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Quarry Computer 1.5.3

$18.00 $14.99
   (3 reviews)

8 Screenshots

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Would be awesome if teams and clans could access it. (right now its just the person who places it)



2 minutes ago, Perfectangel01 said:

Would be awesome if teams and clans could access it. (right now its just the person who places it)

I will update it either today or tomorrow and add this new option! 😊

  • Love 1


16 hours ago, Perfectangel01 said:

Would be awesome if teams and clans could access it. (right now its just the person who places it)

1.2.0 - What's New

Access Control Options:
Introduced configuration options for controlling access. 

Allow Team Access

Allow Friends Access

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Please not use ttf font, as  "Font = "DroidSansMono.ttf",",Because it will cause the Chinese to not work,and please add  "ItemManager.CreateByName(BaseItemName, 1, QuarrySkinId); item.name = "工业油矿机"; " in config file.

  • Like 1


1 hour ago, 梦幻之旅 said:

Please not use ttf font, as  "Font = "DroidSansMono.ttf",",Because it will cause the Chinese to not work,and please add  "ItemManager.CreateByName(BaseItemName, 1, QuarrySkinId); item.name = "工业油矿机"; " in config file.

I’ll adjust that for you! 😊

  • Love 1


10 hours ago, 梦幻之旅 said:

Please not use ttf font, as  "Font = "DroidSansMono.ttf",",Because it will cause the Chinese to not work,and please add  "ItemManager.CreateByName(BaseItemName, 1, QuarrySkinId); item.name = "工业油矿机"; " in config file.

New version is out!

1.3.0 - What's New

Advanced UI Configuration: Added detailed configuration options for customizing UI elements, including colors and font settings. This enhancement allows server owners to tailor the UI appearance to more closely align with their server's theme.

Bug Fixes: Fixed an issue where items would always retain their level regardless of the configuration setting to not maintain the level upon removal.

  • Like 1


You can change a lot on the UI now.


  • Love 1




Posted (edited)

		private void GiveQuarryCommandCmd(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) => GiveQuarryCommand(arg.Player().IPlayer,"gq",arg.Args);
        private void GiveQuarryCommand(IPlayer iPlayer, string command, string[] args)
			BasePlayer targetPlayer = null;
			if(iPlayer.IsServer || iPlayer.IsAdmin)
				if(args.Length == 1)
					ulong s64id = 0UL;
					ulong.TryParse(args[0],out s64id);
					if(s64id == 0UL)
					targetPlayer = BasePlayer.FindAwakeOrSleepingByID(s64id);
					if(targetPlayer == null)
				var player = iPlayer?.Object as BasePlayer;
				if (player == null)

				if (!iPlayer.HasPermission("quarrycomputer.give"))
					NotifyPlayer(iPlayer, "NoPermission", 1);

				targetPlayer = player;

				if (args != null && args.Length > 0)
					targetPlayer = BasePlayer.Find(args[0]);
					if (targetPlayer == null)
						NotifyPlayer(iPlayer, "PlayerNotFound", 1);

            if (GetPlayerQuarryCount(targetPlayer.userID) >= GetPlayerQuarryLimit(targetPlayer.IPlayer))
                NotifyPlayer(iPlayer, "QuarryLimitReached", 1);

            if (GiveQuarryItem(targetPlayer, 1))
                NotifyPlayer(iPlayer, "QuarrySend", 0);
                NotifyPlayer(targetPlayer, "QuarryReceived", 0);
                NotifyPlayer(iPlayer, "QuarrySend", 0);
                NotifyPlayer(targetPlayer, "QuarryReceived", 0);
                NotifyPlayer(targetPlayer, "QuarryDropped", 1);

If you will add this code, that would be great,it's make Server ConsoleSystem to run it, for example Shop,Kit an so on.

Edited by 梦幻之旅
  • Like 1


is there a command to use when selling it from a shop? eg.: quarrycomputer.give Username

  • Like 1


Yes, just updated new version:

1.3.1 - What's New

Added console command:
gq %steamID%

  • Like 1

Posted (edited)

add pump jack too? saw mill?

Like the ability to have 1 each. a quarry, a pump jack and saw mill

Edited by dfgas


25 minutes ago, dfgas said:

add pump jack too? saw mill?

Like the ability to have 1 each. a quarry, a pump jack and saw mill

Sure! This plugin is an all-in-one solution 😊 You can set everything up—quarry, pump jack, and sawmill—all in one place. Easy and efficient!



how do we make more levels?



please add fuel usage per level, higher the level, the more it should use



12 minutes ago, dfgas said:

how do we make more levels?

