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How to colour background of images?

Closed 1.0.0



I wonder how you coloured the background of the button images.



All artwork is done in Affinity or Photoshop. The coloured section is a layer (Rounded Rectangle) in the PSD or AfPhoto file.
If you're struggling to create icons for your personal use, let me know and I can edit them for you.


Posted (edited)

Oh, this would be great. I'm not good at this.

I would like to add Transport Copter, Horse, Hot Air Balloon, Rowboat and RHIB for letting people spawn them via phone button.

Also needed would be an image for kits, player statistics, skinning an item, autodoor enabling/disabling, building a rocket turret, building an elevator and

activating pet control of a pet plugin.

I use the workbench item for now for standard "/home 1" command for NTeleportation but maybe you would have a better solution.

Edited by Kleementin


Join the CF Discord and then we can sort it from there or pm etc...



I just noticed that it's not possible to connect a home command to a button cause the command always has to be "/home and space after that before writing 1 e.g.

Clicking the command only uses "home" and the rest is missing. That's why you get "Unknown command: home".



should be able to... same way i use scopes in the video.. as long as it is within the quotations.. without the slash..



I am actually having the same problem.

When I put this in:

"Command For Place One": "skin shop",


"Command For Place One": "/skin shop",

It comes up with UNKNOWN COMMAND skin ...ignores anything with a space after.

Any other route to make spaced chat commands go through?

I tried also chat.say /skin shop and chat.say skin shop but it comes up with UNKNOWN COMMAND chat.say



thats very odd... should be what ever you put in chat minus the /
so if "/skin shop" works in chat the plugin should fire it off



Yea its odd, I am not seeing a way to get it to take. We did have that hot fix update yesterday for client updates so maybe something with it is getting in the way. Luckily I mod a little myself so I probably just redo the commands in the original CS file for a few of the mods that are setup this way......to omit the need for a space as a work around, seemed to work that way.

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An other way would be to change the command to e.g. "/skin".


Posted (edited)

The plugin fires the command with

arg.Player().SendConsoleCommand("chat.say", "/" + configData.NumberCommand);

which is the same as the player opening chat and sending / and the command.
What skin plug are you using?

Edited by MikeHawke


Its PlayerSkins over at Chaos Code...I got a chat.say bind for it so it works but it calls for the extra "" like this chat.say "/skin shop" in order for it to take with the space convention in it.

I tried it that way but it has a JSON error when I do it due to the "" in there already



@Kleementin The only problem there is that /skin also is a command in PlayerSkins to reskin items. So I am gonna just change in the PlayerSkins CS file the command to be /skinshop ....seems to resolve it ...I can just let our players know of the change in our Discord, shouldn't be a huge ordeal

Its a great mod @MikeHawke....I been looking for something like this that you can customize and ease up the need for so many chat commands to remember



At least its working for you .. I'll have a look into it too... it shouldn't be that fussy and the script i tested with also has a space... got some future suggestions to tick off the list and more icons to add too... so keep an eye for an update 😄

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