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Scientific Cargo 1.0.0

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About Scientific Cargo

Welcome to my Scientific Cargo monument ,many areas inside the cargo to explore with mid to high end loot and several levels of green ,blue and red puzzles.

Quick start.

    Extract the zip file into your RustEdit installation folder.
    Click Prefabs at the top and open your Prefabs list.
    Place the monument at a height of 3,600 minimum from sea level.
    splat topology and heightmap and you are done, just name the monument with "Monument-Marker".

it is needed: 
1 green card 
1 blue card, loot in monument
1 red card
1 fuse

32 Scientists 
7 scarecrows
34 loot barrel
9 oil barrel 
10  crate normal 
20 crate normal 2
3 crate elite

crates foot


If you need to contact me send me a private message or write me on Discord.   j4v1rust

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