You can create more level here:
"Upgrades (Level 2+)": [













9 minutes ago, dfgas said:

please add fuel usage per level, higher the level, the more it should use

Sure! I can definitely add that option in a future update. Thanks for the suggestion! 😊



How can I change the money picture to say RP? It confuses my players.



10 hours ago, Perfectangel01 said:

How can I change the money picture to say RP? It confuses my players.

I can change the image in the plugin, or I can create a setting to allow you to input a URL for the image as well. I'll look into that tomorrow.

  • Love 1


On 11/27/2024 at 4:16 PM, Perfectangel01 said:

How can I change the money picture to say RP? It confuses my players.

Update is out.

  • Love 1


On 11/24/2024 at 12:14 AM, dfgas said:

please add fuel usage per level, higher the level, the more it should use

1.4.0 - What's New

Level-Specific Fuel Configuration
Fuel requirements, extraction intervals, and specific fuel types are now tied directly to the quarry's level.

This allows for more customization and progression as you upgrade your quarry.

  • Like 1


On 11/23/2024 at 9:23 PM, Marte6 said:

You can create more level here:
"Upgrades (Level 2+)": [











so if i want to add another level, just add this?


  "Upgrades (Level 3)": [
      "Fuel Configuration": {
        "Shortname": "lowgradefuel",
        "Resource Extraction Interval In Seconds": 60,
        "Fuel Required Per Extraction": 20
      "Storage Slots": {
        "Fuel": 3,
        "Resources": 12
      "Resources Output Per Extraction": [
          "Shortname": "crude.oil",
          "Amount": 100
          "Shortname": "stones",
          "Amount": 1100
          "Shortname": "metal.ore",
          "Amount": 770
          "Shortname": "sulfur.ore",
          "Amount": 550
          "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore",
          "Amount": 110
      "Required Items To Upgrade": [
          "Shortname": "Economics",
          "Amount": 25000
          "Shortname": "scrap",
          "Amount": 1000
          "Shortname": "pumpkin",
          "Amount": 100



this is just an example



also what is the shortname of the quarry computer? so i can add that as an upgrade



5 minutes ago, dfgas said:

so if i want to add another level, just add this?


  "Upgrades (Level 3)": [
      "Fuel Configuration": {
        "Shortname": "lowgradefuel",
        "Resource Extraction Interval In Seconds": 60,
        "Fuel Required Per Extraction": 20
      "Storage Slots": {
        "Fuel": 3,
        "Resources": 12
      "Resources Output Per Extraction": [
          "Shortname": "crude.oil",
          "Amount": 100
          "Shortname": "stones",
          "Amount": 1100
          "Shortname": "metal.ore",
          "Amount": 770
          "Shortname": "sulfur.ore",
          "Amount": 550
          "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore",
          "Amount": 110
      "Required Items To Upgrade": [
          "Shortname": "Economics",
          "Amount": 25000
          "Shortname": "scrap",
          "Amount": 1000
          "Shortname": "pumpkin",
          "Amount": 100



this is just an example



also what is the shortname of the quarry computer? so i can add that as an upgrade

No, the levels are that way:



how would i add level 4? because i thought i just added another section below that and it wiped my config




6 minutes ago, dfgas said:

how would i add level 4? because i thought i just added another section below that and it wiped my config


