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Locked Crates 1.0.0

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About Locked Crates

This plugin locks all lootable crates that spawn on the map, set in the config file. Locked crates can only be lootable by the player who has the key for that crate in his inventory. Each time a crate is opened, a key is removed from the inventory.


Plugin locks all crates on the map that spawn. So it also locks crates spawning on events! There may be a "true", "false" conflict for plugins that disable crate loot on the level.  Such as LootDefender, HeliSignal etc..

Keys can be added as custom items in shop or loot table.

The current version of the plugin can lock 6 types of crates:

  • Normal crate: "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab"
  • Tools crate: "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_tools.prefab"
  • Military crate: "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab"
  • Elit crate: "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab"
  • Patrol helicopter crate: "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/heli_crate.prefab"
  • Bradley crate:  "assets/prefabs/npc/m2bradley/bradley_crate.prefab"

No permission.

No command.


  "Version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 0
  "Spawn the keylock on the normal crate? ": false,
  "Normal crate key SkinID": 3429610755,
  "Normal crate key ShortName": "door.key",
  "Spawn the keylock on the tool crate? ": false,
  "Tool crate key SkinID": 3429611176,
  "Tool crate key ShortName": "door.key",
  "Spawn the keylock on the military crate? ": false,
  "Military crate key SkinID": 3429610514,
  "Military crate key ShortName": "door.key",
  "Spawn the keylock on the elite crate? ": false,
  "Elite crate key SkinID": 3429610153,
  "Elite crate key ShortName": "door.key",
  "Spawn the keylock on the patrol helicopter crate? ": false,
  "Patrol helicopter crate key SkinID": 3429610329,
  "Patrol helicopter crate key ShortName": "door.key",
  "Spawn the keylock on the bradley crate? ": false,
  "Bradley crate key SkinID": 3429610971,
  "Bradley crate key ShortName": "door.key",
  "Locked message": "Locked"


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