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Invisibility Cloak 1.2.57

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XD the VANISH is free......

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Apples and Oranges...

Invisibility Cloaks are quite different from the administrator plugin Vanish. You don't give vanish to regular players - it's a good admin tool, not a player tool. Invisibility Cloaks are quite different - they're physical in-game items that are designed for players, and come with restrictions.

But you'd know that if you bothered to read...


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Would it be possible to post a config example in the description? i am particularly interested in the configurable limits and restrictions before I make a purchase.




Below is the default configuration that is created when the plugin is first run. 

Unlike most plugins, mine comes with a 20-page PDF file that provides input on each setting along with default values.


  "MAXCLOAKS: Maxiumum number of cloaks plugin will allow to be created": 500,
  "CLOAKTOGGLE: Cloak ON/OFF toggle using /cloak command. If True, using /cloak will act as a toggle. False = use /decloak": true,
  "DEBUG: Enable debug mode messages to server console window": true,
  "ALLOWCLOAKEDPLAYERTOSHOOT: Allow cloaked players to shoot weapons (considered cheating)": false,
  "ALLOWEXPLOSIVECLOAKED: Allow cloaked players to throw explosives (considered cheating)": false,
  "ENABLECLOAKSOUNDEFFECTS:Enable Invisibility Cloak sound effects": true,
  "CHATNOTIFICATION: Chat notifications when player uses cloak": true,
  "CLOAKSOUNDBROKEN: Sound effect to make when cloak can no longer be used": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/item_break.prefab",
  "SOUNDCLOAKON: Invisibility sound when using cloaking device": "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/effects/rocket_fire.prefab",
  "SOUNDCLOAKOFF: Invisibility sound when cloak timer expires or is shut off": "assets/content/vehicles/mlrs/effects/pfx_mlrs_backfire.prefab",
  "SOUNDCLOAKBATTERYRECHARGED: Cloak battery has recharged sound effect": "assets/prefabs/clothes/night.vision.goggles/sound/battery_change.prefab",
  "SOUNDCLOAKDEVICEREBOOTED: Cloaking device has rebooted sound effect": "assets/prefabs/tools/pager/effects/beep.prefab",
  "SHOWBATTERYSTATUSWITHICON: Use varying colors of Cloak Icon to convey battery decline in UI": true,
  "CLOAKICONURL: Normal Cloaking Icon URL for UI (.png or .jpg)": "https://www.dropbox.com/s/vh884tfbx1lm74i/CloakingDeviceIcon_100_174x174.png?dl=1",
  "SHOWICONWHENCLOAKED: Display Cloak UI element when Cloaked": true,
  "CHECKTIMERFREQUENCYINSECONDS: How frequently we check for cloaking state changes - set to check every 5 seconds for default": 5,
  "IMAGECOLOR: Image Color": "1 1 1 0.66",
  "IMAGEANCHOR: Image AnchorMin": "0.88 0.26",
  "IMAGEANCHORMAX: Image AnchorMax": "0.94 0.36",
  "CLOAKDATASTOREFILENAME: Cloak Data Store filename": "InvisibilityCloakUserStore",
  "CLOAKITEMSTOREFILENAME: Filename containing storage for all Invisibility cloak ITEMS": "InvisibilityCloakItemStore",
  "TELEPORTONCLOAKTERMINATION: Teleport after decloaking. If true, user will be teleported to a preset location when cloaking turns off.": false,
  "TELEPORTLOCATION: Teleportation coordinates for cloak termination teleport. NOTE: use the /setcloak teleport command in game to set.": [
  "PROHIBITENTRYTORAIDABLEBASE: Prevent cloaked users from entering Raidable bases while cloaked. (False allows cloaked users to enter raid base.)": true,
  "INVISIBILITYCLOAKITEMCONFIG: Rust wearable item and skin ID to use for invisibility cloak (Base item name is: jacket 'Vagabond Jacket')": {
    "RustShortName": "jacket",
    "RustItemID": -1163532624,
    "CustomSkinID": 2843424058
  "CLOAKLEVELS: Add/remove as needed. Each level defines cloak skin, run time, recharge time and how many re-charges before breaking.": [
      "Level": 1,
      "Name": "Beggar Cloak",
      "BaseCloakSeconds": 150,
      "BaseRechargeSeconds": 600,
      "BaseRechargesRemaining": 5,
      "BaseSecsToReboot": 500,
      "TrickleRate": 0.07,
      "SkinID": 2843424058,
      "OverrideMask": 0,
      "RustShortName": null,
      "RustItemID": 0,
      "CustomSkinID": 0
      "Level": 2,
      "Name": "Peasant Cloak",
      "BaseCloakSeconds": 200,
      "BaseRechargeSeconds": 500,
      "BaseRechargesRemaining": 10,
      "BaseSecsToReboot": 450,
      "TrickleRate": 0.075,
      "SkinID": 2953551333,
      "OverrideMask": 0,
      "RustShortName": null,
      "RustItemID": 0,
      "CustomSkinID": 0
      "Level": 3,
      "Name": "Apprentice Cloak",
      "BaseCloakSeconds": 220,
      "BaseRechargeSeconds": 500,
      "BaseRechargesRemaining": 15,
      "BaseSecsToReboot": 400,
      "TrickleRate": 0.085,
      "SkinID": 2953550542,
      "OverrideMask": 0,
      "RustShortName": null,
      "RustItemID": 0,
      "CustomSkinID": 0
      "Level": 4,
      "Name": "Bard Cloak",
      "BaseCloakSeconds": 240,
      "BaseRechargeSeconds": 400,
      "BaseRechargesRemaining": 20,
      "BaseSecsToReboot": 350,
      "TrickleRate": 0.1,
      "SkinID": 2953550080,
      "OverrideMask": 0,
      "RustShortName": null,
      "RustItemID": 0,
      "CustomSkinID": 0
      "Level": 5,
      "Name": "Thief Cloak",
      "BaseCloakSeconds": 260,
      "BaseRechargeSeconds": 400,
      "BaseRechargesRemaining": 25,
      "BaseSecsToReboot": 300,
      "TrickleRate": 0.125,
      "SkinID": 2953550893,
      "OverrideMask": 0,
      "RustShortName": null,
      "RustItemID": 0,
      "CustomSkinID": 0
      "Level": 6,
      "Name": "Cutthroat Cloak",
      "BaseCloakSeconds": 300,
      "BaseRechargeSeconds": 300,
      "BaseRechargesRemaining": 30,
      "BaseSecsToReboot": 250,
      "TrickleRate": 0.18,
      "SkinID": 2953545770,
      "OverrideMask": 0,
      "RustShortName": null,
      "RustItemID": 0,
      "CustomSkinID": 0
  "VERSION: Plugin Version (Read only)": "1.2.53"