  "Use LangAPI Plugin": true,
  "Use Notify Plugin": true,
  "RP Image URL": "https://i.ibb.co/C22VZDj/money.png",
  "Allow Team Access": true,
  "Allow Friends Access": true,
  "Give Quarry Command": [
  "Drop Quarry Item on Destruction": true,
  "No Upgrades (Level 1)": {
    "Fuel Configuration": {
      "Shortname": "diesel_barrel",
      "Resource Extraction Interval In Seconds": 3600,
      "Fuel Required Per Extraction": 1
    "Storage Slots": {
      "Fuel": 1,
      "Resources": 6
    "Resources Output Per Extraction": [
        "Shortname": "crude.oil",
        "Amount": 4
        "Shortname": "stones",
        "Amount": 35
        "Shortname": "metal.ore",
        "Amount": 7
        "Shortname": "sulfur.ore",
        "Amount": 7
  "Upgrades (Level 2+)": [
      "Fuel Configuration": {
        "Shortname": "lowgradefuel",
        "Resource Extraction Interval In Seconds": 30,
        "Fuel Required Per Extraction": 50
      "Storage Slots": {
        "Fuel": 3,
        "Resources": 12
      "Resources Output Per Extraction": [
          "Shortname": "crude.oil",
          "Amount": 6
          "Shortname": "stones",
          "Amount": 50
          "Shortname": "metal.ore",
          "Amount": 10
          "Shortname": "sulfur.ore",
          "Amount": 10
      "Required Items To Upgrade": [
          "Shortname": "Economics",
          "Amount": 25000
          "Shortname": "scrap",
          "Amount": 1000
          "Shortname": "pumpkin",
          "Amount": 100
      "Fuel Configuration": {
        "Shortname": "charcoal",
        "Resource Extraction Interval In Seconds": 20,
        "Fuel Required Per Extraction": 100
      "Storage Slots": {
        "Fuel": 6,
        "Resources": 24
      "Resources Output Per Extraction": [
          "Shortname": "crude.oil",
          "Amount": 10
          "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore",
          "Amount": 10
          "Shortname": "metal.ore",
          "Amount": 30
          "Shortname": "stones",
          "Amount": 100
          "Shortname": "sulfur.ore",
          "Amount": 25
      "Required Items To Upgrade": [
          "Shortname": "scrap",
          "Amount": 5000
          "Shortname": "pumpkin",
          "Amount": 1000
          "Shortname": "cloth",
          "Amount": 10000
          "Shortname": "red.berry",
          "Amount": 1000
          "Shortname": "bone.fragments",
          "Amount": 1000
      "Fuel Configuration": {
        "Shortname": "charcoal",
        "Resource Extraction Interval In Seconds": 20,
        "Fuel Required Per Extraction": 100
      "Storage Slots": {
        "Fuel": 6,
        "Resources": 24
      "Resources Output Per Extraction": [
          "Shortname": "crude.oil",
          "Amount": 10
          "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore",
          "Amount": 10
          "Shortname": "metal.ore",
          "Amount": 30
          "Shortname": "stones",
          "Amount": 100
          "Shortname": "sulfur.ore",
          "Amount": 25
      "Required Items To Upgrade": [
          "Shortname": "scrap",
          "Amount": 5000
          "Shortname": "pumpkin",
          "Amount": 1000
          "Shortname": "cloth",
          "Amount": 10000
          "Shortname": "red.berry",
          "Amount": 1000
          "Shortname": "bone.fragments",
          "Amount": 1000
  "Keep Upgrades On Remove Quarry": true,
  "Profiles": {
    "Default (No Permission)": {
      "Quarry Limit": 1
    "VIP (quarrycomputer.vip Permission)": {
      "Quarry Limit": 1
  "Item Name": "Quarry Computer",
  "UI Configuration": {
    "Font (DroidSansMono.ttf / PermanentMarker.ttf / RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf / RobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf)": "DroidSansMono.ttf",
    "Header": {
      "Background Color": "0.4 0.4 0.4 0.95",
      "Font Color": "1 1 1 1",
      "Close Button": {
        "Background Color": "1 0 0 1",
        "Font Color": "1 1 1 0.5",
        "Font Size": 13
    "Background Color": "0.6 0.6 0.6 0.95",
    "Line Color": "1 1 1 1",
    "Left Panel": {
      "Shadow Color": "0 0 0 0.97",
      "Font Color": "1 1 1 1",
      "Background Color": "0 0 1 1",
      "Remove Button": {
        "Background Color": "0.6 0.6 0.6 0.95",
        "Font Color": "1 0 0 1",
        "Font Size": 14
      "Start Stop Button": {
        "Background Color": "0.6 0.6 0.6 0.95",
        "Font Color": "0 1 0 1",
        "Font Size": 14
      "Stop Stop Button": {
        "Background Color": "0.6 0.6 0.6 0.95",
        "Font Color": "1 0 0 1",
        "Font Size": 14
    "Right Panel": {
      "Shadow Color": "0 0 0 0.97",
      "Font Color": "1 1 1 1",
      "Background Color": "0.5 0 0 1",
      "Upgrade Button": {
        "Background Color": "0.6 0.6 0.6 0.95",
        "Font Color": "0 1 0 1",
        "Font Size": 14
    "Popup": {
      "Overlay Color": "0 0 0 0.9",
      "Shadow Color": "0 0 0 0.85",
      "Border Color": "1 1 1 1",
      "Background Color": "0 0 0 1",
      "Button Color": "0.6 0.6 0.6 0.95",
      "Confirm Button Color": "0 1 0 1",
      "Cancel Button Color": "1 0 0 1"
  "Version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 4,
    "Patch": 0


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Marte6's Collection

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