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Entity Limiter

Fusion 3.64

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I think the public would benefit from it.
But if it's not too much I'd pay to get it off the ground.

Nothing too advanced. Just what's stated.
I mean there can be VIP limits and the like. I guess that would make sense to add.
I assume other users would want that.

Edited by thepiercedweirdo
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Basically Like this https://umod.org/plugins/entity-limit
But I'm just interested in having it limit all deployable items. Quarries, TCs, Turrets, High Walls, electronics, stuff like that.
Pretty sure the fact that it handles building blocks is why it needs to use the "other" shortnames.

The umod plugin does the job for the most part. But having to use the alt shortnames is a pain since I and many users have mostly learned all the standard ones. And it doesn't tell players why they can't place anything else. Which kinda kills the plugin. It creates the lang file. But that's about it. So telling the players why they can't place anything is a very important part.

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