Any chance of making the cloak status work with custom status bars?



There's always a *chance* - but a much better one if I knew *which* custom status bar (e.g. plugin name) and how you envision it to work. 🙂



How would I add these cloaks to the loot tables so players can find them in crates or drops, for example? 



On 1/16/2024 at 1:45 PM, krlsmnk said:

How would I add these cloaks to the loot tables so players can find them in crates or drops, for example? 

I've not looked into doing that - mostly because it would definitely require a code update due to the way cloaks are created and handled to prevent exploits. This marks the first request for loot table inclusion, so I'll poke around and see what it will take to accomplish what you're asking. No promises, but if it's not more than an hour or so, I'll be happy to send out an update.




Under the introduction of the plugin, can I understand this configuration file as the number of seconds that can be used before charging is complete? However, it has no effect




Hi Gust!

BaseCloakSeconds (the highlighted line) is the number of seconds that the IC effect lasts in game. You presently appear to have that set to about 10.5 days (900K seconds), which is pretty long if I might say. With that set to such a long duration, the player will never see the IC battery run down or go into recharge state. With a 10.5 day battery, a player could remain cloaked an entire wipe cycle if they turned it off and let it trickle charge even just a few hours.

All IC's use TrickleCharge -- if a cloak is in the partially discharged state, the 'TrickleRate' value specifies how quickly the battery recharges. This is done over a span of time. A cloak with a 10.5 day battery life will take a LONG time to trickle-charge if someone was on for 10.5 days with it running continuously. 🙂 (e.g. totally discharged.)   You can speed up the trickle-charge process by trying a higher value in 'TrickleRate.' The closer you get to '1' the faster it will charge. IIRC, a '1' will just make the cloak recharge instantly.

If you just want the one cloak in your server you can ignore the other 5 and set them with the 'BaseCloakSeconds' of 0 or just leave the config alone.

I designed the TrickleRate so that higher quality cloaks have faster TrickleRates. So the lowest quality cloak might have a .10 charge rate and for instance, your highest level cloak might have a .45 charge rate (you can also flip this, so that higher quality cloaks while lasting longer, take longer to recharge... all up to you!)

Hope this helps.

You are welcome to contact me on Discord (see the PDF) if you need more immediate assistance. 


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