLES2": "{SERVER_COUNT}", "STATUS_TYPE": "online", "STATUS_MESSAGE": "", "STATUS_ACTIVITY": "" }, "Servers": [ { "IP": "", "RCON_PORT": "", "RCON_PASSWORD": "", "DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID": "", "AUTOMATIC_MUTE_SYSTEM": { "ENABLED": true, "LOGS": { "ENABLED": true, "DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID": "", "EMBED_COLOR_IN_HEX": "72A0C1", "INCLUDE_SERVER_IN_EMBED": true }, "SETTINGS": [ { "REASON": "Extreme Racism", "MUTE_LENGTH (m/h/d/y/perm/permanent)": "12h", "INCLUDE_TEAM_CHAT": false, "WORD_EQUALS": [], "MESSAGE_INCLUDES": [], "MESSAGE_REGEX_MATCH": [] } ] }, "SUSPECT_PLAYER_LOGS": { "INFORMATION": "YOU MUST HAVE AN API KEY FROM https://rustbanned.com FILLED IN", "INFORMATION1": "DONT NEED ONE IF ONLY PRIVATE_PROFILE IS TRUE", "ENABLED": true, "LOGS": { "DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID": "", "EMBED_COLOR_IN_HEX": "AF002A", "INCLUDE_SERVER_IN_EMBED": true }, "LOGGED_TYPES": { "PRIVATE_PROFILE": true, "VAC_BAN": false, "TEMP_BAN": false } }, "RCON_COMMAND_BUTTON": { "ENABLED": true, "LOGS": { "ENABLED": true, "DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID": "", "EMBED_COLOR_IN_HEX": "4F545C", "INCLUDE_SERVER_IN_EMBED": true }, "ROLE_IDs": [], "USER_IDs": [] }, "MUTE_BUTTON": { "INFORMATION": "THIS WILL UTILIZE THE NATIVE RUST MUTE SYSTEM IF BETTER CHAT MUTE IS NOT INSTALLED", "ENABLED": true, "LOGS": { "ENABLED": true, "DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID": "", "EMBED_COLOR_IN_HEX": "72A0C1", "INCLUDE_SERVER_IN_EMBED": true }, "ROLE_IDs": [], "USER_IDs": [] }, "UNMUTE_BUTTON": { "INFORMATION": "THIS WILL UTILIZE THE NATIVE RUST MUTE SYSTEM IF BETTER CHAT MUTE IS NOT INSTALLED", "ENABLED": true, "LOGS": { "ENABLED": true, "DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID": "", "EMBED_COLOR_IN_HEX": "72A0C1", "INCLUDE_SERVER_IN_EMBED": true }, "ROLE_IDs": [], "USER_IDs": [] }, "RESTART_BUTTON": { "ENABLED": true, "LOGS": { "ENABLED": true, "DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID": "", "EMBED_COLOR_IN_HEX": "66B447", "INCLUDE_SERVER_IN_EMBED": true }, "ROLE_IDs": [], "USER_IDs": [] }, "STOP_BUTTON": { "ENABLED": true, "LOGS": { "ENABLED": true, "DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID": "", "EMBED_COLOR_IN_HEX": "D3212D", "INCLUDE_SERVER_IN_EMBED": true }, "ROLE_IDs": [], "USER_IDs": [] }, "SERVER_LOGS": { "ENABLED": true, "DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID": "", "EMBED_COLOR_IN_HEX": "252321", "INCLUDE_SERVER_IN_EMBED": true, "GROUP_AMOUNT_UNTIL_SENT": 1, "IGNORE_SAVING": true, "IGNORE_MESSAGES_THAT_INCLUDE": [], "IGNORE_MESSAGES_THAT_EQUAL": [], "IGNORE_MESSAGES_THAT_MATCH_REGEX": [] }, "SERVER_ONLINE_LOGS": { "ENABLED": true, "DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID": "", "EMBED_COLOR_IN_HEX": "008000", "INCLUDE_SERVER_IN_EMBED": true }, "SERVER_OFFLINE_LOGS": { "ENABLED": true, "DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID": "", "EMBED_COLOR_IN_HEX": "FF0000", "INCLUDE_SERVER_IN_EMBED": true }, "RCON_ONLINE_LOGS": { "ENABLED": true, "DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID": "", "EMBED_COLOR_IN_HEX": "008000", "INCLUDE_SERVER_IN_EMBED": true }, "RCON_OFFLINE_LOGS": { "ENABLED": true, "DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID": "", "EMBED_COLOR_IN_HEX": "FF0000", "INCLUDE_SERVER_IN_EMBED": true }, "SPAWN_LOGS": { "ENABLED": true, "DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID": "", "EMBED_COLOR_IN_HEX": "FFA500", "INCLUDE_SERVER_IN_EMBED": true }, "KILL_LOGS": { "ENABLED": true, "DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID": "", "EMBED_COLOR_IN_HEX": "0000FF", "INCLUDE_SERVER_IN_EMBED": true, "INCLUDE_KILL_COORDINATES": true }, "REPORT_LOGS": { "ENABLED": true, "DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID": "", "EMBED_COLOR_IN_HEX": "808080", "INCLUDE_OFFLINE_PLAYER_REPORT": true, "INCLUDE_SERVER_IN_EMBED": true, "INCLUDE_COMBAT_LOG": true }, "CONNECTION_LOGS": { "ENABLED": true, "DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID": "", "EMBED_COLOR_IN_HEX": "008000", "INCLUDE_SERVER_IN_EMBED": true }, "DISCONNECT_LOGS": { "ENABLED": true, "DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID": "", "EMBED_COLOR_IN_HEX": "FF0000", "INCLUDE_SERVER_IN_EMBED": true }, "CHAT_LOGS": { "INFORMATION": "IF YOUR SERVER IS RUNNING HARDCORE MODE THIS WILL LOG LOCAL CHAT LOGS", "ENABLED": true, "DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID": "", "EMBED_COLOR_IN_HEX": "FFFFFF", "INCLUDE_SERVER_IN_EMBED": true }, "TEAM_CHAT_LOGS": { "ENABLED": true, "DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID": "", "EMBED_COLOR_IN_HEX": "004225", "INCLUDE_SERVER_IN_EMBED": true } } ] }


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